The boss will turn black, be careful!

Chapter 260 The sick god loves you!

Chapter 260 The sick god loves you! (32)

Looking at Shu Ge who was having a good time shopping in the store, he signaled the bodyguards around to protect Shu Ge, and went to the side to answer the phone.

He didn't dare to expose himself in front of Shu Ge, and he didn't dare to let Shu Ge know that he was such a cruel person. What's more, he was afraid that Shu Ge would leave him after knowing this side of him.

They have reached the point of getting engaged now, and they are about to get married. He dare not bet. If possible, he would rather Shu Ge never know that he still has such a side for the rest of his life.

That is to say, when Mu Ci went out to make a phone call for a while, the crazy people seized the opportunity.

Two pairs of people who had been prepared early pretended to be ordinary tourists and squeezed towards Shu Ge's position.

When the crowd approached, the bodyguard subconsciously protected Shu Ge and hid to the side, preventing people from approaching her, while shouting 'Don't crowd' in an attempt to maintain order.

It's just that the target of that group of people was her, no matter where she was, the crowd would move towards her, and the bodyguards immediately realized that there was something wrong with this group of people.

But they had no choice but to watch the crowd push their protective circle apart, and they had no choice but to watch themselves being squeezed out helplessly.

Mu Ci also noticed the commotion inside, quickly hung up the phone and came in, running towards the crowd.

In the crowd, someone covered Shu Ge's mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

Although she was reminded by Miaojiang earlier that she held her breath in time, but she still inhaled a little bit unavoidably, and saw Mu Ci running towards her in a daze, but she closed her eyes powerlessly.

Those who supported Shu Ge immediately took Shu Ge away, while the others were responsible for trapping Mu Ci and several bodyguards.

Mu Ci hurriedly contacted the people he had arranged nearby, hoping to stop him before they took Shu Ge away completely.

The entire shopping mall was mobilized to look for Shu Ge's figure. After Mu Ci asked the direction of the monitoring room, he walked straight there.

He clenched his hands tightly, and his eyes were icy cold. Although he couldn't see any anger, everyone knew what was going on in his heart.

However, since Zhang Kuang is ready to rob people in the mall, how can he make the surveillance useful.

From the very beginning, he had already had people hack the surveillance, and Mu Ci passed away with nothing.

His fist slammed on the wall, and the experience and bodyguards who followed Mu Ci heard Mu Ci's cold voice: "Go back."

He had already guessed whose handwriting it was, and now as long as he kept an eye on him, he would definitely be able to get Xiao Ge'er's position.

His ultimate goal is still him, so as long as he has the power in his hands, it is impossible for him to hurt Shu Ge.

After thinking about all this, Mu Ci's coldness gradually disappeared, as if everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

Called Ye Lin and asked him to bring Liu Mei to him.

He absolutely couldn't believe that all of this was just a coincidence. Just when Ye Lin called him, that group of people kidnapped Shu Ge.

If they dare to come out, they must be absolutely sure whether he will hang up the phone for a while.

And the timing of Liu Mei's appearance on Ye Lin's side was too coincidental, as if someone was manipulating her to come over at this time, and Ye Lin found out that it hindered his speed of hanging up the phone.

This is indeed the case. As for why it is such a coincidence, it is Ning Meng's credit.

Although her actions before leaving were a smoke bomb, they were well used in practice.

(End of this chapter)

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