ocean hunter

Chapter 591

Chapter 591
It doesn't matter if you don't order it, and Kenjiro Sekiki doesn't intend to sell it all at once, and the supply is still limited.

In this way, today's quota is quickly exhausted, and the rest can only order other bluefin tuna, which is more than one meter long.

Kenjiro Sekiki waved his hand, and two Sakura girls came to Shirley's table with a serving of tuna sashimi.

"Smith Marseille, excuse me, bluefin tuna belly sashimi, please enjoy."

A cherry blossom girl knelt down, took the dishes from the tray in the hands of the girl next to her, put them on the table, and then turned and left.

Shirley and the others stared at each other with wide eyes: "I'll go! What's going on!"

"Boss Guan is too generous."

They could see clearly that this sashimi was from that top-quality tuna, and it had a belly as white as jade.

Kenjiro Sekiki nodded to this side with a smile. Although this dish is very expensive, it is nothing to this whole fish.

What's more, what he sent out can be regarded as the cost price. When converted, this sashimi is only 600 yuan. This fish brought him a lot of wealth, and he earned enough.

As long as he continues to cooperate with Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li, he believes that there will be bluefin tuna of this quality in the future.

So he didn't hesitate to give away a very expensive sashimi to please Shirley. It only cost 600 yuan, but he gave away thousands of yuan for friendship. This deal is very cost-effective.

Or as a businessman, Kenjiro Sekiki's emotional intelligence can be said to be very high, and it is not just luck and two brushes that can carry forward his family's ancestral business.

"Okay, since Boss Guan gave it to you, let's stop being disrespectful and let's eat."

"Wait, wait, I'll take a photo and send it to Little Donkey Oppa." Xue Li took out her phone, took a photo of the tuna sashimi, sent it to Lu Xiaolu, and also sent a voice message.

"Little donkey Ouba, the authentic bluefin tuna sashimi with a big belly is still the 400 kg one we caught, just these few slices are 3888."

Lu Xiaolu was tired from work and was eating bananas when she saw the news and smiled knowingly: "You can brag."

He didn't believe that Shirley would be willing to buy this thing to eat. It's still 3888, 38 is about the same, it's made of salmon.

When the snowman saw that he didn't believe it, he was very angry.

"He still doesn't believe it, ahem, well, Mizi, Cheng Min, I'll take two pieces back, and bring them back to give this country bumpkin a lot of insight."

Both Cheng Min and Mi Zi suppressed their laughter and waved their hands again and again: "No objection, no objection, that is, if he dares to believe it or not, take it back and let him see it."

As he spoke, he asked the waiter for the take-out bag, put half of the sashimi fillets into it, and thoughtfully put some ice cubes in it to keep it chilled.

How could they not understand Xue Li's thought, and wanted to take it back for Lu Xiaolu to eat, but they didn't expose her.

Xue Li didn't realize that her little thoughts had been seen through, and she was a little proud of her wit, humming a ditty, and carefully put the bag of tuna sashimi aside.

Miko also pointed the camera at the dishes on the table, mainly the plate of tuna sashimi, while explaining.

"I believe everyone has heard that this plate of bluefin tuna belly sashimi was cut from the 385 kg tuna just now."

Then I picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it in front of the camera: "Look at the texture of this fish, come on, do you see it clearly? This small piece costs 200 yuan."

A plate of sashimi is 20 pieces, and 3888 yuan is 194.4 per piece. It is not too much to say that 200 yuan per slice.

Miko took a piece of fish, dipped it in wasabi and light soy sauce, and put it in front of the camera.

"Thank you, I won't eat."

"200 yuan a mouthful, my god."

"One sip, I lost my wages for a day."

"Two days for me."

"I have three days."

"I am a month."

"Also, you can turn the camera around. Don't you think we don't know who it is? I heard it just now. It's Shirley. She also said that she wanted to bring the tuna back to Lu Xiaolu to eat. Isn't that the captain brother?"

"Listen to the voice, there is a girl next to her, and her accent is very similar to Shirley, so she must be Korean, right?"

"Honey, we don't want to watch you eat tuna anymore, we want to watch Korean girl Smecta."

"Yeah, we can't afford it anyway, so why not look at the girl."

"Can't afford +1."

It's a pity that Miko didn't pay attention to it. She is a food blogger, and all she does is food-related programs, and she doesn't want to mix other things, not to mention the danger of exposing her friends.

In today's society, people's hearts are complicated, there are dragons and snakes mixed up on the Internet, and there are everyone, especially those who do self-media, so be especially careful.

She has suffered a lot, but she is extra cautious about this aspect.

After describing the texture and taste of tuna sashimi in detail, and emphatically introducing this Sekiguan restaurant, she then turned off the live broadcast and smiled apologetically at Shirley and Cheng Min: "I'm sorry, the work is just over now, Come, I'll punish myself with a drink."

As he spoke, he drank the bitter tea in one gulp. They all came by car, so it was inconvenient to drink.

Miko has also earned money recently, and bought a scooter, Corolla, although it is not as good as Shirley and Cheng Min's Beetle, but it is also bought with the money she earned, which is quite good.

In addition to tuna sashimi, there are also many other normal daily dishes, such as sukiyaki, cod, takoyaki, squid and so on.

The sashimi of 3888 was given away. Of course, Kenjiro Sekiki, who is not worth much, will not be stingy.

Shirley rolled her eyes, and said with some coyness: "Boss Guan is so polite, he gave so much, we can't finish it, so it's a waste."

Mizi and Cheng Min both looked clear, snapped their fingers, called the waiter, and asked for some packing boxes and packing bags.

Shirley pretended to be a little bit, and at the same time explained: "Bring it back to Xiaohei Xiaobai to eat. I eat dog food every day, and I'm tired of cat food."

Both Cheng Min and Mizi nodded and helped her pack together: "Well, that's right, come on, bring some of this cornbread too."

"And this tempura is also delicious, the cherry shrimp used, Xiaobai will definitely like it."

Shirley nodded her head wildly: "That's right, but don't put too much, we have to have enough to eat."

"Enough is enough."

Every dish was packed a bit, and several boxes were packed, and put aside, Xue Li smiled contentedly.

"Come, come, eat vegetables, eat vegetables."

Mizi suddenly laughed with a "puchi": "Sister Xueli, did you have a dinner with Brother Xiaolu when you came home?"

Shirley was taken aback: "No, what's wrong."

"Then do you know what a sage is?"

"I don't know, what is it?"

Mizi laughed until her stomach ached: "Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, if I go to a wedding next time, I will definitely take you with me, Zicai must be amazing."

(End of this chapter)

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