The boss will turn black, be careful!

Chapter 261 The sick god loves you!

Chapter 261 The sick god loves you! (33)

Ye Lin pushed the door open and went in, lifted the quilt and fell into his arms, letting her know that someone went in and found her existence.

Guessing what the people who went in would do if they found out that she was not inside, she called Liu Mei and asked her to go to her room and check for safety.

The facts were as she expected, Liu Mei's failure to contact her in time also showed one thing, they were exposed.

Thinking of the ominous premonition in her heart before, Ning Meng felt lucky that she left at that time.

Liu Mei on Mu Ci's side is not a tough one. After seeing Mu Ci, she told all about what she and Ning Meng planned, trying to let Mu Ci let her go because of her willingness to confess.

But she forgot again, how could Mu Ci be a soft-hearted person?
What's more, it was Shu Ge who he was holding in his palm that they plotted to hurt, how could he tolerate it.

Knowing that Liu Mei didn't know anything about Ning Meng and Zhang Kuang, Mu Ci had a better idea in his heart.

He inadvertently revealed to Liu Mei that Ning Meng and Zhang Kuang conspired together, and that Ning Meng slipped away smoothly, deliberately not telling her and letting her stay as a disaster.

The person who took it was still to torture her, and when she was about to pass out, he said: "Is she dead? Throw her out immediately, don't let her stay here and block Master Mu's eyes."

Liu Mei subconsciously held her breath and pretended to be dead, but when she woke up again, she saw a large piece of rubbish.

Reluctantly standing up, Liu Mei found out that this place was actually a garbage storage place, and what she hated most at this moment after successfully escaping alive was Ning Meng.

She tried her best to help her, but she obviously had a way out, so she left her there.

Thinking of the call she received asking her to go to her room before Ye Lin found out, Liu Mei was sure that she had lured her there on purpose, but she foolishly believed it.

At this moment, Liu Mei completely forgot how she pushed everything on Ning Meng when she was in front of Mu Ci, intending to pluck herself clean.

Because of the small dose of drug inhaled and the bumpy road they walked, Shu Ge quickly woke up.

After understanding his situation, Shu Ge didn't know whether he should be lucky or not.

They probably thought that there would be no problems if they inhaled the stupor and passed out, and they didn't care if they tied her up and threw her in the trunk.

This also happened to give me a chance for Shu Ge to save himself.

He took out the phone in his pocket, turned off the sound, and sent a text message to Mu Ci to let him not worry, he was fine for the time being, and turned on the location information.

Seeing this text message, Mu Ci's hanging heart instantly relaxed a lot.

Knowing that Shu Ge was still in the car and the ride was bumpy, Mu Ci began to ask people to find Shu Ge's location and the direction they might be going based on the location.

Because the car was still driving, the road was very bumpy, and Shu Ge couldn't use the phone very well, lest they accidentally hit the car and make a noise that would make them realize that they were awake.

After discussing with Mu Ci by text message, Mu Ci called Shu Ge and muted his own side to prevent the voice from being transmitted to Shu Ge.

At the same time, Shu Ge put away the phone and hid it on his body again, and the two of them were connected by this silent phone call.

After getting the roughly guessed destination, Mu Ci immediately took his men and horses and headed there, and at the same time dispatched troops to intercept in front.

(End of this chapter)

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