The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 720 Appease the hearts of the people

Chapter 720 Appease the hearts of the people
In late December, the Dongyang army raged in Qingzhou for more than half a month.In the end, they came to Qingyang City, the capital of Qingzhou, and encountered stubborn resistance.

At this time, there were only more than 6 defenders in Qingyang City, plus [-] young men recruited temporarily, there were more than [-] horses.What's even more unfavorable is that there are not many defensive weapons at the top of the city at this time, because it is located in the rear, and no one thinks that Qingzhou will be invaded.

Now, they must rely on these 6 horses to buy time for the assembly and support of the rear army.

But now there are not only tens of thousands of Dongyang soldiers and horses under the city, but also a large number of Qingzhou people who have come here.Countless people were driven to the state city to act as cannon fodder for the Dongyang Army.

Faced with such a scene, Ren Ping, who is the garrison general of Qingzhou, immediately went to Liu Jing, the governor of the state, hoping that he could appease the people and not be shaken by the fact that there are so many innocent people in the city.At this time, we can only block the siege with all our strength in order to save the lives of 30 people in the city.

Liu Jing also knew that the matter was of great importance, even though he was from Qingzhou, and he was also an official of the original Cao family.Because of his meritorious service in persuading surrender, he was promoted to Qingzhou State Shepherd to help Tianhua stabilize the rear.

Although he, the governor of the state, has little power and position, he can only govern the civil affairs of Qingyang City.However, he also knew that this was Tianhua's daughter buying horse bones, in order to attract talents from the Cao family to join him.However, he is already very satisfied. Maybe in a few years, he will be able to join the Tianhua Dynasty. Even if he only gets a job in the end, it will be enough to honor his ancestors and strengthen his family.

What's more, now that foreigners invaded Qingzhou, as a Qingzhou native, how could he stand by and watch?Now that the city is in danger, if the foreign race cannot stop the attack, not only the 30 people in the city will suffer, but also his family in the city will suffer as a result, and this is something he cannot allow.

So, after bidding farewell to Ren Ping, Liu Jing returned to the State Shepherd's Mansion in person, and sent people to gather various noble families and wealthy families in the city to discuss.

Not long after, dozens of representatives of the great clan came to the hall to meet Liu Jing, the state shepherd.

Liu Jing was not polite, and immediately said directly, "Everyone, our situation is very dangerous now. Once the Dongyang Army invades the city, you will bear the brunt of it. Therefore, I hope that you can work together with the government at this time. , to resist Dongyang."

"My lord, isn't the Tianhua Army responsible for the defense of the city and the safety of the people? What does it have to do with us?" A gentry said in a strange way. "Besides, we are all in danger now, how can we still have the ability to assist the government?"

Liu Jing looked at him coldly, and said in a deep voice: "I repeat, this is helping yourselves, not the government. Dongyang is cruel, and the counties and counties in the east of Qingzhou are corrupt, and there are no living people. Once Qingyang The city is broken, how many of you can survive?"

"Lord Zhou Mu, I have heard that although the Dongyang Army is brutal, they seem to be quite afraid of the Cao family. Some gentry display the banner of the Cao family, and the Dongyang army will not dare to invade." A gentry laughed, "This is also the case of the Cao family. Hearsay, don’t pay attention to it, just pretend I didn’t say it, hehe.”

"Hmph, Patriarch Tian, ​​this can only show that these Cao thieves colluded with the Dongyang Army to lure foreigners to invade our Central Plains." Liu Jing shouted angrily, "Such actions are indeed sinners of the Chinese people through the ages. Those who use the banner of the Cao family The gentry are even more of the traitors of China, colluding with Dongyang, committing crimes in the Central Plains, and slaughtering the common people. When our army arrives, none of these gentry will be spared. Do you still want to follow suit?"

As he spoke, his eyes showed a strong killing intent, and he looked around at everyone.

Some gentry who harbored evil intentions suddenly lowered their heads slightly, not daring to look at them.

"My lord, I am willing to assist you, but we have already responded to your call and sent soldiers to the city wall to fight against foreign enemies. Now, what else can we do?" a gentry asked with a wry smile.

"Everyone, Dongyang is now driving a large number of Qingzhou people to attack the city." Liu Jing said in a deep voice, "Now, not only the people in the city are panicked, but also the young and strong defenders of the city are also unwilling to defend the city with all their strength because of the love of their compatriots. Therefore, I hope that you can come forward in person to appease the people and boost morale. After defending the city, I will personally ask for credit for you."

Seeing that they didn't need to contribute their own money and effort, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.As for appeasing the people and boosting morale, it is nothing more than a little effort, not to mention that it is also in their own interests.So, he immediately obliged to agree.Even those gentry who have different intentions can only go along with it at this time.

After the gentry left, Liu Jing was slightly relieved.However, he still didn't dare to be careless, and immediately found General Ren Ping and told him his concerns.

"Your Excellency, you mean that among these gentry, there are some spies from the Cao family?" Ren Ren looked at him solemnly.

"That's right, the thief Cao colluded with Dongyang, and he will definitely contact those gentry secretly." Liu Jing said worriedly, "I am worried that these gentry will secretly cooperate with the Dongyang army while we are defending the city."

"Okay, the general understands, my lord, you continue to appease the people in the city, these matters will be dealt with in the future." Ren Ping nodded, looking at Liu Jing with a much more kind look.

After Liu Jing left, Ren Ping immediately summoned the generals to make a series of arrangements for the city defenders.Then, he secretly summoned two people, the person in charge of the Shadow Guard and the Blood Guard stationed in Qingzhou.

After the two listened to Ren Ping's words, Ma Wan, the commander of the shadow guards, immediately said calmly, "General, we will mobilize our troops at the end to monitor the movements of all the gentry with all our strength."

Duan Xiao, the commander of the blood guards, smiled coldly, "My blood guards' knives have not been stained with blood for a long time, so I just use their heads to grind off the rust on them."

Ren Ping nodded, he still had confidence in the abilities of the Blood Shadow Guards, and immediately smiled and said, "Then I'll leave everything to you two."

The battle outside the city was still going on, and with the encouragement of the gentry, the hearts of the people in the city were half relieved.The defenders on the city also gradually recovered their morale.Facing the frantically pouring compatriots, I had to cry and launch a fierce counterattack against them.

For a time, there was a mountain of corpses under the city, and most of them were the corpses of Qingzhou people.

Amidst the sound of Mingjin, the Dongyang Army gradually retreated.Looking at the increasingly firm defense at the top of the city, Zhuo Shengtunyuan had no choice but to order the army to retreat and rest.

He never expected that the city in front of him would be so difficult to remove.Prior to this, the counties and counties in the east were at least defeated in one battle, and it took a day or two longer.But the city in front of him took him seven or eight days, and he still can't take it.What made him even more unbelievable was that the city, which was already on the verge of collapse, had stabilized again in vain.

This made him very angry, because this city is the state capital of Qingzhou, as long as this city is captured, it means that Qingzhou has fallen, and subsequent attacks will be much easier.He secretly swore that after the city was conquered, the city must be massacred, and the Central Plains people who had the will to resist must not be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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