ocean hunter

Chapter 523 A New Use of Crayfish

Chapter 523 A New Use of Crayfish

After several times of pressure adaptation, Lu Xiaolu finally came to the bottom of the sea, his goal is clear, those big lobsters and crabs.

As for the lionfish, he dare not touch it, it needs professional tools,

It is just a stick with a rope buckle on the front, which can be used to catch the fish when it is buckled by the head of the fish. Many diving fishermen use it. It is very useful for catching lobsters and fish.

But Lu Xiaolu and the others didn't have this equipment on board, and they didn't think about it, so they can buy one next time.

The water depth is 10~15, both the pressure and the buoyancy are very large, so Lu Xiaolu should try to stay in a shallower place.

He didn't know what it was like to be on the moon, but he felt that the moon was just like this. With a slight wave of his hand, he swam forward two meters and almost didn't fly. He finally managed to control it. There were two Red and white clownfish swim by.

There is a big lobster in the front left, and Lu Xiaolu was about to catch it, when he suddenly felt his foot hit, knocking him over, and a trapeze came.

After he managed to stabilize, he realized that it was a big turtle, and he had blocked its path just now.

Lu Xiaolu didn't care about it, and managed to get to the lobster, but was hit by the turtle and ran a long way, and had to swim forward again.

Without the threat of tuna, those lobsters stopped hiding in their holes and began to come out to look for food, looking for small fish and shrimp among coral reefs and seaweeds. Shellfish, sea urchins, and seaweeds were all their food.

After they got out of the cave, Lu Xiaolu realized that these lobsters were not only the ones he saw, but also did not know where they all got out of.

Most of these lobsters are green lobsters, and there are also two beautiful lobsters.The length is about 20 to 35 centimeters, and the weight is two or three catties, and the big one is about five catties and eight catties.

There are also swimming crabs, orchid crabs, bread crabs, etc., which are night owls who are very active at night.

The lobster that came out of the hole was very flexible. Before Lu Xiaolu came to him, it shrank its buttocks and flicked it violently, as if it had installed a battery. All over the face.

Hasty, patronizing to bring weapons, did not bring a net, you can't kill them with a spear gun.

With bare hands, just relying on a pocket, Lu Xiaolu is no match for these sea elves, and he can't catch up at all.

After finally setting up an ambush and catching a silly splendid lobster, Lu Xiaolu's watch trembled, indicating that the time was approaching.

There was no other way, Lu Xiaolu could only stuff the lobster into his pocket, and when he kicked on the ground, he floated up. As a result, he rushed too fast, and the underpants were washed away by the water pressure.

Lu Xiaolu blushed and quickly grabbed his pants and put them on, fortunately this is the bottom of the sea and there are no other people, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

After staying three meters above the sea surface for a while to adapt to the pressure, Lu Xiaolu finally emerged from the water and climbed onto the boat.

I wanted to go to that rock, but I was afraid that there would be a sea snake hidden in it, so I didn't go.

"Wang Wang!"

As soon as Lu Xiaolu boarded the boat, he found that Xiao Hei was not asleep, and had been waiting for him at the stern of the boat, watching him come up, wagging his tail happily, and circled around him twice.

Lu Xiaolu patted his head in satisfaction: "Not bad, he still has a conscience, knowing that he is worried about me."

The lobster in the pocket was still moving, and it immediately attracted Xiao Hei's attention, and he went up to grab it.

Lu Xiaolu pushed it away, picked up the bag, went to the living water tank, and dumped the lobster in it.

Xiao Hei had obviously found the frigate bird sleeping at the door of the cabin, and for some reason he didn't bite it, but just stood aside and stared at it for a while, his eyes were very funny.

Lu Xiaolu didn't plan to continue going into the water, as it would consume a lot of energy in one trip, and she might suffer from cramps if she goes down again.

When I came to the bathroom, I simply took a shower to wash off the sea water on my body to prevent bacteria and salt from remaining on my body. Lu Xiaolu hurriedly put on clothes on the boat, good guy, it was colder than being at the bottom of the sea.

But he can't just let it go. After a long time of fiddling, he just got a lobster. This is not his style.

So, Lu Xiaolu summoned the crayfish up, controlled it to swim to the stern, fished it up, and then went back to the captain's cabin to figure out how to use it to catch those lobsters.

Originally, he wanted to tie a hook to catch, but Lu Xiaolu suddenly thought of a better way, which is a live hook trap.

As soon as he said it, Lu Xiaolu immediately found a piece of nylon rope, cut it off about half a meter long, tied one end to the crayfish's tail, and looped the other end back to form a big loose buckle.

Lu Xiaolu stretched out his fingers and pulled lightly in the rope buckle, and the rope buckle immediately slid down, shrinking from a basketball-sized hoop to the bottom, and tied it to Lu Xiaolu's finger.

Then he pulled one end of the rope, and the loop was immediately pulled open again, forming a big hole in the basketball.

Lu Xiaolu nodded in satisfaction, and then put the crayfish into the water.

Lu Xiaolu was not in a hurry, made a cup of hot coffee, took a sip, lay down on the captain's chair, held the mobile phone horizontally, and controlled the crayfish to start diving as if playing a game.

In order to be able to see the rope buckle clearly, Lu Xiaolu deliberately made the crayfish run backwards. This kind of rope buckle will not easily become a dead buckle, unless something is caught in the dead buckle and then it is caught as soon as it runs.

Catch rabbits in the same way, get a small stick, tie a noose, stick it on the ground, get a few more, put a dozen or so in a space.

There are times when the rabbit doesn’t have eyes, and it’s okay to step on it with its feet. As soon as it moves, it trips over the rope, and the noose immediately shrinks, binding the rabbit’s legs.

This kind of button will only get tighter and tighter, and you can't escape it. Let alone a rabbit, even a fox can catch it. If it is replaced with a stronger one, wild boars are no problem.

This kind of trap is very simple and easy to make, just a rope and a stick. Lu Xiaolu has done it before and wanted to sell some wild rabbits, but there were too many people hunting wild rabbits in his hometown at that time. The one who was chased by a dog on a motorcycle, and the one who drugged him was not part of him, so he was caught twice.

I didn't expect that this kind of trap could be used in the ocean one day, and it was combined with crayfish to make a mobile trap.

A new usage of crayfish was developed. Lu Xiaolu was very happy, and began to think that if it was replaced with other materials, which were stronger, it would be more powerful.

And there is another advantage of this kind of trap, that is, you can make the loop as big as you want.

At this time, the crayfish has come to the bottom of the sea and swam up to the big green lobster. The trap needs to be set by people. You can use your hands on the shore, but you can only use the crayfish on the bottom of the sea.

The toughness of the nylon rope is average, and it does not form a regular circle at this time. At least it has sunk. Lu Xiaolu controlled the crayfish to pull twice, and arranged it in a circle, blocking the way of the green lobster. .

(End of this chapter)

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