ocean hunter

Chapter 522

Chapter 522
After fixing the fishing rod, Lu Xiaolu returned to the captain's cabin, and while driving the boat to chase the tuna, he looked at the crayfish below.

Because the bluefin tuna was eating and didn't swim very fast, Lu Xiaolu quickly caught up with it, and the hook with a large string of sardines was also dragged to him, and slowly passed by it.

Lu Xiaolu slowed down the speed of the boat and watched the movement of the tuna with breathless concentration.

The bluefin tuna shook its head and found an octopus hiding in the sand. The color of the octopus blended with the environment of the seabed, and it was the same color as the sand.

Lu Xiaolu didn't realize it at the time, until the bluefin tuna bumped into the octopus and bit its head, and the eight tentacles desperately pulled it to attach to the tuna's face.

If it’s okay to deal with small fish, it’s a pity that it’s a tuna. Its head was blown off in an instant, and its tentacles were let down weakly. In the end, it was swallowed by the bluefin tuna in two bites.

The mimic octopus, a non-toxic mollusc invertebrate, has no means of fighting back against large predators, but it can change its color and shape at will.

In the face of natural enemies, it usually transforms into a poisonous snake or a tiger fish to scare away the enemy. It can also blend in with the surrounding environment like a chameleon. It can be called a master of cross-dressing in the ocean.

Unfortunately, this octopus was touched by the tuna before it could turn into a poisonous snake, and then swallowed it in one bite.

At this time, the four sardines wandered to the front of the bluefin tuna. In the past, it was not easy for the bluefin tuna to eat sardines. They usually gather in groups in the upper layer of the sea. Big tunas don’t like to appear on the sea surface, only occasionally fish schools To the bottom will cause them to chase.

Of course, the bluefin tuna that was not full would not let go of the delicacies delivered to its mouth, and chased after it shaking its head.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaolu quickly stopped the boat and ran towards the stern.

Before he got there, the fishing rod suddenly sank, and the instant explosive force almost broke the fishing line.

Lu Xiaolu took three steps at a time, ran up to him, opened the safety lock, and then closed it again.

The tuna started to swim in the opposite direction, but the explosive force had been removed, so he had to rely on brute force to deadlift.

The drum starts to rotate slowly in the opposite direction, and is pulled out round and round, which is the protection mechanism of the fishing rod itself, and it is designed like this.

Otherwise, the strength of the fish is strong enough to break the fishing rod.

In this way, neither the rod will be broken nor the fishing line will be pulled too fast, provided that the explosive power of the fish is not strong.

Otherwise, with a sudden sprint, the fishing line or rod will be broken, which requires the experience of the fisherman to judge.

Lv Xiaolu grabbed the handle of the drum, stopped its rotation, and began to twist back hard.

Obviously, the size of this fish is only average, and Lu Xiaolu was not at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

Unfortunately, it may be that the hook was not deep enough, or that Lu Xiaolu didn't have time to lift the rod to stab the fish. The bluefin tuna struggled for less than 5 minutes before spitting out the hook and disappearing in a flash.

Feeling the empty fishing rod, Lu Xiaolu smacked his lips regretfully, the first bluefin tuna was gone, so it was a waste of work tonight.

It's getting late, so if you look for something worthless, let's go fishing tomorrow.

But there is still something to get up today, that is, the lobster in that rock just now.

Let’s earn back the cost first. He is doomed not to catch a few tunas by himself. One is that he is too busy, and the other is that his body can’t support it. It is very tiring to catch a fish alone.

It is equivalent to a tug-of-war with an opponent stronger than you. You will try your best within 10 minutes of three or four, which consumes a lot of energy and requires a lot of stamina.

As a novice, it is very difficult to persist for 10 minutes without losing strength.

Let's go fishing tomorrow, it's not good at night, Lu Xiaolu steered the boat back to the rock just now to prevent it from hitting the rocks, the searchlights and crayfish lights were on, and it slowly came to the front.

There is a piece of glowing coral next to the stone. Although the light is dim, the condition of the seabed can still be seen clearly.

In fact, it is not the corals themselves that really shine, but the light from the algae that live in symbiosis with the corals.

This glowing algae can be found in many places in the sea, and most of them live in symbiosis with other organisms.

So the bottom of the sea at night is not dark, including some deep seas, there are lights of various colors, red, green, light blue, a bit like the neon lights of the city, like the night of a big city.

Some places are full of corals, like a city that never sleeps, and the scenery is even more beautiful than during the day. People who like to fish are very excited to see it, and it is also the favorite place for free divers.

Lu Xiaolu used a crayfish to explore the bottom, and after confirming that there were no killer creatures such as sharks, he began to pack his bags and re-inflate the oxygen tanks. The masks, diving suits, weights, flippers, daggers, and spearguns were all Take it out, ready to go into the water.

Shirley said before leaving that he would not be allowed to go into the water alone.

If there is no way to solve the unexpected situation again, including those free diving, underwater photographers, etc., they cannot go into the water alone. At least one person must be left on board. The underwater situation is unpredictable, and there are too many accidents that are prone to occur.

If he encounters a creature of the level of a killer lobster again, no one will come to save him.

But wealth and wealth are in danger, this place should be fine, he has checked everything, including those places that can hide, there are no large creatures hiding.

What's more, he still has a speargun and a dagger at his side, and he is confident that even if he encounters a killer lobster again, he can fight it.

After going to the deck for a warm-up exercise, Lu Xiaolu changed into the diving suit.

There is also an advantage of being alone on the boat, that is, you don't have to dodge it when you change clothes, and it's quite refreshing to wear a pair of big pants to enjoy the sea breeze. Lu Xiaolu wanted to jump into the sea like this.

That's right, it's uncomfortable to wear waterproof clothing, but you can try it. At worst, come back and take a shower, anyway, there is enough fresh water.

Lu Xiaolu came to the stern of the boat and stretched out his feet to test the water temperature. Well, it was ok, a little warm, not too cold.

He simply gave up the waterproof suit, and tied the dagger directly to his thigh, so he didn't need to carry any weight, and he could go down even if he dived slowly.

Lu Xiaolu's current attire is a mirror, shirtless, oxygen tube on his back, and a breathing mask stuffed in his mouth.

With a dagger strapped to his thigh, a speargun in his hand, a wrist watch on his wrist, and a bag in the other hand, he looked like a wild man.

Without Shirley, he has completely let himself go.

Although only the waterproof suit was missing, the feeling was really different and quite comfortable. After adjusting the scale of the watch, Lu Xiaolu went down from the stern of the boat and slowly sank into the sea.

Without weights and flippers, the diving speed was very slow. Lu Xiaolu had already mastered the technique, and after entering the water, he came up headlong, waving his feet alternately, and taking advantage of the counter-thrust of the water, he slowly swam downstream.

(End of this chapter)

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