Chapter 816
On the third day, Ma Kuiming stepped up his attack on the enemy forces in the rear, trying to take Yaoshan County.There is no way, on the frontal battlefield, the pressure of hundreds of thousands of Tianhua troops is too great.Without the suppression of artillery, there is no way to pose a threat to the Tianhua Army.

Soon, the second line of defense finally fell, and after more than 2000 casualties, the Tianhua Army finally filled the trench with a passage.Countless people swarmed in, killing sounds everywhere.

Knowing that they were invincible, the Tianyun Army immediately withdrew to the mountains after resisting for a while, and fought tenaciously on the third line of defense.Relying on the mountainous terrain, the Tianyun army was condescending, and finally gained the upper hand in terms of geographical advantage.After the Tianhua army tried to attack, they felt quite tricky.

At this time, Ma Kuiming already felt that victory was in sight, not because he was sure of defeating the Tianhua army at the foot of the mountain, but at the Tianhua army at the top of the mountain. They obviously couldn't hold on any longer.

After losing thousands of troops, Lin Hai's combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened, and its firepower has gradually run out.What made them feel even more desperate was that the Tianyun Army had slowly found a way to fight against muskets.

They made a large number of giant shields to resist bullets.The Tianhua army had to use wood or grenades to blast away the protection of the giant shield in order to effectively kill the enemy.

Even more, the Tianyun army crawled on the mountain road, took advantage of the rugged terrain, effectively avoided the fire of muskets, tried to get close to the line of defense, and suddenly launched an attack.

When the muskets cannot stop the enemy from 50 meters away, the archers of the Tianyun Army can launch a counterattack and shoot them.If it weren't for the fact that the mountain road was too narrow to form a dense rain of arrows, I'm afraid Lin Hai's 2000 troops would be lost here.

With the passage of time, the Tianyun army finally attacked the line of defense.Lin Hai's troops were no longer able to kill the enemy from a distance, and had to wait for all of them to bayonet and start hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Nearly [-] soldiers stood on the line of defense, forming a dense spear phalanx, desperately fighting the enemy.Two hundred musketeers were arranged on each of the two wings, shooting and killing the forward enemy continuously.

"Kill! The enemy army can't hold on anymore, victory is here in one fell swoop, the whole army should work harder and charge forward!"

Encouraged by the general of the Tianyun Army, the morale of the soldiers couldn't help but be boosted, they forgot the huge casualties before, and rushed forward desperately.

Looking at the dense crowd of people, Lin Hai couldn't help but turn pale. Could he still be unable to hold on?

At this moment, a roar came from behind.A group of cavalry ran on the rugged mountain road, without hesitation of the damage to the horses, and forced to climb up.

After a while, the cavalry entered the flat ground around the county seat, and they couldn't help cheering.Then he ran towards the line of defense where Lin Hai's department was located.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes getting closer, Lin Hai suddenly looked back, tears filled his eyes, and shouted sharply: "Soldiers, our reinforcements have arrived!"

Hearing the words, the crowd couldn't help but cheer up, and cheered one after another, and swung the bayonets in their hands more powerfully.

Lin Hai saw a leading general, and couldn't help saluting: "Mr. Song, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Song Chengwen looked around and couldn't help taking a deep breath, "Brigade Commander Lin, your side is really miserable. But it's amazing to hold off the enemy for three days with 3000 troops! I thought we were too late." .”

Lin Hai looked at his face rather gloomy and said: "The brothers in my brigade suffered heavy casualties, and they are considered disabled."

"Okay, then, leave this to us." Song Chengwen patted his shoulder and said in a deep voice.

Soon, after hundreds of cavalry arrived, they immediately dismounted and unloaded all the supplies carried by the horses.Only a string of dynamite strapped to the saddle.

Following Lin Hai's order, the soldiers and horses who were fighting fiercely withdrew from the battlefield immediately.Just as the Tianyun army rushed forward with cheers, a dozen war horses rushed towards them, neighing.

In the reluctance of the cavalry, the explosive twisted rope on the horse's back was ignited, and then it was slashed on its buttocks.The frightened war horses immediately galloped out, rushing towards the crowd regardless.

"Boom boom boom!"

Continuous explosions shattered everything in front of them, and the crowd that rushed up was instantly emptied.Before the Tianyun army behind came back to their senses, more than a dozen war horses rushed down the mountain path frantically.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was no way to avoid the dense crowd of people on the mountain road, and they pushed back screaming in horror.But the speed of the war horse was even faster, and it crashed into the crowd at once, and then exploded, leaving only wreckage on the ground.

"Quickly withdraw, we can't stop it!" Tian Yunjun suddenly became terrified, and they all turned and fled downwards.

But more than a dozen war horses rushed down, rolling and crashing into the crowd.

"Boom boom boom!" . .

Continuous explosions resounded through the mountain road, and the Tianyun army rushed down the mountain crying and howling, accompanied by blood and fire all the way.

Finally, after the archers in the rear shot and killed the swarming horses, the disaster finally stopped.

At this time, on the mountain road, there are bloody corpses everywhere, densely covered, blood and water mixed with soil, gurgling down.The whole scene was like a hell on earth, and Tian Yunjun was terrified.

Ma Kuiming couldn't help shaking when he learned that Tianhua's reinforcements had arrived to replenish the army that was about to be defeated.He forced himself to cheer up and listen to the post-war report.

The battle this time was so tragic that the number of casualties exceeded 6000, which was far higher than the number of casualties in the previous few days.The culprit was the horse suicide bombing that the opponent had just adopted. With hundreds of horses, at least [-] soldiers were harvested.

After Ma Kuiming listened to the battle report, his hands trembled slightly.It's too tragic, the Tianhua army has this new force, how can they get through the Yaoshan passage?Are you really going to be trapped here?
After such a major setback, no one would have the courage to attack the rear strongholds again, and the Tianyun Army could not afford such a loss.

Ma Kuiming immediately made deployments and built defenses behind the army to strictly prevent enemy raids.However, the former army continued to rely on favorable terrain, and was in a stalemate with Tianhua's army here.

Now he can only pin his hopes on the capital, and he can dispatch troops to support him.Otherwise, their soldiers and horses will be exhausted to death in this Yaoshan Mountain.

And Ma Anyang, whom Ma Kuiming placed high hopes on, finally crossed the tributary river after sacrificing most of the guard cavalry, and rushed to the capital with the remaining dozen or so cavalry.

It's just that he still doesn't know that the Tianhua army that wiped out the Eternal Army has already led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and marched southward.When Liuyun City learned of this information, it immediately blocked the four gates, and sent troops to inform Ma Kuiming, ordering him to lead his army back to help.

The envoys for help on both sides just passed by like this, rushing around with impossible tasks.

 In the new book Peerless Demon Chicken, the protagonist travels through adult chickens, from a weak chicken to a supreme demon chicken, a chicken tyrant praised by the world.

(End of this chapter)

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