ocean hunter

Chapter 548 Sunbathing

Chapter 548 Sunbathing

A few people still have something to say, but there is no way, good things always pass in a flash, some in a flash, some in a year or two, and some are just a lifetime, and they will all come to an end.

It was time to prepare lunch. The task of fishing was handed over to Cheng Min and Xiao Nan. The two of them had never fished before, and Shirley was on the sidelines to guide them.

The bait Lu Xiaolu bought before was used to make the nest. Although it is the bait of freshwater fish, it can make do, as long as it is attracted to it.

She didn't bring earthworms or anything, so Shirley ran to the kitchen: "Little Donkey Oppa, cut some chicken for me to use as bait."

Lu Xiaolu was preparing lunch, so he cut up two pieces of chicken and handed them to Xue Li: "Here, here you are."

Shirley's face darkened: "How can you use it so big? Cut it smaller, and your fingers will be fine."

"oh oh."

"Then you prepare first, I will come and help you later."

"No, I can handle it. You can play outside and wait for dinner."

Shirley bared her teeth and said, "Thank you for your hard work, little donkey Oppa."

Today I use a hand rod, which is easier to use and has a float. Under Shirley’s guidance, I adjusted it to a depth of two meters. I mainly fished pelagic fish.

Lu Xiaolu fried three or four side dishes, green pepper tripe shreds, cumin mutton, fat sausage and mushrooms and green vegetables, and I will eat these at noon, and the barbecue will be until evening, and there is nothing to grill on the boat right now. I have to wait for the fish to be caught. He will find a reef later to get some oysters and scallops.

The rice was not ready yet, Lu Xiaolu wiped his hands on the apron and went outside to watch them fishing.

Shirley was very willing to spread the nest materials, and she sprinkled most of the bag of nest materials with two hand poles, and the fish had already started.

Cheng Min and Xiao Nan were very happy to carry the fish, they basically threw it down and ate it.

Hand rod fishing is simple, just lift it up, very leisurely and relaxed.

Xiaonan's float moved again, and he lifted the fishing rod excitedly. The fish was still unwilling to come up in the water, the fishing rod was bent, and the material of the handle was soft, which is also normal.

Before leaving the water, due to the tension of the water surface and the strength of the fish itself, it can always exert [-]% of its strength. Xiao Nan pulls very hard but feels very exciting. He also refuses Lu Xiaolu's help and has to do it alone. .

There is no need to use the net at this level. The fish dragged the fishing line for a while, and then was dragged to the surface of the water by Xiao Nan. It was a beautiful golden thread fish with three days of yellow lines on its body, and another line had grown to the top of the water. behind the tail.

Xiao Nan shouted happily: "It's Hong San! It's so big!"

Local people call golden thread fish red three, or yellow thread.

Lu Xiaolu nodded: "That's right, there's another one for the barbecue tonight."

When Xiaonan lifted it hard, the golden thread fish was pulled away from the water surface, losing the tension and focus of the water surface, the golden thread fish had no capital to struggle, its mouth was hooked by the hook, and it could not even be moved.

Xiao Nan stretched out his hand to grab the fishing line and brought it over. He untied it happily and put it into the bucket at his feet.

Xiaobai wobbled around restlessly, crouched down, and then jumped up suddenly. She was hugged by Xueli and put down while still in the air.

"You are stupid, there is water, and there is no way to bathe you here."


Xiao Bai still didn't give up, and jumped again. Xue Li's hand had been waiting, and was successfully intercepted again.

Anyway, Shirley had nothing to do, so she squatted aside and spent time with it. Xiaobai tried four or five times, and even changed directions, but was stopped by her. It was quite interesting, and Shirley smiled brightly.

Cheng Min caught a small crucian carp: "Here, this fish is small, let it eat."

Xiaobai finally got his wish and ate the fish.

The frigate bird flew away, and I don't know where it went, maybe it was preying.

It's good to fly away, but it will be released into the wild after all, Lu Xiaolu is also happy, but Shirley keeps saying that Xiaohong is reluctant to leave.

However, after eating at noon, Xiaohong came back again and fell asleep on the cable in front of the cabin.

Lu Xiaolu thought that this frigate bird really used this place as a nest?
The two deck chairs and Lu Xiaolu's bed were moved to the deck and placed side by side. Cheng Min and Shirley Xiaonan lay on the deck and sunbathed together. There was a small table next to them, each with a glass of wine.

It's just that they didn't buy a bikini, which made several people quite regretful, so let's make do with it.

Lu Xiaolu took his diving equipment and rowed away in a kayak. About ten meters to the left of the Golden Sailfish, there was a submerged reef, the water was not deep, and it was covered with barnacles, shells, and oysters. Abalone, small abalone, oyster and other creatures.

These all grow on reefs. Except for the relatively large sea oysters, oysters and small abalones are relatively small.

Especially abalone, the meat inside is the size of a fingernail, but it tastes delicious.

The highest point of this submerged reef is less than one meter deep from the sea surface, and it is so dark that it can stand directly on it, so Xue Li felt relieved to let him come here alone.

Just as Lu Xiaolu arrived here, a small porpoise swam past his feet. In the shallow water, there were only small fish fry, and it was impossible to catch them.

Because it is far away from the sand and the water in the open sea is very clear, Lu Xiaolu can see her feet when she walks in relatively shallow places.

He has already seen it, there are no big fish here, at most there are a few crabs hidden in it, and some are a little small, the big ones have been eaten by seabirds.

Those small abalones, oysters and oysters are everywhere, so you don’t need to look for them deliberately. You need to dig from a relatively shallow place first. You don’t even need to dive, just squat down.

He could reach it with his hand, took out a dagger and stuck it in the gap of a small abalone, and with a forceful jerk, the small abalone broke away from the stone, Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand to grab it, and a small abalone was in his hands, he put it in the bucket and continued digging.

He spent hundreds of dollars on this knife, which is not in vain. The material is tough and there is no hole in it.

Shirley, Cheng Min and Xiaonan were lying on the deck basking in the sun, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were also lying on the deck playing and playing when they were full, not far away, Lu Xiaolu was squatting on the reef leisurely The abalone and oysters are leisurely raised, and the scene is peaceful and peaceful.

After a while, Lu Xiaolu dug out half of the bucket, which weighed four to five catties.

After digging this area, Lu Xiaolu moved to another place, and there were some dark things in the water, like fur balls.

Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand and grabbed one, it turned out to be a sea urchin, what a surprise, sea urchin is a good thing, it can be baked with eggs in it, these high-end western restaurants have this dish.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand to continue to pick it up. These things are similar to sea cucumbers, they all live together, and there are small groups of one by one, distributed not far away, there is one more than ten centimeters apart.

He was like picking up coins. After picking up one, there was another. After a while, he picked up a dozen or so.

But the water started to get deeper and deeper, and it had already reached Lu Xiaolu's buttocks, and his head was stuck in the water when he picked it up.

(End of this chapter)

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