ocean hunter

Chapter 168

Chapter 168
The old lady hurriedly said: "Little donkey, don't listen to him, as long as someone comes, don't buy anything, do you hear me?"

Lu Xiaolu agreed with a smile, and asked Xiao Xiao to help the old lady go back to the room to rest, and he picked up the bench into the main room.

Lying on the bed, he browsed the listing information, he couldn't just let Shirley worry about it.

Buying a house is a big deal, and no one dares to make a decision lightly. Xueli is, and so is Lu Xiaolu. This is not a choice phobia.

Although Lu Xiaolu's own home is also very dilapidated, it is his own home after all, and he is used to living there, so he doesn't feel dilapidated.

Looking at the listing information for sale on the Internet, it is obviously much better than his home, and he also feels very bad, and he doesn't want to take a second look after one glance.

Until it was twelve o'clock, Lu Xiaolu suddenly panicked, it's too bad, I have to go to the sea tomorrow, so go to bed quickly.

The same goes for Shirley, who stared at the phone screen until midnight in the dormitory, and asked the little sisters in the dormitory to help her refer.

Seeing that she was about to buy a house, the little sisters said it was fake to be jealous, but they also chirped with ideas, but they were all useless and bad ideas.

"This is good, a big detached villa with a swimming pool."

"Shirley is waiting for you to buy a house, I'm going to your house for a swim!"

"The villa is too expensive, so I bought the elevator room on the top floor, with an open-air balcony, where I can watch the stars and the moon, and drink a glass of Lafite from [-]. Wow, it's so romantic."


At four o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang, Lu Xiaolu got up sleepily, sat on the bed and stared blankly at the front, wobbled for 3 minutes before getting dressed and going to wash.

Carefully opening the door, trying not to make any noise, Lu Xiaolu pressed the reverse gear, and a loud female voice sounded.

"Please pay attention when reversing, please pay attention when reversing."


I don't know if this broken horn can be removed, it's really a crime!

After the sound rang, Lu Xiaolu quickly backed the tricycle out, got down again and closed the gate, and rode the tricycle directly to the tidal flat.

Now that there are more people going to the sea with Zang Huazhuang, he told Lu Xiaolu not to pick him up again, they are all classmates, it's not good if they don't take them, bring them, there are too many people.

He might as well just ride a shared electric car to the beach, it's only two yuan, so those classmates can't say anything.

Since the last time I met these classmates there, they rushed into the sea in a swarm, Lu Xiaolu then changed places, trying to find a place where there were no people.

He didn't want to be followed by so many tails that he couldn't even use crayfish.

It doesn't matter where you go, as long as it's the beach.

Today's tide came a little late. I looked up at the moon, and it was almost round. That's good, I can see it more clearly.

The current tide was still too high, so Lu Xiaolu sat on a rock and waited for a while, smoking a cigarette before going into the water.

"Damn it! How did the little white shark come here?"

This thing was not overwhelmed by the lights of the crayfish, nor was it injured much, it was running happily in the water.

Lu Xiaolu replaced the scooping net with a fishing gun, and held it tightly in his hand. It was a luxury to use a 5000 yuan fishing gun to catch the sea.

The little white shark may have lost its sense of direction due to the waves, and it just circled around in place.

It's so hard to die, Lu Xiaolu is right in the center of this circle, cold sweat drips from his brow, he wants to go ashore but dare not move.

Although sharks rarely attack people, Lu Xiaolu dare not bet on whether this shark is interested in him.

Even though it was only half a meter long, Lu Xiaolu didn't dare to say that he could win against it in the water. He held the fishing gun tightly in his hand, but he didn't dare to take the lead.

In case the first shot misses or kills it, it is still a question of whether he will be able to shoot the second shot in time.

"Damn it, don't come here." Lu Xiaolu panicked, and this little white shark actually swam towards him.

Seeing that it was getting closer, Lu Xiaolu became cruel, holding the gun with both hands, and with a not-so-standard bayonet-fighting movement, he nailed the fishing gun straight into the pointed forehead of the little white shark.


The severe pain caused the little white shark to struggle, and the blood scattered in the water, which was diluted by the tide again in an instant.

The little white shark's struggle made Lu Xiaolu almost let go of his grip, but fortunately he was steady, and with those two barbs in place, the little white shark didn't break free from the fishing gun.

Lu Xiaolu firmly grasped the fishing spear, made a lunge, and sent it forward again.

With a "chi" sound, the fishing gun sank into the little white shark's head, killing him instantly.

Lu Xiaolu finally breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the fishing gun, dragged the little white shark ashore, and threw it into the big basin.

If they are all dead, they cannot be put in seawater, or they will be soaked.

Generally speaking, sharks urinate through the skin, the meat is sour, and it is slightly toxic, which is not delicious.

But there are always people who eat bad things, not to mention that sharks are very rare to many people. This small white shark with a good size can be sold for 120 yuan.

If it is alive, it is more expensive and can be kept as a pet.

Lu Xiaolu was thinking about getting a big fish tank when he bought a new house, and put all the strange things in the sea in it.

The little white shark was just an accident, Lu Xiaolu would rather not meet it, because there is its blood here, and I don't know if there are any sharks nearby, so he will be attracted to it.

Lu Xiaolu didn't dare to gamble, and rode a tricycle for another two miles before going into the sea.

Well, it's okay, picked up two more large conch, and looked at the meat shrunk into the shell, Lu Xiaolu swallowed.

There are already five conchs in the house, adding these two makes seven.

On the day when the old lady and Qiu Wei's store opened, they happened to take it and fry it.

Cut this thing into slices and stir-fry it with pepper. It's not too delicious.

It's just that I didn't pick up oysters, which made Lu Xiaolu a little disappointed. Those things are good for the body. It is known as a gas station for men and a beauty salon for women. It is better to eat them with leeks.

Shirley gave him a task. Before the start of the next fishing season, he must raise his body and strive to break through 120 catties.

Just as he was thinking about what to do, Lu Xiaolu suddenly felt a pain in his foot, and before he could shout, he just slammed down the net.

"Nimma, Shi Jiugong!"

This thing has been staying in the crevices of the rocks, and it is good at camouflage. Lu Xiaolu didn't see it with the crayfish just now, but was hit by it on the leg.

The thorns on its back were poisonous, Lu Xiaolu hurried ashore and urinated on her leg.

I lit a cigarette and sat on the stone, and I couldn't help but sigh, today is really too difficult.

He didn't catch a few fish properly. First, he was delayed for a while when he met the little white shark, and then he was stabbed by Shi Jiugong, and he couldn't get into the sea for a while.

It's almost six o'clock, well, I still can't go down, let's look along the beach.

Along the way, fish, shrimp and crabs were photographed on the beach, some were still alive, some were dying, and some had white eyes and a foul smell.

(End of this chapter)

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