ocean hunter

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

After bidding farewell to Xiaonan and Xiaobei, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli left by boat, and when they arrived at the pier, they rode a tricycle back to school.

While still on the tricycle, Shirley had been looking for local housing information with her mobile phone, muttering something.

Buying a house is a big deal, and it can't be done carelessly, and it's not like buying cabbage, just talk about it.

Lu Xiaolu only has one point of view, that is, he would rather buy a good one with a loan, live comfortably, and have room for appreciation, rather than try to buy cheap houses that he can't even live in.

Then, it is best to have a single-family house, like the old lady's house.

But the old lady's house is too expensive, and the location is so good, so don't think about it for now.

While eating at noon, Xue Li's eyes were still fixed on her mobile phone, and she glanced at Lu Xiaolu, seeing him leisurely eating soup, she became very angry.

"It's not that I bought the house alone, can you also care about it?"

It happened that Zang Huazhuang was passing by with a dinner plate. Hearing this, his legs went limp in shock, and he sat down next to Lu Xiaolu.

Looking at the food on the dinner plate, Zang Huazhuang patted his chest: "Fortunately, I didn't spill it."

Lu Xiaolu was being held by Xue Li, and Zang Huazhuang just interrupted their conversation when he came over.

He was really discerning enough to lend him his electric car in vain, Lu Xiaolu nodded in satisfaction.

Xue Li gave Lu Xiaolu a blank look, and continued to look down at her phone. In front of outsiders, she has always given Lu Xiaolu enough face.

Zang Huazhuang ate a mouthful of chicken drumsticks to suppress his shock, and said, "Are you all going to buy a house? This is too soon."

Lu Xiaolu was a little dissatisfied: "You man, why are you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Brother, who is eavesdropping, your voice is too loud, okay?"

"Have it?"


As for Zang Huazhuang's big mouth, sure enough, in the afternoon, the whole class knew that Lu Xiaolu was going to buy a house.

Too ruthless, they are also freshmen, when they are still worrying about how to get more living expenses with their parents, Lu Xiaolu has already bought a house on his own.

I remember that when school first started, Lu Xiaolu’s short sleeves were still torn.

Even the instructor Ma Xiaofei knew about this matter, so he came to advise Lu Xiaolu if he had nothing to do, and publicized this matter in the office.

Look at our students, they are promising.

The house was not so suitable to find, Lu Xiaolu still went to the sea every morning to earn money, and came back to set up a stall with Xueli.

Every time I earn a little more money now, I will have more confidence to buy a house when the time comes.

One day, when Lu Xiaolu returned home, he found that the old lady and the others were still awake, discussing some kind of shop or something in the yard, and Qiu Wei was also there.

Seeing Lu Xiaolu coming in, the old lady waved her hand with a smile: "Little donkey, come here and give us some advice. You are a college student and you have a good brain."

Surprisingly, Qiu Wei didn't hate Lv Xiaolu today. In the past, he would have to say that college students are worthless now, blah blah.

"What's your idea? How happy are you today? What's the good thing?" Lu Xiaolu took the stool Xiao Xiao brought for him, and sat down in the yard.

Hua'er took the conversation away: "It's such a little donkey brother. My dad and grandma have discussed it. Let's rent a shop together and sell souvenirs."

Speaking of this, Hua'er's little face is full of smiles, and her father finally doesn't have to go out to work.

"I'll go, old lady, how old are you and still open a shop? Can you bear it?"

"Hehe, it's okay, there are Qiu Wei and Hua'er, I just want to get some property for Xiao Xiao, otherwise after I leave"

The old lady was interrupted by Hua'er before she finished speaking: "Grandma, don't say such things, Xiao Xiao is still here."

"Brother Donkey, guess where is the shop we rented?"

Hearing Hua'er's mischievous tone, Lu Xiaolu hesitated for a moment: "Could it be at the gate of our school?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly clapped her palms and said, "I just said that brother donkey is very smart, I guessed it right away."


"The rent in front of the school isn't cheap, is it?" Lu Xiaolu asked worriedly.

"Well, it's not cheap, 12 a year, only [-] square meters."

"Oh." Lu Xiaolu nodded, 12 a year, which is already very cheap in the area of ​​the school.

"The store is too small. It used to be a restaurant. It was too small and no one went in. The boss couldn't continue. I happened to be doing decoration again. When I heard the news, I came back to discuss with the old lady. The family paid half of the money. It's down."

Qiu Wei talked a lot today. It can be seen that he is middle-aged and starting a business for the first time. There is a lot of turmoil in his heart. He has a vision for the future and is afraid of how to face Hua'er after failure.

The money was originally saved for Hua'er's eye treatment.

After telling Hua'er about this, she expressed her support and made him, the father, blame himself even more. He said in his heart that he must earn more money. Even if Hua'er's eyes can't be cured, she must let her live a good life.

Lu Xiaolu kept listening, and their plan was this: Qiu Wei would drive, and planned to spend several thousand yuan to buy a second-hand van and drive to the surrounding countryside and fishing villages.

Collect some agricultural and sideline products, seafood, and local specialties, and sell them in the store.

It's also quick to collect these things. Don't worry about the inconvenience of the old lady and Hua'er in the store. After all, one grade is older and the other can't see.

There is also Xiao Xiao, who wants to pick her up and go to school.

After hearing this, Lu Xiaolu nodded. This idea is not bad, if it can really work.

After all, Xiamen University is a good tourist attraction, with many tourists coming and going.

It's hard to come here, how can I go back without buying some souvenirs.

As long as Qiu Weineng can receive the goods and the price is right, he should be able to make a lot of money.

Lu Xiaolu, a college student, said so, and the old lady and Qiu Wei unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not easy for middle-aged and elderly people to start a business. They dare not speak out, for fear of being laughed at, denied by others, and their hearts will be shaken.

It's all right now, the house has been rented, and Lu Xiaolu also feels that something is wrong, so it's time to get on the right track.

With Qiu Wei here, decoration is not a big deal at all. There are a lot of second-hand vans. He also has a driver's license and has driven a big car for others before.

"Little donkey, when the store opens, you call Xue Li, and we all have a meal together." The old lady told Lu Xiaolu's hand.

"Well, no problem."

"That's right, if others don't come, can Xiaolu and Xueli not come? At that time, flower baskets or something, don't you think so, Xiaolu?" Qiu Wei let go of his knots and regained his original temperament.

Hua'er was quite happy at first, but after hearing what his father said, she was so angry that she wanted to turn against him. His father is good at everything, but he loves to take advantage of small things.

(End of this chapter)

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