The last feng shui master

Chapter 210 Yi Miao Continues to Tell the Adventure Story

Chapter 210 Yi Miao Continues to Tell the Adventure Story

A pot of bitter tea has already been brewed in front of Fengshiqiao. The tea costs five yuan a catty. Fengshiqiao is not used to drinking it, and his brows will frown while drinking.Mother sat on the chair and didn't say much.Ordinary brothers and sisters have feelings because they eat and fight together since they were young, and the feelings develop over time.

Except for the name Feng Qingyu, all the imprints and memories of her mother have nothing to do with Feng Shiqiao. Sitting together, the two of them didn't have much to say at all.

The mother's world is only a small mountain village, a small family, short-sighted, and has never played tricks with others.

Fengshiqiao is in business, he is used to seeing occasions, talking about people when he sees people, talking nonsense when he sees people.

The only thing that could cause a bit of talk was Feng Wushuang. When she was in Jiangcheng, she met her mother, but no one thought of it.A joke my father made at the time has really become true.

I asked, that Feng Wushuang, are you and I really cousins?

Feng Wushuang said, that's for sure, medically proven things can still be false, by the way, I brought all the reports.My mother hurriedly put on her presbyopic glasses. Feng Wushuang explained it. Both my mother and I half-understood, and we didn't know if it was true. Anyway, after all that was said, I now have a cousin.

Feng Shiqiao shouted: "Sister. My father is in the United States now. It's still dark over there. Why don't you call him later."

Mother said: "Boss Feng. I don't want to call him."

Feng Shiqiao was a little embarrassed, picked up the bitter tea and drank it, coughed after taking a sip.The bitter tea was too bitter and too strong, which didn't suit his living atmosphere. What he drank was Dahongpao Longjing, which was more comfortable and refreshing than the five yuan a catty tea.

Feng Shiqiao said: "That sister. My father has stated many times that if he finds you, you can get a considerable inheritance. I believe that these inheritances can help you live a life ten times better than now."

Mother raised her index finger and cursed loudly: "Get out of here. Get out of here."

Feng Shiqiao didn't know why he angered his mother.

After listening to my mother's words, my father picked up a broom, swept it in the house, and shouted: "Let you go."

Feng Shiqiao called his sister twice.Mother just ignored it.

I pushed twice: "Our life is very good now. Boss Feng, please get out."

Feng Shiqiao and Feng Wushuang were swept out of the house and stayed in the yard, unable to continue their stalemate, so they had to go back by car, saying that they would come to see their mother after a while.

Feng Wushuang had no choice but to send me a text message, Xiao Qi, please persuade my aunt well.

I didn't text her back.

Although my mother was angry, she still sent Fengshiqiao away, and continued to talk about the Chinese New Year. Now that everything has been settled, it happened to be preparing cakes, peanuts and bean curd for the New Year.I saw that my mother was fine, but I knew she must be feeling bad.

Yi Miao told me that Feng Shiqiao looked honest and honest, and he wanted to invite your mother back, but he was actually uneasy and kind.

I thought about the link.Suddenly understand.

The most abominable thing is that Fengshiqiao has put his mother in an unrighteous place, and their father has prepared a legacy, as if his mother went back for such a sum of money.

No business is not evil, this sentence is correct.

This Fengshiqiao is far from being as simple as it looks on the outside. It is simply not easy for them to deal with our family.I don't know how many times there have been various battles for inheritance on TV.The inheritance of the emperor's family is the throne, and I don't know how much it is written in the history books of brotherly fratricide.

In this matter, it seems that the mother is doing the right thing.

She didn't want to recognize this relative.

It seems that ginger is still old and spicy.

When it was dark, the fried peanuts were grown by my father in the field. Firewood was lit under the cauldron, and half a bucket of fine sand was brought back.Yi Miao volunteered to say that she is good at frying peanuts.

I happened to want him to fry the peanuts too. After the peanuts are fried, I can continue to talk about what happened behind the Sanqingshan Taoist Temple.

At night he said, I eat peanuts.There is nothing better than this.

You need to pay attention to your skills when frying peanuts. The two catties of peanuts poured in in the first round will be burnt after a while.Father shook his head and said, "My old man is capable of this job." Yi Miao smiled and said, "It's okay, just give the fried peanuts to the storytellers and eat them."

Yi Miao is used to wandering outside, and rarely celebrates the New Year like this. She agreed to celebrate the New Year with me and devote herself to everything.After helping my father fry peanuts, I was going to watch my mother grind tofu.

The soybeans used to make tofu are planted in May and harvested in September. After being dried, they are placed in the jar on the second floor. After the rice in the rice tank was stolen by the thief, the soybeans are kept and soaked in well water, etc. Soak soybeans for a certain period of time.Seeing that Yi Miao was really curious, the mother asked Yi Miao to take out a very small hand mill and clean the stone mill.The well water is warm, not cold at all, and Yi Miao washes it clean.

After soaking the soybeans, I use a hand grinder to grind them, because I eat them at home, so I don’t need to do too much. The hand grinder is very small. While watering the soybeans, Yi Miao uses a small bucket to pull the well water. come up.

After the beans are ground, use a clean white cloth to pack the ground beans, and after squeezing, the white soy milk comes out, and the rest is bean dregs.Then put gypsum in the soy milk, and after a while, it becomes tofu brain.Then the tofu brain was placed on a wooden stand, held by a white cloth, and finally pressed on a big stone, and it turned into tofu after a while.

Lian Xiaoyao and Xie Xiaoyu were busy in the house, while Xiao Jian and Kitten were also watching inside.Practicing Xiaoyao's ingenuity and handiness, he cut out many interesting window grilles in a while.Xie Xiaoyu looked at it and applauded.

The peanuts are fried.Mother made a bowl of bean curd for each of them, prepared high-quality white sugar, added white sugar, and it was a delicious bean curd.Everything is ready.

Yi Miao went on to talk about what happened in Sanqing Mountain.

I was eating delicious peanuts, drinking sweet tofu nao, listening to stories, not to mention how happy I was, this is the rhythm that Chinese New Year should have.

Yi Miao said sternly, it is really troublesome to finish the story of Sanqing Mountain in Jiangxi. Now I will finish all the things that happened later in one go.

Yi Miao said last time that behind a mountain peak behind Sanqing Mountain, I saw a thatched hut, which was built of wood, and there was a barren vegetable garden in front of the house, and the pumpkin tree beside it had withered.

I yelled around a few times, but no one agreed. I entered the thatched cottage and found an overturned pill stove, which was similar to that of Taishang Laojun.The famous Taoist Ge Hong in history used to make alchemy on Sanqing Mountain, so Yi Miao thought that this alchemy furnace was left by Taoist Ge Hong.

Because of the long age, it has a sense of history.

Moreover, the alchemy furnace is so big that it seems that one person can get into it alone.

He didn't know which green onion in Yi Miao's head was wrongly connected. He felt that the alchemy furnace was so big that it could just fit one person in it.

And he was alone.

So he put himself in it, and when he put it in, at this moment, he discovered something strange.

It was the alchemy furnace with the lid open that was suddenly closed, and the alchemy furnace that had fallen on the ground stood up unexpectedly.

There are still sounds moving around.

Yi Miao stretched her hand against the lid, exhausted all her breastfeeding strength, but she didn't push the lid away.

Later, Yi Miao thought, the general alchemy furnace has two covers, one is on the top and the other is around, just like the windows of a room. She touched around but couldn't find it.

At this moment, footsteps sounded all around.

Yi Miao shouted loudly: "Come out and fight with me if you have the ability. I got into the stove and came out."

Yi Miao yelled loudly, but inside the alchemy furnace, the echo was even louder, making his ears buzz.

Yi Miao listened carefully, as if something was moving.

It can't be that someone wants to light a fire.Thinking of this, Yi Miao felt that she was about to suffer the same fate as Monkey King.But the ending is different.In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was hidden in the Xunzi position and escaped a catastrophe, but Yi Miao is obviously not Monkey King's copper-skinned iron frame. If he had to light a fire on the alchemy furnace, he would be roasted within half an hour.

People are like animals, if they are thrown into the fire to roast.

The first step is that the hair on the body will burn off and turn into black ash. The second part is that the moisture on the body will be lost, and then oil will be produced. In the end, it is difficult to describe in words. Anyone who has eaten roast duck knows that eating People who have eaten roast suckling pig can also understand it, and those who have eaten roast goose can definitely understand it.

Anyway, the structure of human beings is the same as that of ducks, pigs and geese. They have hair, water and bones. If they are roasted by fire, they will naturally be cooked back.

Yi Miao did the same this time, met Elder Sister Qiao and her mother, it was a coincidence, when she was thinking about whether she would be roasted over fire, whether she would be like a roast suckling pig, of course I said that, not Yi Miao It's a suckling pig, Yi Miao thought about it, and it just so happened that this happened.

Something started to burn under the alchemy furnace.

And the fire is not small.

There is an old saying that when a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff his teeth.Yi Miao was different, she was baked in a pill furnace.

Yi Miao shouted: "Brother. Big brother. Uncle. You are not refining elixir, you are roasting people."

No matter how loud Yi Miao yelled, the fire was still getting bigger and bigger.Yi Miao felt that her life had come to an end.

The temperature of the alchemy furnace is also getting higher and higher, and it is surrounded by copper, which cannot be broken no matter how you beat it. At this time, people generally recall what happened in their life.

Yi Miao is young, only 30 years old, and there are not many things to be proud of in her life. At the moment of her dying life, happy things or sad things are all in her mind.Among them, there are two things that Yi Miao regrets very much.The first thing is what the master said, don’t miss the world of mortals, if you practice hard, you may be able to become immortal. Yi Miao didn’t agree to this matter, so she entered the world of mortals, but felt lonely and unbearable. Things like catching two toad spirits, spider spirits, or vixen spirits.Now that I think about it, Master was right.The second thing is that the seven widows who opened the hotel in the Wudang Mountain scenic spot did not pay back the seven yuan.Yi Miao has never owed anyone money in her life, especially women's money, and it is also widow's money. This kind of money cannot be owed. Yi Miao thinks that she will be roasted to death soon. If the money is not paid back On the contrary, I have become a person who does not keep promises.

Thinking of these two things, Yi Miao felt heartache.

Yi Miao's forehead was sweating, and she suddenly yelled, "Why have I turned into a torch."Yi Miao also felt strange, how could he turn into a torch when he was alone? Could it be that his hair was burning.

(End of this chapter)

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