Chapter 817 Ma Kuiming Surrenders

At the beginning of June, Luo Feng led hundreds of thousands of troops to Liuyun City, but because of lack of siege weapons, he had no choice but to surround rather than fight.And Xiao Changying led [-] soldiers and horses to join the headquarters eastward.

At this moment, the envoy sent by Liuyun City was discovered by the scouts of Tianhua Army near Yaoshan Mountain and captured.

After some torture, Song Chengwen immediately got the news from Fengzhou from the messenger.The reinforcements sent by the country wiped out the Eternal Army, which was causing disasters, and is now leading the troops southward, aiming at Floating Cloud City.

Song Chengwen happily told Lin Hai the good news. Lin Hai rolled his eyes in joy and said with a smile: "Mr. Song, we might as well let the Tianyun army on the opposite side know about this good news."

Song Chengwen raised his brows slightly, and said with a sinister smile: "You boy, you are cruel enough, I like it!"

Soon, the envoy was immediately sent to the opposite Tianyun barracks.

After the envoy explained his intention to Ma Kuiming in embarrassment, Ma Kuiming sat there motionless for a long time before sighing quietly, "Come to make this journey hard, go down and rest first."

After the envoy went down, Ma Kuiming immediately summoned all the generals to discuss.When everyone learned that the Eternal Army in Fengzhou had been wiped out and that Tianhua's reinforcements were about to arrive in the capital, they couldn't help but panic.

They originally planned to be able to seek reinforcements from the capital, but now it's the other way around, and the capital needs their support even more.But now that they are in danger and their self-protection is not enough, how can they return to help?
What made them even more panicked was that without reinforcements from the capital, what would they do with the only 10 troops left?
Trapped in this mountain now, not only is there insufficient food and grass, but the water source is also very scarce.If the siege continues, they will be the first to be unable to persist.

As for asking for help from Zhang Yijun, not to mention that this place is too far away from there, I am afraid that the situation of Zhang Yijun is not much better now, there is no soldiers to help.

Ma Kuiming looked at the generals with different expressions, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, today's cloud has reached the most dangerous time. Once the opponent increases troops to Yaoshan, our army will really be caught between two sides, and there will be no hope. So, what do you think?"

What else can I think?Everyone looked sad, unable to fight and unable to run.There was only one choice, but everyone just looked at each other, and no one dared to say it.

Ma Kuiming looked at the crowd indifferently, and couldn't tell what was going on in their hearts. "Why, don't you have anything to say?"

Under Ma Kuiming's gaze, everyone lowered their heads one after another, not daring to face him squarely.

"Well, what is there to dare to say now?" Ma Kuiming shook his head and sighed: "I know what everyone thinks, and now my situation is gone, and it is irreversible. Since His Majesty took the throne today, I Tianyun will go downhill, and its strength will be greatly reduced. If the late emperor is here, it will not be like this. But Tianhua is like the sky, and it cannot be stopped by manpower, so it is better to come down early. Everyone, is this general right?"

Everyone was horrified and bowed their heads one after another saying they didn't dare.

"Get up, everyone." Ma Kuiming waved his hands helplessly, "What you think is understandable. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about these [-] soldiers. If you continue to fight, what will these [-] soldiers do? What about this general? Didn’t this general put you in a difficult situation? It’s up to you to decide whether to surrender or not to surrender during this military discussion.”

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but look at each other, guessing the general's intentions.

At this moment, a general stood up and said, "General, the last general thinks he should surrender."

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being surprised. This general is from the Ma family. Could it be that the general is real. . . .

Sure enough, someone came forward again later, and they were all from the Ma family.

It seems that the general is already planning to surrender. If that is the case, then there is no reason for everyone to hesitate, and they immediately stood up to express their opinions.

In the end, most of the generals chose to surrender, and the remaining few, seeing that the consensus had been reached, did not dare to offend the public, so they immediately resigned from their positions and chose to be neutral.

Ma Kuiming nodded unsurprisingly, "Since the generals have made up their minds, the general can only do what is good. He ordered the full reduction of troops and waited for the Tianhua Army to send envoys to negotiate."

On the same day, Zheng Han also quickly received this information.When he heard the news, he couldn't help laughing, and immediately ordered the whole army to be announced. For a while, the morale of the Tianhua army was greatly boosted.

Next, Zheng Han also withdrew his troops and sent an envoy to the Tianyun Army camp.

After some negotiations, the two parties finally reached a resolution.

Ma Kuiming hoped that the surrender would be replaced by surrender, and that the Tianhua army would not be treated as prisoners.Zheng Han had no objection to this at all. After all, the Tianyun Army still had the strength to fight, so it was not considered a forced surrender.Moreover, surrender and surrender, in his eyes, are actually the same, so let's keep a little dignity for the Tianyun army.

At the same time, Ma Kuiming hopes that the many wounded in the army can be treated.Zheng Han also nodded in agreement. This is a good thing to further win the hearts of Tianyun's army. Although it will consume a lot of military medicine, but now the situation has begun to become clear, there is no need to worry about the loss of medicine.

In the end, Ma Kuiming hoped that after the war, the soldiers could be allowed to choose their own fate.In this regard, Zheng Han also said that it is possible, as long as Tianyun can be taken down, the next step is to restore Tianyun's people's livelihood.From now on, most of the captured Tianyun soldiers will be sent home.

But correspondingly, Ma Kuiming also agreed to Zheng Han's request, that is to assist the Tianhua Army to take down Floating Cloud City.

In this regard, Ma Kuiming also chose to agree, because it would let the capital continue to bleed, it would be better to end the war as soon as possible.He believed that with his assistance, Floating Cloud City might be able to avoid more bloodshed.As for the infamy he might have to bear, he didn't care.

After reaching this series of agreements, Ma Kuiming ordered the entire army to lay down their weapons and surrender.

At this moment, Ma Anyang finally arrived near Floating Cloud City with an extremely difficult task.But at this time, Floating Cloud City was already surrounded by Tianhua Army, and his heart suddenly became cold.Floating Cloud City is under siege, how can there be reinforcements to rescue their army trapped in Yaoshan?
With despair in his heart, he couldn't help hesitating, should he just return to Yaoshan, or find a way to enter the city?In the end, he chose to enter the city. No matter what, he had to take a look at the situation in the city.

Finally, in the dark night, he led more than ten cavalrymen and quietly touched the city.After confirming his identity again, he finally entered the city.

Soon, Tianyun Chaotang started an overnight court meeting, only because of a news brought by Ma Anyang, Ma Kuiming's tens of thousands of troops were trapped in Yaoshan, and they could not return to help.

This news immediately made everyone panic.Without Ma Kuiming's reinforcements, Floating Cloud City would become an isolated city, and it would be a matter of time before it was captured.

As for Ma Anyang asking for help from Floating Cloud City, everyone couldn't help laughing bitterly, they were all in danger, so how could they spare any energy to rescue Ma Kuiming's tens of thousands of troops?

(End of this chapter)

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