Chapter 189

When Han Song and the others entered the barracks, they were immediately startled by bursts of overwhelming cheers. They couldn't help but looked towards the school grounds, and saw countless soldiers gathered around the school grounds, dancing with their hands and feet in excitement, screaming again and again.

Everyone came to Lin Yifan in amazement and looked at the smiling Lin Yifan and Luo Yi.Without waiting for them to ask, Lin Yifan said: "Since all the adults are here, let's watch the game together."

"Competition? My lord, what competition?" Han Song asked suspiciously, frowning.

"Haha, let's take a look first, and then I'll talk to you about it." Lin Yifan took Han Song's hand and walked to the arena.

The crowd soon came to the edge of the arena, and at a glance, they saw two teams of ten cavalrymen desperately chasing and fighting on the arena.At first I thought it was cavalry training, but when I looked at it again, I saw that the two teams of cavalry were fighting so "tragedy" that they were just fighting for a small ball.Why is this?Everyone was confused.

But as the competition continued, Han Song and others had unknowingly fallen into the atmosphere of the competition.My mood fluctuated with the constant changes of the game, and I couldn't help cheering and cheering like other soldiers.

It wasn't until the end of the match that everyone was freed from their madness, but they couldn't help talking about the previous match with interest.

Lin Yifan looked at them and said with a smile, "My lords, how was the match going?"

"It's really wonderful, unheard of."

"Yeah, it makes me wish I could play a game, that would be a joy."

"My lord, what kind of competition is this, and who created it? It's too powerful."

Han Song had already recollected the race, looked at Lin Yifan, and asked solemnly: "Master, I'm afraid this race is not just for pleasing the audience, is it? I see the fierce battle in this race, just like fighting on the battlefield. In order to compete for a ball, riders Do your best, do what you can, and do everything you can. If your subordinates are right, you want to use this game to train cavalry, right?"

"Haha, Mr. Han really has a good eye." Lin Yifan felt that he was not alone, "That's right, this game was created by me, and it's called a polo game. I want this game to stimulate the cavalry's training craze, From passive training to active training, and at the same time through the competition, they can test their riding skills and cultivate their teamwork ability, and now it seems that the effect is good."

"My lord's thoughts are unconventional, and I admire them." Han Song admired Lin Yifan's ideas from the bottom of his heart. He could always come up with novel ideas, and after putting them into practice, the effect was also very remarkable.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Han, please take your seats in the council hall. I have something important to discuss with you." Lin Yifan humbled himself and said seriously.

When everyone came to the meeting hall, Lin Yifan said: "My lords, in the past two days, I have learned a lot in the barracks, and I have some ideas. I would like to ask you a thing or two. I hope you will give me your advice."

"Don't dare, my lord, but it's okay to say."

Therefore, Lin Yifan confided to everyone some of his thoughts over the past few days.When he finished speaking, everyone was already deep in thought.

After a while, Han Song slapped his thigh and shouted: "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful."

Only then did everyone come back to their senses, and their faces showed surprise.

Before Lin Yifan could ask, Han Song had already stood up and said excitedly: "My lord, these days, my subordinates have been worrying about the hundreds of thousands of horses captured. Such a huge herd of horses consumes a lot of money. Our manpower and material resources can't get any benefits. However, war horses are a precious resource, and we can't bear to give up what we say, so we have to try our best to maintain a huge expenditure to support the horses. Now we have the horses proposed by the adults. The policy of the government is to distribute horses to the people, and the pressure on our county government will be greatly reduced. The distribution of horses to the hands of the people will not only benefit the people, but also indirectly cultivate qualified riders among the people. Three wins."

"That's more than that." Guo Huaili was no longer silent, stood up and said excitedly: "My lord, if you send the horses to the people, you can train riders from the people. But if you spread the polo game to the people, everyone will work hard." , just to be able to win the championship and gain both fame and fortune. In this way, the people of Hengshan will inevitably become more martial arts, and at that time, it will be an easy task for all the people to become soldiers. Think about it, if we have more than 30 young and strong people Can ride and shoot, what a terrifying force it will be?"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words. Doesn't that mean that we in Hengshan can have 30 string-controlling people?We can also enter the customs like the Golden Werewolf and sweep the world?Thinking of this, I couldn't help trembling all over, and the eagerness in my eyes became even stronger.

"Ahem, although what Mr. Guo said is reasonable, I, Hengshan, am not yet able to reach this level of strength." Lin Yifan saw that everyone's eyes were shining, and had to pour cold water on them, "I want to have 30 string-controlling people , then our population needs to be at least five times the current population to be able to support such a huge military force. At the same time, both the economy and people's livelihood, as well as technical reserves must reach a level above. In terms of our current strength , The 30 control strings can only be taken as a last resort when we are facing life and death. Therefore, my lords, I, Hengshan, need to continue to accumulate and grow. Three years is a great opportunity for us to continuously temper our bodies, and I and you should encourage each other."

"My lord's words are very true. I admire them." Guo Huaili smiled slightly and retreated to his seat.

"Since that's the case, then this matter is settled." Lin Yifan looked around at the crowd and said seriously, "Lord Han, you are fully responsible for the affairs of the horse administration, and the workers and merchants will fully cooperate. The release of horses to the people should not be too hasty, nor can it be done casually." Distribution. This officer thinks that we can set up a horse breeding supervisor, which is mainly responsible for the training and assessment of horse breeding, and selects those who are capable of raising horses. As for the trainers, we can select those who are good at raising horses from among the captured golden werewolf herdsmen People, as the trainers of the horse breeding supervisor. In the future, the horse breeding supervisor will expand its powers, and the horses that are distributed to the people must be registered and supervised. Also, the riding level assessment of the private riders will also be added. , in order to identify those who have cavalry talent, so that the Hengshan Army can be recruited into the army."

In Lin Yifan's view, horses in the era of cold weapons are equivalent to modern cars. Since cars have to be tested for a driver's license and registered with a license plate, how can we avoid it here?As a strategic resource in this world, horses must be strictly controlled to prevent them from being lost from Hengshan and become a sharp weapon for the enemy to deal with Hengshan.

"My lord's words are reasonable, and my subordinates must do their best to do it well." Han Song couldn't help but nodded slightly, and said in admiration.

"There is also the matter of the competition, which must be spread to all parts of Hengshan, so that the people will deeply like the competition." Lin Yifan turned to look at Guo Huaili, "Mr. Responsibility. You are responsible for the spread of this game, and Captain Luo will fully cooperate with you. The spread of this game is related to the changes in our Hengshan folk customs. We must let the people dare to compete and dare to challenge. Li Cao’s future responsibilities It is to let the people of Hengshan be able to be brutal in their bodies and civilized in their spirits. They should cultivate both civil and martial arts, and attach equal importance to morality and ability. Only in this way can we, Hengshan, stand proudly among the heroes and compete for the top in the world."

Guo Huaili's eyes burst out with enthusiasm, and he immediately bowed his fists and said, "Your subordinates must do their best to make Hengshan look like a new one."

(End of this chapter)

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