The splendor of the red mansion

Chapter 412: Chaos in Tibet

Chapter 412: Chaos in Tibet (2)
Yinzhen shook his head and said: "Of course we have to fight. It's just that what the eighth brother said is true. The treasury is indeed not well-off now." Yinfeng and Yinxiang were silent, the soldiers and horses did not move, and the food and grass went first.They all know this truth, isn't this grain and grass just money?Yinreng leaned in the chair, rubbing his chin a little lazily, glanced at Daiyu who was sitting on the side, and said, "What does the Empress think?" Daiyu raised her eyes and glanced at Yinreng, a little surprised.The most important rule of the Qing palace is that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, but I never thought that Yinfeng would ask himself so openly.Yinfeng smiled and said, "Even Huang Ama has praised the empress's empress Huimin, so maybe she has a different opinion?" Yinzhen nodded to Daiyu with a smile on her face, and Daiyu shook her head helplessly and said: "I don't have a different opinion. It's just that we won't be able to send out troops for the time being." Yinxiang asked puzzled, "Why?" If the imperial father can kill Ge Erdan, they will naturally be able to kill Tseng Wang Alabutan.

Daiyu lowered her eyes, and said lightly: "Next month will be Huang Ama's [-]th birthday. The emperor ordered the preparations to start last year. I can't spoil Huang Ama's happiness. After three months, it will be the flood season... …”

Yinxiang said: "Isn't it true that we will never be able to send troops?" Every year, the flood season of the Yellow River and Yangtze River is concentrated from June to September, and after October, the climate in Tibet is not suitable for using troops. Wouldn't it be the next year's flood season in the next year? up?
Yinzhen and Yinreng looked at each other, and after a long time, Yinreng stroked his chin and said, "The Empress is right, it is indeed not appropriate to send troops this year." If Yinzhen's objection made Yinzhen and Yinreng unhappy, Daiyu's The objection gave the two of them a little more space to think.Yinxiang looked at Yinreng, then at Yinzhen and Daiyu, pondered for a moment and wanted to understand the key point, "Tibet is not as convenient as being in our own hands." It is irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers of the Eight Banners to rush to the battle if there is no time.Although King Lhazang's influence in Tibet is getting worse and worse, the tofu dregs are not broken at the first touch.It's not too late to send troops when they are ready.

Yinzhen nodded and said: "In this case, let the governor of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu pay attention to this first. Let's talk about it when the Heshuote family has news." With the arrogance and selfishness of the Mongols, it is impossible to attack the Qing Dynasty as soon as they are attacked. call for help.

Liu Yinfeng and Yinxiang left after eating, and the waiters in Changchun Garden came to convey Kangxi's order to invite the emperor and queen to Changchun Garden.Yinzhen and Daiyu knew that it must be Kangxi who knew about things in Tibet and wanted to ask them earlier.Although Yinzhen is now the king of a country, he did not hide anything from Kangxi in terms of political affairs. As soon as the news arrived, someone sent a copy to Changchun Garden.Anyway, Kangxi has been in power for more than 50 years, and he must not be able to hide these things from him.

Entering the Qingxi Bookstore in Changchun Garden, I saw a person who should never have appeared here.Yinzhen's eyes were slightly dark, but there was no change on his face, and he saluted Kangxi respectfully, "My son, pay respects to Huang Ama." Daiyu also saluted. Girl, you are pregnant, so you don't need to pay attention to these empty etiquettes." Daiyu glanced at the person sitting on the side, and smiled slightly at Kangxi: "Greetings to Emperor Ama is both a palace rule and filial piety, there is no such thing as an empty etiquette." Yinzhen helped Daiyu to stand up, and the person had already stood up to greet him, "Yinti pays respects to the emperor, and to the empress." Yinzhen lowered his eyes and said calmly, "Let's get down."

Everyone took their seats, Kangxi took a closer look at Yinzhen's expression, but it was not different from usual.He was relieved and also a little bit distressed. If you say that Kangxi's eyes on people are definitely called vicious, but he still can't see through this son whom he denounced as moody when he was a child.This fourth child is too overkill, so that he can't even figure out what he thinks.Daiyu was sitting beside Yinzhen, and Kangxi couldn't see through Yinzhen's expression, but it didn't mean that Daiyu couldn't see through either.With a faint smile on Daiyu's lips, she naturally took the tea brought by the maid and put it in Yinzhen's hands.Yinzhen looked up at her smiling face, and the haze in her eyes gradually dissipated.Yinzhen just said after taking a sip of tea as if nothing had happened, "What orders does the emperor have for calling his ministers?" Kangxi picked up the booklet on the table and frowned, "How do you plan to deal with things in Tibet?" Yinzhen Zhen said: "Just now I have roughly discussed with the second brother and the thirteenth brother. I will discuss it with the courtiers tomorrow morning. What instructions does Huang Ama have?"

Kangxi was even more satisfied when he saw that he looked calm, relaxed and not impatient because of the sudden war.Shaking his head, he said, "It's enough for you to know it in your mind. I'm no stranger to the man who is planning to cheat Arabbutan. He is not a person who is easy to be satisfied. You have to have a plan in your heart." Yinzhen nodded and said yes, and Daiyu said again Let's talk about the Kangxi Wanshou Festival next month.When it was said that the Longevity Festival was personally in charge of Prince Li, Kangxi was even happier.I still have some feelings for Kangxi, the son of Yinreng, but Yinreng has a quarrel with him. Since he came out of Xian'an Palace, although the relationship with Yinzhen is better than when he was young, he even shook hands with Yinfeng. His Huang Ama has always been indifferent.The few times he came to pay his respects to himself was to ask and answer, and he would not speak without asking, which made Kangxi very depressed for a while.Looking at Yinti who was sitting on the side looking rather sad, and then looking at Yinzhen who was calm and calm, Kangxi felt a little embarrassed.Kangxi was really angry when he pushed Yinti out too much, but even in his anger, he still didn't confine him.After almost a year, Kangxi now enjoys the blessings and no longer worries about government affairs, and he no longer has those rebellious sons who made him angry for fighting for the throne. This little son who has been in pain for decades is here.Seeing that Yinyu, Yinyu, Yinhu and Yinhu, who were in such a mess at the beginning, are now crowned princes and county kings, although the fourth child is a bit colder, he still treats his brothers very leniently.He couldn't help but wonder if he was being too harsh on Old Fourteen.After thinking about it a few times, I feel that although the old fourteen was a little too ambitious at the beginning, he didn't achieve anything, and Wu Yashi was involved in many things.It's just that Yinti has been adopted out, even if Kangxi regrets it, it is impossible to take back his life, so he can only compensate Yinti in other places.

(End of this chapter)

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