Chapter 721
In the next few days, the Dongyang Army launched a fierce attack again. After consuming a lot of cannon fodder, the elite soldiers and horses formed by the Dongyang Army immediately went into battle.

Wearing rattan armor, they climbed up to the top of the city extremely nimbly.And because the rattan armor is extremely flexible, it can't hurt the opponent at all when slashed with a knife, and can only be stabbed with a spear or burned with fire.

Slices of Dongyang soldiers rushed up, and then they were stabbed off the high wall by spears. What's more, they were ignited by poured kerosene, and they turned into a group of burning men, howling under the city.

However, the Dongyang Army did not seem to be affected, and continued to charge.

"Hold it! You must stand it! Think about your family, wives and children, you must never let these beasts go up." Ren Ping yelled sharply, constantly encouraging those young and strong.

After all, he was a young man with little fighting power, although he was encouraged by Ren Ping to fight to the death without retreating.But the gap in combat power cannot be filled by will alone.If it wasn't for the real Tianhua soldiers standing in the middle, it would have collapsed.

But Ren Ping knew that incentives could only have a temporary effect, and if things went on like this, the morale of the entire army would inevitably drop if the situation was not restored.

Ren Ping couldn't help being anxious, the opponent's combat power was impressive, although it was still not comparable to the Tianhua Army, but coupled with its will to not fear death, it could already rival the Tianhua Army.Now that the opponent has a large number of troops, even if it is exhausted, it can consume itself to death.He didn't know when the reinforcements would arrive, but he could only defend Qingyang City with all his strength.Once Qingyang City falls, the entire Qingzhou will be over.

Fortunately, the opponent's weapons and armor were quite simple, so the Tianhua army could take advantage of the advantage in terms of weaponry while occupying the geographical advantage, which was able to block the Dongyang army's offensive.

But despite this, the huge disparity in strength made Qingyang City already in jeopardy, and it might fall at any moment.

At this moment, a group of teenagers in the city rushed to the bottom of the city wall, demanding to climb the wall to fight.

Ren Ping, who got the news, came in a hurry, looked at the boy who was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and still had a childish face, and couldn't help shouting: "Nonsense, you go back quickly, this is not the place you should come to."

"General, we know that Qingyang City is very dangerous now. As students, we must not sit idly by." An older boy stood up and shouted loudly: "It is everyone's responsibility to protect the country. We read it from the book. Since everyone is responsible, why are we missing? The Dongyang Army is brutal and ruthless, once the city is destroyed, the family will be destroyed, so it is better to fight the enemy to the death."

"You are young and weak, what can you do here?" Ren Ping scolded unceremoniously, "Your fathers and elders are already standing on the wall, and they will protect you. You go back quickly, so that you can reassure your family. "

"Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers. Father and brother fight for us, and we are willing to fight for them."

"Yes, let's go there, we will fight side by side with our father and brother!"

The students shouted loudly, and the crowd was raging.

Ren Ping was both moved and angry.I didn't know what to do with them for a while.

At this time, a group of scholars came from behind, most of them were their teachers.

Ren Ping was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately called them over and asked them to take these students away.

But these scholars wore swords around their waists and wore short jackets, which changed from their previous gentle appearance.One after another, they stepped forward to ask for orders and climbed the wall to fight.

"General, I am really ashamed." Hao Ran, a scholar said, "As a model teacher, I let the students join the army before us. Although I am a scholar, as the students said, it is everyone's responsibility to defend the country. .This is also what we have been teaching them before. Now is the time for us to practice this way, and please don't refuse, General."

"That's right, as the division commander, how can we not set an example? Please also ask the general to accept me into the army!"

All the scholars shouted in unison, making the surrounding generals tremble, probably the sense of the scholars before, is this still the frail scholar?

Just when Ren Ping was about to continue persuading, another group of people came, all of them pale-faced, old and weak, walking towards them.

Ren Ping couldn't help frowning, what is this going to do?

At this time, an old man in the lead came forward, bowed his hands to Ren Ping, and said in a deep voice: "General, we are here to apply for the draft. As long as the general does not dislike it, I am willing to do my part for the defense of the city." Heart."

Ren Ping didn't dare to take it seriously, so he quickly grabbed the old man's arm and said with a wry smile: "What is this old man doing? This place is dangerous, you should take the elders and leave quickly."

"Dangerous? Aren't the children and grandchildren on the top of the wall dangerous?" Pointing to the soldiers fighting on the wall, the old man said sadly, "They are so young, and they are about to face death. Instead, we old people are sitting quietly. What's the reason at home? If it weren't for my weakness, I would only wish to be able to defend the city instead of them. General, although we can't go to the battlefield in person, we can still do some chores. I just ask the general to let us watch our sons go into battle Kill the enemy, let's do something for them."

Ren Ping couldn't help being caught in a dilemma. He wasn't sure whether this move would be beneficial or harmful.If the young and strong see their families behind them, will the morale of the army be shaken and it will be difficult to persevere.There are still family members behind, and they are more determined to defend the city.

At this moment, Zhou Mu Liu Jing hurried over.Ren Ping was overjoyed and immediately asked him about countermeasures.

When Liu Jing first heard that there were scholars, students, and old people rushing to the city wall to seek a battle, he couldn't help being shocked, and set off immediately.But on the way here, he thought it over clearly, as long as this matter is handled properly, it will definitely be a new force, strong enough to hold the whole city.

Therefore, after seeing Ren Ping, Liu Jing immediately told him what was in his heart. "General, this is a great move. At this time, it is even more important to call on the whole city to fight against the Japanese. With the support of the old, the weak, women and children behind them, the young and strong at the top of the city will be more determined to fight. Because behind them are their families, really. Stand behind them. Once the enemy rushes up, the second person to die may be their family members. Moreover, with the support of the people in the city, all kinds of logistical transportation will be smoother, and our army will be able to invest more At this time, protecting the family is the common wish of the people in the city. The general should follow the people's will and must not go against it."

Ren Ping suddenly realized, and immediately announced that he agreed to everyone's request.

However, he didn't dare to let these people come to the battlefield in person. Scholars and students are the pillars of Tianhua's future, how can they be easily damaged on the battlefield?And the elderly are even worse, at a time when filial piety is popular in the world, Ren Ping will bear a huge infamy if they are allowed to participate in the war, let alone let them go to death?
Therefore, Ren Ping first placed the old people under the city wall, transported weapons and supplies for the defenders, and carried the corpses and the wounded.The students and scholars all acted as the secretary of the army, responsible for counting armaments, counting casualties, calculating military merits and other trivial matters.

And Liu Jing was not idle, and immediately called on everyone in the city to support the defenders, vowing to live and die with the city.

Soon, more and more people left their homes one after another, gathered under the city wall, accepted reorganization, and became a member of the army defending the city.

(End of this chapter)

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