The splendor of the red mansion

Chapter 411: Chaos in Tibet

Chapter 411: Chaos in Tibet (1)
Ten days later, news came from Jiangnan that Hong Yao and Yinzhen had left Hangzhou for Guangzhou, along with Hong Yao's letter of pleading guilty.Daiyu couldn't help crying when she saw the letter, and she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart when she thought that her son might have boarded a boat and traveled thousands of miles away.Yinzhen took the letter from her hand and put it aside, took the person into his arms and said softly: "Hongyao always wants to go out by himself when he grows up. There are also people from us in the West, and now you have Body, don't worry too much." Daiyu nodded, although she understood that Yinzhen's words were reasonable, but as the saying goes, a child travels a thousand miles and a mother is worried, so it doesn't make sense for reason.Yinzhen was waiting to persuade, Su Peisheng hurried in and said: "Report to the emperor, hurry up in eight hundred miles."

Yinzhen's expression was grave, and there must be something serious about rushing eight hundred miles away.He hurriedly got up and took the letter from Su Peisheng and unfolded it. His face became more gloomy immediately, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Su Peisheng, call all the princes and ministers of the Ministry of Military Affairs into the palace immediately!" He went out in a hurry to deliver the decree.Daiyu frowned, and said worriedly: "Fourth brother, what's the matter?" Yinzhen was silent for a moment before saying, "The Zhunge'er department planned to send troops to Tibet in arrogance."

Daiyu also stood up, her expression gradually becoming dignified.Yinzhen turned around and helped her to sit back, Daiyu frowned and said: "Cewang Arabutan is the son of Ge Erdan's elder brother Sengge, and he has always been quite ambitious. Back then when Galdan sent troops to Khalkha, he captured the The original Zhungar cut off Galdan’s return. In the past few years, he conquered the Kazakh Khanate, and now he is even more ambitious to attack Tibet. I’m afraid the target may not be Tibet.” Although Zhungar is far away from the capital , but because of Galdan's relationship back then, Anbu has always been very concerned about the news there.Daiyu's countermeasures are false. Arabbutan is not a stranger.Yinzhen nodded and said, "That's right. After a while, Tibet Khan will definitely ask for help." Daiyu looked up at Yinzhen and said, "What does the fourth brother mean?" A cold light flashed in Yinzhen's eyes and said, "Originally If he is quieter, I have no intention of haggling with him, since he is so reckless, I might as well let him go!" Cewang Allah Butan has a very bad relationship with the Tsarist Russians. Originally, if he kept his own place in order to contain Tsarist Russia, he would definitely not move. he.Unexpectedly, he actually stretched his hand in, and he was just messing with Galdan!
Daiyu looked at him worriedly, now that the fourth brother is about to start a war just after his grade, I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

Daiyu's worry Yinzhen doesn't know, but it's useless to worry about something that has already happened.Patted Daiyu's hand and said: "Don't think too much, you are not alone now." Daiyu nodded helplessly, caressing her belly that was not so obvious, it was troubled time when the fourth brother just ascended the throne, this child It's really not the right time.

Not long after, Su Peisheng came to tell the princes to see him outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Daiyu hurriedly wanted to get up and go to the back, but Yinzhen stopped her and let her sit beside her.Yin Li and the others came in with some surprises on their faces. Originally, the emperor ordered people to call them into the palace urgently and thought there was some important matter, but the queen still sitting here did not seem to be discussing matters.

"Greetings to the emperor, greetings to the empress."

Yinzhen nodded and said, "Pingshen. Everyone sit down."

Yinxiang has always been close to Yinzhen, so he said unrestrainedly and straightforwardly: "Fourth brother, what's the matter with calling your disciples into the palace urgently?" Yinzhen took the booklet on the table and said, "Let's take a look first. . " Everyone passed the excerpt again and their faces were ugly, and there was a moment of silence in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Yinzhen looked at the crowd and said, "What do you guys think?" Yinreng raised his eyebrows and said, "There's nothing to say, of course we want to fight! Since Tibet has already surrendered to my Qing Dynasty, it is a citizen of my Qing Dynasty. Strategy Invading Tibet is against us." Yinxiang nodded and said, "What the second brother said is very true, and the younger brother agrees." Yinzhen nodded, looked at the calm Yinhu and said, "What does the eighth brother think? "Yinhu frowned slightly, and said: "The emperor forgives the crime, and my younger brother thinks that using troops rashly at this time may damage the emperor's morality." Yinzhen raised his eyebrows, looked at him calmly and waited for the next sentence.Yinhu continued: "Tibet's folk customs are tough and the climate is extremely cold. It is very unfavorable to my soldiers of the Eight Banners. If we send troops, we will suffer heavy casualties. It is fine if we win, but if we lose... Besides, the weather has not been good for the past few years. The disaster relief emperor wanted to control the Yellow River at the beginning of last year, and he wanted to continue to spend a lot of money. I am afraid that the treasury is not well-off now. Between ministers and brothers, it is better to Chen Bingchuan, Shaanxi and Gansu areas first, so that he can guard against rash attacks, and second. It can also shock their hearts."

Yinxiang frowned and said, "Myna's words are wrong. Lhazang Khan and the Shuo Te family are my Qing's vassals, and Tibet is also the territory of the Qing. How can Ge Er be allowed to do anything recklessly. So what is the majesty of our Qing? If we let it go unchecked, wouldn’t it break the hearts of the Mongolian tribes, and if the Outer Mongolian tribes rise up again, what should the schools do?” Yinzhen didn’t speak, and several princes argued endlessly with each other, and then the minister of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households also arrived. joined the debate.Yinfeng and Yinxiang insisted on sending troops, while Yinhu and Hubu Shangshu opposed it.But Yin Zhi and Shangshu of the Ministry of War simply got along with each other, neither opposing this nor that.Yinxiang's face turned blue only because of the refusal of the Minister of the Household Department. He got up and knelt down in front of Yinzhen and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the troops to Tibet in person. If I can't win, I would like to accept the crime of losing the land!"

Yinzhen stepped forward to pull him up and reprimanded him, "Is it allowed to say such nonsense?"

"Fourth brother!" Yinxiang called.He really wanted to lead the army. As a prince, although he was capable of both civil and military skills, he preferred riding horses and whips to the battlefield compared to the ups and downs in the court.What's more, Ce chose this time to march into Tibet, obviously because he wanted to hit the fourth brother in the face!

Yinzhen patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to be calm.He said to the others: "You all go back and write a charter, and we can discuss it tomorrow morning."Ordered everyone to retreat and only Yinxiang and Yinreng were left to talk. Seeing that there was no outsider talking, Yinxiang said casually: "Fourth brother, this plan is too ambitious for Allah Butan, and it must not be tolerated." Yinzhen nodded and said: "Second brother I know what brother and thirteenth brother mean."

Yinfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "What scruples does the emperor have?"

(End of this chapter)

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