The last feng shui master

Chapter 209 Secretary Jia's Super Friendship

Chapter 209 Secretary Jia's Super Friendship

I look down on Wu Zhen from the bottom of my heart, his current behavior is obviously a sloppy style, which makes me hate it.

I asked with my ear, is the child in Ma Yan's belly yours? I didn't expect you to have a good hit rate.

As soon as I finished speaking, I was ready to go home.

Wu Zhen caught up and shouted: "Master, how did you find out...Master. You must keep this matter a secret for me. Master."

Back home.Feng Shiqiao and Feng Wushuang were sitting in the living room, but mother still didn't come out.Seeing me coming back, Feng Wushuang shouted, "Cousin, are you back?"

Yi Miao asked: "I came back so soon, there was a good show just now. The mayor of your town was dismissed on the spot."

I had no idea about Zhe Dabiao's dismissal. Seeing Feng Wushuang's sudden appearance, I just nodded: "I'll go and see." The mother's room was quiet.I knocked on the door and yelled twice.My mother didn't let my father in, but let me in, with tears in my eyes.

I told my mother: "I don't know how to explain the truth. Finding it now shows that there were difficulties in the beginning. Mom, you have left them outside for so long now, just go out and meet them."

Mother sighed, she didn't know what she was thinking, she got up and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and pulled her clothes.Getting up and going out, Feng Shiqiao stepped forward and shouted: "Sister. I'm here to see you." The mother forced a smile: "Then come and have a meal at home. The child's father is ready to cook. "

Secretary Jia followed the village head and the village director to inspect the environment and sanitation of the small village and the construction of the village atmosphere. He put forward a total of eight opinions and some impressions, saying that the countryside is the foundation of the country, and farmers are the backbone of the country.Over the years, the countryside has still developed, but there are still some shortcomings. I hope everyone will work harder to create a better life.

Secretary Jia's remarks aroused everyone's applause and warm praise.The village party secretary and the village director even shed tears of excitement, and couldn't help expressing their feelings. After so many years, the party and the government still haven't forgotten our village. Our village is thriving, and there are no bullies or bad people.

The village party secretary and the village director were talking, and Grandma Eight poured out the stinky water from the chamber pot she had just cleaned, turned around and closed the door with a bang.

Secretary Jia went on to say, I know that your town was the base of the Red Revolution back then, and later many people joined the anti-Japanese torrent. The tradition is good, and the country will certainly not forget it.

After hearing Secretary Jia's words, the village party secretary immediately pointed out that the road at the entrance of the village has not been repaired, and hoped that the city could draw some money.Secretary Jia laughed and said, yes, only by repairing the roads can one get rich.Immediately asked the comrades in the county and the town to make a plan to build the road.

After Secretary Jia inspected the situation in the village, the next step was to eat.Secretary Jia laughed and said, "I had dinner with Boss Feng. He came back to invest in our city. I happened to come down to inspect it, so we went together."

After Secretary Jia finished speaking, he said that we should follow the standard and not extravagant and wasteful. I personally dislike extravagance and waste.

Secretary Jia went back to the small courtyard, met Feng Shiqiao, and said a lot.Feng Wushuang helped cook, but the earthen stoves in the countryside were not very good at using them, and after a while, his forehead was covered with dust.

I let her out, out of the way.

On the other hand, he is good at training his waist, and he is very diligent and skillful in cooking.Just ask me, what kind of official is Secretary Jia, who is sitting in the yard with so many people outside.

I don't know either. It stands to reason that Secretary Jia should take care of everything every day. How come he comes down to inspect when he has time? Isn't it all inspection work at the end of the year.It was Yi Miao who saw some clues. This Secretary Jia should be retiring to the second line soon. After this year, he will definitely be retiring. He doesn't have much real power at hand, so he came here to play with Feng Shiqiao.

Just as I was talking, my mobile phone rang. It was the village party secretary who called me and asked me to go out of the yard. When I came out, it turned out that Secretary Jia was eating in the yard. Go to a restaurant in town.

So I want to set up tables in the yard, but I need to cook more meals.

I smiled and said, "Don't you all know about it? Why are you still asking me?" The village party secretary smiled and said, "I understand. The food and drinks from the Zhejia Hotel in the town have already been delivered. Wait until you carefully bring them into the kitchen." , when the time comes, it’s all about eating.”

Sure enough, a van was parked at the intersection.

I heard a joke before, saying that the leaders from above came down to inspect and had to eat at people's homes at noon.At that point, the local officials will fry the dishes in the hotel, and the leader will enter the door of someone's house. Within 5 minutes, the fried dishes will be delivered, as long as the hot pot is enough.

He said he understood the sentiments of the people. Seeing that the food at home was better than that in restaurants, he felt that he had done his job well. He was very happy to eat and drink enough. Had a good time, drank Wuliangye and Moutai.

I ran several times before I moved the delivered meals in. I asked for benches in the next door, and after setting them up, all the officials, big and small, sat down and finished serving the food and wine.Secretary Jia said with a smile, I'm sorry, everyone just eats the simple food.

The banquet started, and the hot dishes were served. There were three tables full of people, including the driver.After eating, Secretary Jia wanted to go back and told everyone to do more for the farmers. He didn't know how many local products were packed in the back of the car.

Before getting into the car, Secretary Jia and Feng Shiqiao came in to talk and called me in.Secretary Jia asked me with a smile, where do you go to work recently?
I replied that I was working in Jiangcheng.

Secretary Jia said, yes.

Fengshiqiaodao, it’s like this, Xiao Qi, this Secretary Jia has encountered a little twists and turns recently, I wonder if you can help him with some ideas, he has heard of your grandfather Long Youshui before, I heard that you took over his class.So I want to ask about this.

Secretary Jia waited for Feng Shiqiao to finish speaking, then nodded and looked at me: "Xiao Xiao, if you can help me, the reward will definitely not be small."

I thought about it. Secretary Jia is going to withdraw to the second line. Could it be that there is a little change?

Secretary Jia said: "I have always been at odds with the Mayor of Uzbekistan. Recently, he seems to have found a Taoist priest and found out something about me. I have been annoyed by this matter recently."

Secretary Jia spoke very slowly, and it was difficult to hear the changes in his inner emotions from his words. When he said this passage, he was completely giving a report.

I asked, "Taoist?"

Hearing this, Feng Shiqiao consciously opened the door and went out.

Secretary Jia waited for Feng Shiqiao to go out, and said, "It's not a big deal. It was me who had a little friendship with a kid from a teacher's college in the city, but Mayor Bie Qin sent someone to record it. Yes A Taoist priest, it is particularly difficult to find this Taoist priest."

I was a little taken aback, Secretary Jia's super friendship, to put it bluntly, is to take care of a little girl in the teacher's college, and then someone takes pictures of her. This kind of style problem is very fatal at critical times.It's just that Secretary Jia didn't look for the private detective and came to me specifically, which is really interesting.

I shook my head incomprehensibly: "Can I help with this?"

Secretary Jia said, "Yes. Look at my arm."

After speaking, I pulled my arm away and saw a black line on the arm. I murmured in my heart twice, isn't this a sign of insects in the body?
I asked: "I still don't understand, you are sick, you'd better see a doctor."

Secretary Jia said calmly again: "Xiao Xiao, this matter can only be handled by you. On the third day of the Lunar New Year, you come to the city to find me." Secretary Jia's tone was commanding.

I was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you have to go?"

Secretary Jia nodded and said, "Yes."

My thoughts were in a mess, a Taoist priest who jumped out suddenly took pictures of Secretary Jia's style of work, what does this matter have to do with me, is there some kind of trick, Rufeng Wushuang is really my cousin, Fengshiqiao is me Uncle's words.

Fengshiqiao brought Secretary Jia, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't harm me.

I finally made up my mind: "Okay. I'll go to the city to find you in the third year of junior high."

Secretary Jia gave me a new phone. There is only one number stored in it, and you can just call this number when the time comes.

I took the call and put the phone in my purse.Secretary Jia finally wished my whole family a happy and happy Chinese New Year.

I cursed in my heart, I wish you and your family happy.

After getting out of the Audi car, Feng Shiqiao knew it and smiled at me, turned around and said a few words to Secretary Jia inside the car, and the Audi car with No. [-] license plate drove out slowly.

The farewell officials shed tears of reluctance.

The village party secretary came over, distributed cigarettes to me, and said with a smile, Xiao Qi, what did the secretary tell you just now.

I said in a deep voice, and he asked me if there was any corruption and local bullies in our village recently.

The face of the village party secretary changed. I have been the village party secretary for 40 years, and I have not done many good things. Did I go to Jinggangshan to learn the spirit of the Long March? I met two Jiangxi girls in a small hotel back then. Everyone treats this kind of thing as a joke Yes, if this matter got into Secretary Jia's ears, he didn't know what good fruit he would have.

He went home in silence.

My father came to me and sighed, this group of people is too good to eat, I have seen that there is not enough pork for the New Year, I will go to the street to buy some.

I said, let me go, I will go by bike.

Borrowed the motorcycle of the elder brother next door. His speakers seem to have changed recently. There is a song called "Old Boy". Let it go, but the pain in my heart is always there. Once I went online by chance and saw a song, which is "Old Boy".

"That's the person I miss so much day and night, how should I express it, will she accept me..." It's just a good song, but it's the DJ version. Extra funny.

It's just that after listening to it for a while, sand flew into the corner of my eye, which made me uncomfortable.

Maybe I was young too.

"Where is the future that is ordinary? Dreams are far away, should we give up?"

Oh, what a dream.

Oh, when will I have a dream.

The motorcycle drove to the market, and when passing the police station, I saw two people coming out of the police station, the one in front seemed to be the driver of Secretary Jia, and the one in the back seemed to be Chong Laosi.

The motorcycle was driving very fast, and I didn't know what was said, as if the two knew each other.

I bought [-] catties of pork at the market and went back. I thought that if Feng Wushuang and Feng Shiqiao didn’t go back at night, I should live in the town. I found two hotels specially designed for long-distance drivers on the national highway to rest, and chose a few. A good house is temporarily reserved for them to live here.

After all, Yi Miao and Lian Xiaoyao have already lived in it, so adding a few more people will definitely not be able to live there.I checked the time, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, thinking how fast today passed.Everything changes like a dream.

back home.My mother has already cleaned up the messy yard. Some of them are employees of the Zhejia Hotel, and they sent all their things back. Officials with such a face have already slapped their butts and left.

(End of this chapter)

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