Chapter 285
The Autumn Examination was just around the corner, but Qiao Chenan relaxed in his heart. His heart was like a flat lake, and his thoughts were like a mirror. Perhaps because he was used to strong winds and waves, an Autumn Exam was nothing to him, or maybe it was because of the past. After a few days of hard study, I am full of confidence in myself!
He was about to pack his bags and came to the study, but found that Bai Suzhen had already carefully prepared everything for him, including pens, ink, paper and inkstones, bookcases, and even food and sweat towels. Quite a few, almost a bookcase full.

Qiao Chenan said: "Sister, isn't there food in the examination room, so you don't need to bring so much food."

But Bai Suzhen said: "Your exam is a whole day, who knows if the food prepared there is not clean, what if you eat something bad and affect your grades?"

Today is August 21th, and tomorrow August 23st will be the first session of the Qiuwei Exam, August 25rd will be the second session, and August [-]th will be the third session. That is, enter the arena at three or four o'clock in the morning, answer the questions one day, and then turn in the papers and exit the next day.

Each examinee has an examination room specially used for the examination, which is closed on all sides, and only a small window is left, so that the invigilator can see the situation inside. In the examination room, there are only desks, benches, toilet paper, food and other things. Well, because the exam lasts a whole day, in order to ensure the discipline and fairness of the exam and prevent people from cheating, the candidates eat, drink, and scatter in such a small confined space, and the taste can be imagined.

If there is a candidate with a lot of excrement and urine again, or an examinee who unfortunately suffers from "examination syndrome" and accidentally bursts into diarrhea, it will be really... full of excrement.

So this autumn test is really not an easy task.

After counting everything and making sure that there is nothing missing, all that is left is to wait for the exam. The two returned to the living room. Qiao Chenan took out a set of purple sand pots and brewed a pot of local specialties, the best West Lake Longjing teapot. , the boiling water overflows.After a while, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, and the breath is fresh and pleasant, like a gloomy plant in the green valley after the new rain in the empty mountain.

Bai Suzhensu held the pot in her hand and poured a cup for each of them. The tea was amber in color, crystal clear, steaming hot, with a delicate fragrance. Just smelling it, her mind seemed to be much clearer.

Qiao Chen'an took a sip and said with a smile: "What a delicious tea! It really lives up to the praise of 'two new flags under Baiyun Peak, green and fresh, rainy spring'."

Bai Suzhen sips the tea lightly, only to feel that the hot tea melts in her mouth, leaving a fragrance on her lips and teeth, and a stream of body fluid. Although she doesn't know the tea ceremony, she can taste all the flavors in it, which makes people feel at ease, like Pillow Yuxi.

She also said with a slight smile: "As you said, the newly harvested Longjing Well after the rain is really sweet and moist!" Looking at Qiao Chen'an, he said: "Tomorrow I have to get up early to prepare for the exam, Chen'an You are tired all day long, don't you want to rest for a while?"

Qiao Chenan laughed and said, "It's a pity that I still lack a perfect 'pillow'!" But his eyes couldn't help but glance at Bai Suzhen's slender and round jade legs.

When Bai Suzhen caught his gaze, she felt as if she could see through the thin layer of shirt on her body, her cheeks couldn't help getting slightly hot, she became a little unnatural, and she looked at him shyly and angrily.

Qiao Chenan laughed, and said: "Don't worry, my lady, let's see your officials will give you a Jieyuan test this time!" He drank all the tea in his cup, and stepped out of the room with Bai Suzhen's reddish face.

Well, let's go to bed, but this time there is no Wenxiang nephrite by my side.

Time flies, and soon it is Yin time on the second day, the sky is dim, the moon hangs high, and the stars are sparsely dotted, casting cold light. The gate of Qiao Mansion was pushed open from the courtyard, revealing a slender figure with a bookcase on his back Come on, looked up at the dark sky, and sighed: "It's been a long time since I woke up so early!"

Bai Suzhen and other four women came out in a file and came to see him off. Bai Suzhen carefully adjusted his clothes, smoothed out the wrinkles, and instructed: "Chen'an, when you arrive at the examination room, you must answer the questions carefully!"

Xiaoqing patted her swollen chest with one hand, and said with a smile: "You can go boldly, I will protect you at home!"

Wu Qiuyue stood side by side with Xiaoqian, and said in unison: "Come on, Mr. Xianggong!" The voice was sweet, Xiaoqian was a lively girl, but her temper was somewhat similar to Xiaoqing's, and she said with a wicked smile: "Mr. If you do well, Xiaoqian will be rewarded when you come back here!" Stretching out her sweet tongue, she lightly licked her pink lips, and her eyes turned into thick spring water.

Qiao Chen'an glanced over them, and under the light of the moonlight, he saw that the four of them were all smiling like flowers, with glowing jade faces, and they were all rare beauties in the world. It would be lucky for ordinary people to get one of them, but these four People all belong to themselves, and if it spreads out, I don't know how many people will be envied.

Faced with their love, all I can do is to do my best to protect them and give them the greatest warmth!
He smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, when has your husband let you down, goodbye!" With a wave of his hand, he turned around and walked along the alley, gradually entering the darkness.

At that time, the moon and the rabbit were hanging high, the golden crow had not yet risen, the night was dark and charming, and the autumn wind was blowing like weeping, bringing the humid water vapor from the sea to the east. In such a season, it made people feel colder.

The street was dim and dark, the shops on both sides had long been closed, only the painting boat on the bank of the West Lake was still brightly lit, there was a woman's charming laughter faintly, and the sound of seductive groans came out.

When approaching the academy, candidates who came to take the exam in twos and threes gradually appeared on the street, all of them carrying bookcases, their expressions were either nervous or indifferent, and their postures were different.

Entering the gate of the academy, there are two rows of officials and soldiers with swords in front of them. All of them have serious faces, like wood carvings, but they just look at them with sharp eyes like knives. Where have these scholars rushing for the exam seen such a scene? Feeling terrified, some of them couldn't even walk steadily.

Soon, a special person came to search and check the various items carried by everyone to prevent cheating. After clearing these things, the sky was already a little bright, and a circle of golden scales was smudged with sunlight, dazzling and dazzling.

Everyone was assigned to the designated examination room, and soon the test papers and rice papers were distributed, and only when the long bell of Qingyuan rang, the autumn test officially began!
Qiao Chen sat quietly in the examination room, with a thick layer of examination papers on the table in front of him, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "The amount of answers... is much more exaggerated than that of later generations... No wonder it takes a whole exam to finish the exam. days." Of course there are so many test questions, the examiner also gave these candidates enough time to think, so as not to miss it.

(End of this chapter)

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