The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 221 Adjusting the Official System and Unifying 2 Counties

Chapter 221 Adjusting the Official System and Unifying the Two Counties
The next day, Lin Yifan came to the county yamen in a refreshed outfit, and summoned the chief officials of the yamen to discuss.

Sitting at the main seat, Lin Yifan gave a detailed explanation of what he saw and heard during his trip to the south, as well as the series of agreements signed with the Li family.Especially the policy of mutual relocation of common people, in order to avoid everyone's worry and misunderstanding, Lin Yifan explained this clause emphatically.

After Lin Yifan finished speaking, Han Song stood up and said, "My lord, my subordinates are still quite worried about the policy of mutual relocation of the people in this agreement. Although I, Hengshan, have implemented many benefits for the people in order to stabilize the people's hearts and retain the people. But the other party can also adopt some strategies to benefit the people, so how can the people who have migrated to the other party's forces return to Hengshan? The risk of this strategy is too great, adults must not be careless."

"Master Han, don't worry, you probably don't know that the Li family is now focused on going south to Huazhou. Within its sphere of influence, it has unrestrainedly searched for people's wealth and people's power, making the people everywhere impoverished. In addition, the scholars inside There are many powerful families, who are domineering and domineering in the local area, annexing land, causing many people to be displaced and destitute. If they implement our Hengshan policy of benefiting the people, not only will they not be able to make up for the huge military expenditure, I am afraid that those aristocratic families will not agree. After all, these The policy has seriously harmed their vital interests. Therefore, even if the policy of mutual relocation of the people is implemented, this official is confident that the people will return to Hengshan."

"This, I'm afraid the Li family will definitely not sit idly by, and will definitely prevent the people from going north." Han Song thought for a while, and immediately thought of another question, and said with a frown, "If so, what should we do? ?”

"This is easy to handle. I will send envoys abroad to guide the people to go north." Lin Yifan had already planned the relocation, and immediately said relaxedly, "This matter is temporarily in charge of Li Cao, and Mr. Guo. In the past few days, Then you select a group of capable officials, and soon they will go south to serve as envoys abroad, representing us in Hengshan to handle the migration of the people."

"I obey." Guo Huaili quickly stood up and responded, but his face showed worry, "It's just my lord, my envoys abroad are just a group of civil servants, if the other party uses force, how should we deal with it?"

"I will send a team of people to go south with the envoys stationed abroad. If the Li family dares to offend my envoys stationed abroad, they will declare war on Hengshan. Remember, everyone, the envoys stationed abroad represent our entire Hengshan, and it is our will in Hengshan." The extension of this. Violating the envoys stationed abroad is violating our Hengshan. Anyone who violates our Hengshan will be punished no matter how far away." Lin Yifan punched the table and said resolutely.

Upon hearing this, Guo Huaili nodded in satisfaction, and thanked him gladly.

After talking about the mutual relocation, Lin Yifan ordered people to distribute the booklets, and before everyone opened them, he began to say: "The second thing is to solve the shortcomings of our current official system. Now we have After Hengshan County and Weiyuan County, as the population continues to increase, the Xiazhou Grassland will sooner or later be divided into several counties for governance. Our upper-level official positions have obviously lagged behind the speed of development, and the position of this official as a county guard is simply not comparable to ours. However, if we are self-proclaimed state shepherds, our population is too small, and the population of even a county is not worthy of the name. Therefore, after careful consideration today, this official decided to adjust the upper-level official system so that our The system is more adaptable to future development.”

When everyone heard the words, they quickly opened the booklet on the table and carefully read the ideas in it.The more I looked at it, the more excited my heart became. This kind of official position was unprecedented and unheard of. If Lin Yifan hadn't written a note on it, I'm afraid everyone wouldn't know what it meant.Although these official titles are very novel, the various responsibilities and powers are very clear and thorough.There are clear regulations on what position and what kind of affairs to be responsible for.It is no longer like the system of the Tianwu Kingdom. The powers and responsibilities of some positions are very vague, which allows bureaucrats room to evade.

After reading the contents of the pamphlet, everyone was immersed in the various connections and balances of various official positions, judging the pros and cons of them.

Lin Yifan glanced around at the crowd, tapped the table lightly to bring them back to their senses, "Everyone, do you have any objections to the official system in this pamphlet?"

"My lord, the official system you adjusted is unique and refreshing. It will have a great effect on future governance. However, in this way, we will completely tear ourselves apart from the imperial court. My lord feels that it is now Is it time to break with the court?" Han Song stood up and sighed leisurely.

"I've already thought about this matter. Now the imperial court is controlled by the Cao family, and this official and the Cao family are incompatible. There is no way to reconcile. Moreover, now that we have officially annexed Weiyuan County, we have completely turned against the imperial court. From now on, we no longer need to worry about the face of the court, and we can be completely independent." Lin Yifan said, heaving a heavy breath, and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"Well, if that's the case, then my subordinates have no objections." Although Han Song knew that he would come to this step sooner or later, he never expected that this step would come so quickly.His relationship with the imperial court can be regarded as completely dissipated.

"We have no objection." Everyone was optimistic about this, and naturally there was no disagreement.

"Okay, then this official announces. Since we now control the land of the two counties, the old system of Tianwu is no longer enough to rule the two places. Therefore, this official will serve as the president of Hengshan County and Weiyuan County, and establish a presidential palace. Responsible for overseeing the major policies of the two places, as well as the military affairs of the two places. Mr. Han served as the prime minister and established the Government Affairs Council to take charge of the civil affairs of the two places. Lieutenant Luo served as the commander-in-chief and established the military government to manage the military affairs of the two places. Chen Dengke Served as the director, set up the Supervisory Yuan, responsible for supervising internal and external affairs. Liu Yue was in charge of general affairs, set up the Finance Department, responsible for the money and food in the bank treasury. The other eight Cao chiefs were promoted to department heads, namely the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Legal Affairs, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs , the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Education. In addition, we in Hengshan need to communicate with the major forces of the outside world, and it is necessary to establish a new department to deal with it. Therefore, I intend to add another one, called The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is specialized in foreign affairs. This department is temporarily handed over to Director Guo, and the newcomer Jiang Yunchuan will temporarily serve as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs to assist Director Guo in handling diplomatic affairs."

When Guo Huaili heard this, he immediately understood Lin Yifan's intentions, knowing that he was only temporarily serving as the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that the newcomer Jiang Yunchuan was the best candidate for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.It's just that he has taken refuge in the army recently, has no merit, and hastily assumed the leadership of a department, which may cause internal dissatisfaction, so he let himself temporarily stand in front of him and shield him from the wind and rain.Thinking of this, he became clear and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Now, although you have been promoted to the new head of the department, the things you are responsible for have not changed much. You still need to deal with the affairs of Hengshan County." Lin Yifan looked at the excited crowd and had no choice but to pour water on them. A basin of cold water, "Besides, now you not only have to deal with the affairs of Hengshan County, but also the affairs of Weiyuan County. Everyone knows that I have a shortage of talents in Hengshan, and there is a shortage of official talents. For the time being, I can only be able Too much work. Master Han, how is the training at the official school going? Are there any available talents?"

"Returning to my lord, the students in the official school have been trained for several months, and they have some understanding of various affairs. If they are now sent to various places to serve as officials, they can barely use them. When it comes to talents, there are several. They are all quite good, as long as they are trained, they will become a capable official in the future." Han Song raised his brows slightly, and said happily.

"That would be great. Now that the training is successful, let's start dispatching to the counties to supplement the staff. In addition, investigate the county magistrates, the achievements of the past few months, and promote those with outstanding achievements in due course. Go to the county and focus on cultivating their ability to govern the county." Lin Yifan nodded and said happily.

"The subordinate obeys the order. In the next few days, people will be arranged to go to various counties for investigation." Han Song nodded approvingly and accepted the order.

"At present, all affairs in Hengshan County are still in your charge. As for Weiyuan County, I have decided to appoint Wu Ming as the governor of Weiyuan County, and Sun San as the captain. Half of the Cao chiefs need to be dispatched by you. The other half, I plan to select a group of officials from Weiyuan County Zhongshuan for my own use. Of course, these officials will come to Xiayang Official School for a month of study in order to understand our various policies and policies in Hengshan. Governance methods." Lin Yifan continued, "There is no sheriff in Hengshan County, and Mr. Han will also serve as the county magistrate, in charge of the civil affairs of Hengshan County; Have an objection?"

"The subordinates have no objection." After listening, everyone echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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