Chapter 286 Incense
I complained in my heart for a moment, then raised my head, only to find a square statue of a god hanging on the wall directly in front of me. The picture on the statue is the Wenqu Xingjun who is in charge of Wenyun and Si Kao in the sky. The person in the painting is Gao Guanbo, His eyes are full of charm, his face is hale and hearty, he is dressed in feathers and clothes, and he holds a white jade wat in his hand. The image of a wise man emerges vividly.

Qiao Chenan stared at Wenqu Xingjun on the painting, and at the same time, he also sensed a mysterious power similar to wish power, which gathered from the void like a thread of smoke, forming a golden light as pale as water, and engulfing the whole world. The secondary portrait is completely wrapped in it, and Dao Qi is permeating.

The originally lifeless characters in the painting now seem to have a lifelike feeling, as if they are watching everything that happened in the examination room.

"This is...Xianghuo Shinto?" He muttered to himself.

The so-called incense to become a god, in short, is to gather the faith and vow of all people in the world, and add it to one body, so as to obtain extraordinary power. If the faith is enough, it is not a fantasy to prove the Tao and live forever.

There are many immortal officials in the heavenly court, and the world often recites their names. The way of heaven has a feeling, and they will naturally generate a lot of wish power. If they are willing to absorb this power, their own morality will make great progress. The above is a powerful method.

But everything has its two sides, and the power of incense and fire is no exception. If a monk absorbs this power from countless beings, he must bear the complicated cause and effect it brings.

If the gods want to use this power as they like, they must respond to all living beings. This is why there is often a saying in the world that "the gods appear." It may fall to the god position, and even die.

As the saying goes, "there are gods standing three feet above the head", with the help of the power of incense and belief in the world, the portraits in each examination room are like avatars of Wenqu Xingjun, monitoring everything in the examination room. They will show up directly to manifest miracles and find out the cheating candidates, but they will quietly change the direction of the river of fate.

Ever since, every year in the autumn, there will always be some candidates who have very bad luck and are caught by the invigilator when they cheated.

Qiao Chen'an didn't know how to do these little tricks, first sat quietly for a while, and then opened the file on the case, started to examine the questions, and suddenly had a feeling of taking the college entrance examination in a previous life.

For Qiu Wei, the first test is the content of the Four Books and Five Classics, which is commonly known as "stereotyped writing". The second test is mainly for political use. , which mainly discusses the issues of international people's livelihood. As for the poems and songs that scholars usually use to flirt with girls and show their literary talents, they are not included in the category of the exam.

Qiao Chen'an probably skimmed through the content of the test questions, and then wrote to prepare to answer. He has the talent of never forgetting, and the things on these scriptures have long been familiarized by heart, and the first test is what he is most afraid of.

He concentrated on answering the questions, but he didn't know how long the time had passed. Suddenly, he heard the invigilator's shouting, and someone begging for mercy, followed by the sound of armor rubbing against each other. He couldn't help shaking his head. It seemed that someone had already been arrested Master Wenqu Xingjun has been given "special care".

In a room deep in the academy, the sun was shining brightly, and the shadows of the trees were dancing, falling on the ground, reflecting a burst of light and shadow changes. In front of the table, two old men sat facing each other.

A furnace of sandalwood, faint and faint.

The person on the left is Liu Chuhong, the dean of Chongwen Academy, and he said with a smile, "I didn't expect Beijing Central Committee to send you to preside over the exam this time." His tone was quite emotional.

The person sitting on the right side has gray hair, hale and hale face, and sharp eyes. Although he just sits there quietly, he naturally exudes a dignified appearance that has been in a high position for a long time, which makes people feel awe. He is actually Qiao Chenan's teacher ——Wang Lizhi!

Wang Lizhi smiled and said: "Officials have orders, how dare a courtier disobey them."

But Liu Chuhong shook his head and said: "I don't think that's the case. I'm afraid you brought it up in front of the officials. Isn't it because you are worried about your students? In my opinion, you are just worrying about it. With the talent of this child, Chen An How can this little autumn test be difficult for him?"

Wang Lizhi didn't answer him, but just turned his head and looked out, through the window curtain, the clouds rolled and the clouds relaxed, the wind rose and the wind set, catching the tracks of the birds.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Chuhong suddenly thought of something, and said helplessly, "You madman, do you think everyone is like you..." He sighed softly: "Since you have placed such high expectations on him, why don't you take this opportunity to , see him?"

Wang Lizhi smiled lightly and said: "It should be his, and it will naturally be his. If I meet him now, it may be counterproductive. After the autumn, he will go to the capital. It will not be too late to meet again at that time, so why rush This hour and a half."

Hearing this, Liu Chuhong couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You, you, a person who is half buried in the soil, still has such a bad temper! In my opinion, although there are many candidates in Qiuwei this time, his knowledge and talent can be compared with Chen'an However, it is difficult to find one person, you can rest assured that the name of "Jie Yuan" must belong to him! As for whether you can win three yuan, it depends on luck."

It turned out that Wang Lizhi was also a talented person in his youth and had a long-standing reputation. When he took the imperial examination at the age of 23, no one expected that he won the three yuan. The position of a senior official can be described as infinitely beautiful.

From Liu Chuhong's point of view, it's nothing more than Wang Lizhi himself winning three yuan, but he even places such expectations on the students he accepts. It's not just lip service, how could it be that easy?
Qiao Chen'an didn't know that his teacher Wang Lizhi had returned to Hangzhou. At this moment, he was still writing hard. There was a thick stack of test questions on the desk. .

After he finished answering all the exam questions, his wrists couldn't help feeling a little sore, he stretched on the spot, and made a rough estimate in his mind that there were at least a few hours before the papers were closed, and he simply took advantage of this secret and quiet environment to practice while he was bored.

Sitting cross-legged on the same spot, looking inside, he could clearly see a long black and white river in the dantian, slowly flowing around that golden elixir, exuding a powerful force from time to time.

Qiao Chen'an's cultivation has now stepped into the Yang God Realm, and in the heart of heaven, a Yang God always sits quietly and grows up, exuding endless light all over his body, like a god, which makes people feel awe when they look at it.

At this stage of cultivation, one only needs to wait patiently for the Yang God to grow until it is perfect and flawless. At this time, one is qualified to hit a higher level of human fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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