The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 222 Xiayang Pass First Transaction

Chapter 222 Xiayang Pass First Transaction

After the meeting, Lin Yifan officially launched the policy of mutual relocation of the people, and posted notices expressly stating that the people are allowed to return to their hometowns on their own, but all their properties and fields in Hengshan will be taken back, and Hengshan will be responsible for distributing them to everyone who returns. Settlement expenses.At the same time, for those who can return to Hengshan with their relatives and friends after returning home, not only will all their land and property be returned, but they will also be given generous rewards.

This move caused a sensation among the people in all parts of Hengshan, and under the announcement, people gathered.Some people who had been literate proudly showed off their literacy ability, reading the contents of the notice in rhythmic rhythm.After listening to the above content, many people couldn't help but feel moved. These people's family members don't know whether they are alive or dead, and they desperately hope to return to their hometowns to find their relatives.There are also some people who cannot leave their homeland, and the roots of the family are there.

The whole Hengshan boiled up, those who didn't want to leave kept persuading those who wanted to stay, and those who wanted to leave tried to persuade those who didn't want to leave, the two sides kept arguing about whether to stay or not every day.In the end, it was time to leave. As the number of people who registered to leave increased day by day, on the road going south, people in twos and threes looked at the land behind them reluctantly, and moved forward silently with tears in their eyes.

For ten days, according to statistics, the number of people leaving Hengshan County has exceeded 2, and most of them are men.Inside the presidential palace, Hengshan's high-level executives looked worriedly at the figures calculated in the past few days, and looked at the lost population one by one, feeling distressed.More than one person advised Lin Yifan to take back his order and prevented the people from leaving.

However, Lin Yifan still insisted on not letting go, arguing with opponents about the benefits and losses of this strategy every day.Fortunately, there was good news from Xiayang Pass.The Xijin werewolves who had disappeared for a long time reappeared outside Xiayang Pass, but this time they brought not swords and blood, but sallow, emaciated, hopelessly numb Tianwu people.

Lin Yifan was overjoyed, and immediately sent people to escort a large amount of food, grass and weapons to make a deal with the Xijin werewolf.This time, the Xijin werewolves kidnapped nearly 2 Tianwu people from the grassland, as well as 20 grassland horses and more than 100 cattle and sheep.Regarding this, Hengshan ate them all without hesitation.Regarding this, Lin Yifan almost woke up from a dream, because the value of the 2 prairie horses was less than 5000 taels of silver per horse.If it is sold in the customs, its price will reach at least [-] taels of silver, which is really a huge profit.There are also those cattle and sheep, which are extremely cheap. More than [-] cattle and sheep were bought at a total cost of less than [-] taels.

For the Xijin werewolves, there was nothing they could do. They also knew that the price of horses, cattle and sheep was too cheap. Even in the country of Xijin wolf khan, the value of a horse was as high as 70 taels.But now in the enemy's territory, precarious, coupled with the lack of supplies, it is impossible to carry so many livestock, and there is no ability to raise them.Because of this, it is better to sell it and exchange it for the materials you need. As for the right to set the price, you can only let the other party control it.

After the transaction between the two parties, the Xijin werewolf did not dare to delay for a moment, and left in a hurry with supplies.

Just like this, nearly ten thousand people entered Hengshan territory like a dream.They never imagined that they could escape from the grassland and return to the Central Plains in their lifetime.Looking at the Tianwu soldiers standing at the gate, everyone couldn't help crying bitterly, venting the humiliation and torture they had suffered on the grassland.

The soldiers who closed the door looked at the crying people below, and they felt sorry for each other. Didn't I almost become one of them?Fortunately, an adult rescued him, and he was freed from the gold werewolf's abuse just now.Even now, standing on this majestic pass, blocking the Jinwolf's ambition to go south, protecting the homeland behind him, and not letting his family suffer any more.

Looking at these withered people, Qin Yuanhao had mixed feelings in his heart, and immediately ordered someone to cook porridge to fill the stomachs of these poor people.

The next day, under the escort of a group of Hengshan Army, the common people started to go to Xiayang City.Looking at the familiar city and the familiar clothes, everyone was fascinated. It was only then that they were convinced that they had really returned to their homeland and the world they were familiar with.

After placing them in Xiayang Camp, a large group of people rushed over, brought each of them a set of clean clothes, and instructed them to take a bath in the dug pond and change their clothes.Then they led them to a place called the big canteen for dinner. This time they ate a full meal, and there was actually a piece of fat meat in it, which constantly exuded a tempting aroma, which attracted everyone to gobble up the meal and wait for the bowl Eat it too.After they had eaten their fill, someone immediately led them to gather in a large campus, and someone specially explained to them Hengshan's rules and policies concerning their vital interests.Just when everyone was in a fog, they still didn't understand.The officials who intervened in their ranks and explained to them led them to the camping area, quickly assigning them tents to rest.

No sleep for one night.

In the early morning, these common people were woken up by those officials, and gathered again on the school grounds. This time, the officials told them that anyone with a skill can register at the front desk. People are much taller.As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately went to register with half-belief, and after a while, they happily followed the person next to the table to leave the camp, not knowing where they were going.The rest of the people, who had no other skills other than farming, quickly went to gathering places scattered around under the leadership of the official.So far, the new batch of people has just integrated into Hengshan.

At this time, Lin Yifan was summoning Jiang Yunchuan. At this time, it had been more than ten days since the opening of people's mutual migration, and it was time to launch a counterattack against the Li family.

"Vice Chief Jiang, I have already explained to you the mission of going south this time, do you still have doubts?" Lin Yifan asked after telling him the strategy of going south this time.

"My lord, the lower official has no doubts about this strategy, but I just can't believe it. My lord actually trusts the lower official so much. After all, the lower official is only a newly attached person. What's more, the lower official and Mr. Ye..." Jiang Yunchuan rather Said inexplicably.

"I believe in the character of Deputy Chief Jiang, and I also believe in the character of Mr. Ye. I have always been suspicious of people, and I am not suspicious of my employer. This time, I have appointed you as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I think you know the deep meaning of it?" Lin Yifan smiled lightly.

"My lord, I am very grateful for your love." Jiang Yunchuan thanked him, "This time I am going south, I will never let my lord entrust me, and I will definitely send the people back to Hengshan safely."

"Well, this matter must be done well. This trip to the south is to your old master's land. You must distinguish between your grievances and grievances with him, and you must not act recklessly. But don't be afraid of things, remember, you are now Hengshan There are tens of thousands of Hengshan Army soldiers standing behind you. If they dare to touch you, I, the whole Hengshan, will never let it go." Lin Yifan said loudly, looking at him firmly, "This time going south, work hard, As long as you can make meritorious service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is yours."

"Your Majesty will definitely go all out." Hearing this, Jiang Yunchuan's eyes couldn't help flashing joy, and he quickly bowed to promise.

"In addition to protecting the people this time, I have another task for you." Lin Yifan said in a low voice, looking at the puzzled Jiang Yunchuan, "You were by Li Yuan's side before, so you must have done something to his subordinates. You should understand very well, right?"

"I understand a little bit, my lord thinks so?" Jiang Yunchuan nodded and looked at Lin Yifan in surprise.

"Yes, this time I hope you can secretly recruit talents under Li Yuan's command." Lin Yifan narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "It would be even better if we could place some of our eyeliners and undercover agents beside him. You have to do what you can, and you must not be discovered, you know?"

"My lord, don't worry, I will be careful." Jiang Yunchuan was breathing heavily, but his heart was very excited. If he could complete this task, he would have more weight in front of his lord.

"Also, Mr. Ye is a great talent, and I yearn for him." Lin Yifan sighed leisurely, "You know him well, if you can persuade him to come to Hengshan, I will be very grateful."

"My lord, Mr. Ye is actually yearning for my lord, but it's a pity that he can't help but be confused by kindness." Jiang Yunchuan sighed, "This time, the official will go south this time, and he must persuade him more. Maybe things will turn around."

"I hope so." Lin Yifan nodded and said expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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