Chapter 188
Different from White Fang's cheering, Black Fang's Hong Meng and others stood silently by the side, with their heads bowed, in great frustration.

Lin Yifan chatted with Su Haorui and the others for a while, then walked straight up to them, looked at the dejected black players, straightened his face, and shouted: "Stand at attention!"

Hong Meng and the others reflexively raised their chests and heads, adjusted their formation, and then looked at him in unison.

Lin Yifan looked directly into their reddish eyes, with an unconvinced expression, and immediately couldn't help laughing, "Ha, why, you guys lost this competition, don't you feel wronged?"

"Report, sir, no!" Hong Meng and the others straightened up immediately and shouted loudly, but the expressions on their faces told everyone that I was very unconvinced.

"Yes, yes, no, no, as a man, be brave, speak out what you have, don't be like a woman, pretending to be wronged, shameful." Lin Yifan mocked with a look of disdain on his face. .

This remark immediately caused everyone to laugh, laughing so hard that Hong Meng and the others blushed, wishing they could disappear immediately.

"Sir, we are not convinced." Hong Meng took a deep breath and shouted loudly, "In a direct confrontation, we are no worse than them in terms of riding skills or team coordination, but the opponent always uses some despicable means to plot against us. If there is another match, we will definitely win them."

"Oh, you think so?" Lin Yifan's expression turned cold suddenly, he looked at Hong Meng and the others, "You also think so?"

The rest of the teammates looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and nodded together, "Report, we are equally dissatisfied."

"Haha, very good." Lin Yifan's face finally turned gloomy, "Now, immediately run [-] laps around the school grounds for me, and I won't be allowed to eat if I don't finish the run."

What?Not only Hong Meng and others were stunned, but everyone present was also stunned.

Hong Meng's face suddenly turned ugly, "My lord, I don't agree. Why do we have to run twenty laps? Did we do something wrong?"

"Not convinced? Okay!" Lin Yifan laughed angrily, "Since you are not convinced, then I will convince you. I have said before that apart from not hurting the riders and horses, polo games can be used for anything. I have also said that the game is mainly based on actual combat, and you should treat the game as if you are on the battlefield. Tell me, on the battlefield, the enemy will talk to you about benevolence and morality, and will you talk about rules? ?The white player is your enemy during the game, the enemy who wants to kill you. The enemy will never be kind to you, and will not act according to your ideas. The enemy is deceitful, insidious, and does not follow You must keep this point firmly in mind. In the future, when you go to the battlefield, you must have the spirit of 12 points and go all out to deal with it. Remember, you must despise the enemy strategically, but you must pay attention to it tactically. Enemy. It is not allowed to make a single mistake on the battlefield. If you make a mistake, you will not only harm yourself, but also your comrades. So, do you think that you are unjust in losing this game?"

Hong Meng and the others had already blushed, their bodies were burning with embarrassment, and their bodies were shaking uneasily.

Hong Meng gritted his teeth and saluted Lin Yifan: "Thank you for your instruction, sir. I know I was wrong. I will accept the punishment if I am convinced that I lost this battle."

Lin Yifan nodded expressionlessly, "Go."

Hong Meng and the others immediately started running forward, and when they came to Su Haorui and the others, they all stood at attention, saluted together, and shouted: "I'm sorry, we shouldn't make trouble for no reason and slander you, this time, you won very beautifully, and we were convinced when we lost. "

Su Haorui and the others were taken aback by their actions. After seeing their sincere eyes and hearing their sincere apology, they couldn't help saluting them, "We are all comrades-in-arms, helping each other through life and death, there is no need to be like this."

"Thank you for your understanding. I hope to have the opportunity to compete with you next time." Hong Meng put his hand down and smiled slightly. "Next time, we will definitely beat you."

"We will win to the end." Su Haorui said lightly, his eyes were as sharp as lightning.

The filth caused by the competition disappeared, and Hong Meng and others began to face up to their own problems, and did not think that winning or losing lost their vigor and confidence.

The game was over, but the enthusiasm aroused by the game did not diminish. Under the organization of other cavalry generals, the second round of the game began.The best players in the cavalry were drawn out one after another and organized into teams, ready to enter the field at any time.The surrounding soldiers cheered enthusiastically.

At this moment, some infantry generals couldn't bear it any longer, they stepped forward one after another, looked at Lin Yifan eagerly, and said, "My lord, you created such an exciting and meaningful competition for the cavalry brothers. Do you want to watch Baba? Please, my lord, also create some games for our infantry, so that the whole army can enjoy the fun of the games, right?"

Lin Yifan was so entangled with many infantry generals that he couldn't help it, so he couldn't help giving them a blank look, "Are your heads made of wood? Since the cavalry has a polo game, shouldn't the infantry also have a ball game?"

"But we are infantry, don't we have horses?"

"Stupid!" Lin Yifan glared at the doubting person, "Can't you play ball with your feet without a horse, or with your hands?"

"Kick the ball with your feet, or with your hands?" Some people gradually got some clues, while others became more confused.

"Infantry can completely create a football similar to polo. Only feet are allowed to play the ball throughout the whole process, and hands are not allowed. Anyone who shoots into the opponent's net gets one point, and the one with the highest accumulated points wins. Isn't that all right?" Lin Yifan spread out his hands and said proudly, "As for playing with hands, we can divide the field into two sides, one team stands on one side, and the one who hits the ball on the ground of the opponent's field will score. Note that you can't catch the ball with your hands, you can only use your hands to pat the ball." The ball, and the ball must not fall from the hand. Therefore, when the opponent hits the ball, you must go all out to catch it. This game tests the sensitivity of the body and the coordination of the team, which is very suitable for infantry games. This kind of game Since we want to block the opponent's attack with our hands, let's play volleyball."

Several infantry generals were very excited when they heard the words, and racked their brains to memorize Lin Yifan's words, preparing to finish these two games quickly and let their men have a good time.

Seeing these people sweating profusely from anxiety, he begged himself to say it again.Can't help but feel amused, "Don't worry, I will list out the detailed rules of the game tonight, and you can discuss it carefully to see how to modify the game to be more suitable for infantry."

"Thank you, my lord. On behalf of all the infantry officers and soldiers, I would like to thank you for your success." The infantry generals dispersed happily.

"Yifan, I didn't expect you to have so many ideas." After everyone dispersed, Luo Yi looked at Lin Yifan in surprise, and said with a smile, "How did you come up with these ideas?"

"Father-in-law, I just figured these out. I thought it would be useless at first, but I didn't expect the response to be so enthusiastic." Lin Yifan scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled.

"Yifan, your whimsical ideas are different from ordinary people. No wonder you were able to build Hengshan's foundation with one hand. It's not easy." Luo Yi nodded gratified, "Because of your foolish ideas, Hengshan will soon be able to become a martial artist." The ethos of the Hengshan Army, which combines teaching with fun, makes the soldiers train harder, and within three years, our Hengshan is bound to become a blockbuster."

"Haha, since my father-in-law said so, it's pretty close. I'm looking forward to this day."

While the two were talking, a soldier came to report in a hurry. Outside the barracks, a group of civil servants headed by Han Song had already asked to see him.

"Father-in-law, even they are alarmed by the noise here, hehe, let's go, let's go to welcome them to watch a game." Lin Yifan laughed, "The whole people's movement, the important task of inspiring the spirit of martial arts still rests on them."

 I recently reviewed the plot at the beginning, and I was really speechless. I didn’t expect to dig so many holes, but forgot to fill them in. It seems that the outline should be carefully stroked.

(End of this chapter)

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