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Chapter 426 The Prelude to the Upcoming Great Change

Chapter 426 The Prelude to the Upcoming Great Change

"Spells of light restoration... no, they are the divine spells of the sun god. There are about 200 spells."

After quickly flipping through the entire Sun Golden Scripture in his hand, Mu Xiu probably already understood the content recorded in it. No wonder the big light ball reminded that he could release the above skills only by holding the book.

Because those are divine spells at all, not spells.

Even if they have mastered the spell model and the principle mechanism of energy operation, without the corresponding divine power and the corresponding divine brand, ordinary people have no way to release divine spells at all, because it is a power that can only be bestowed by the gods or cast by the gods themselves .

If the two situations are not suitable, then the imprint of divinity is needed as a medium, so the Sun Golden Scripture is exactly such an existence—like those legendary magic books, it is not only a carrier for recording knowledge, but also an auxiliary class. of special equipment.

It's just that Mu Xiu didn't want to be subject to such restrictions. Even if the Sun Golden Sutra is a book of divine tools in the true sense, he didn't intend to keep such things in his hands all the time.

He lightly pointed at the cover of the golden book that seemed to be cast from gold itself.

The brilliance of divine power bloomed unexpectedly, ripples like water waves appeared in the air, and then the surrounding scenery seemed to pause for a moment, and then a terrifying shock wave of divine power burst out.

It was a sea of ​​golden light, like direct sunlight, but it was so thick that it seemed to turn into a liquid state, sweeping across the sky and covering the sky, as if it was going to flood the surrounding space endlessly.

A grand and indifferent meaning slowly flowed out of it, as if a supreme eye was looking down on the earth, rising and shining, exuding an eternal majesty, causing the heavens to roll.

It made Mu Xiu feel as if he had met Mianyue Yiji who was in the state of God's possession before. Although the system was different, it undoubtedly belonged to the divinity of the sun.

It's just that this kind of divine brand is just a dead thing after all, so how could it cause any disturbance in the hands of another god?

The two terrifying energies collided with each other, but the winner was decided in just an instant. Mu Xiu's spiritual will was like a millstone, unceremoniously and mercilessly bursting out the power of the divine brand of the alien god Destroyed, and passed without any mercy.

This kind of thing is almost sure for him, and he can basically be sure that there will be no problems.Besides, taking a step back, he has two copies of the Sun Golden Classic in his hand, so naturally he doesn't feel bad even if he loses them.

The rune halo has been quietly opened, and the "field" comparable to the inherent enchantment has come, coupled with the AIM diffusion force field that can be fully controlled by electromagnetic force——

No matter it is light, radiation, heat energy or anything else, there is no way to escape to the outside world. For them, the gravitational field around Mu Xiu is an out-and-out black hole.

After the rays and heat waves that were hot enough to melt all matter on the earth dissipated, the room was still intact, and Mu Xiu was still sitting on the tatami as before, except that something happened to the golden book in his hand. The change.

Of course it didn't mean that it melted into golden juice or something, in fact it didn't even change shape, just like the heat dissipating rapidly in the air.

The so-called change actually means that this golden book seems to have suddenly lost its spirituality. It is obviously no different from before. No matter what technological equipment is used to detect it, it will only be the same conclusion.

But it just makes people feel that its golden much stiffer and duller than it was a few seconds ago, without any sense of mystery or spirituality.

However, Mu Xiu seemed to have expected it long ago, and once again stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped on the book.

The next moment, the golden brilliance flashed by, and he re-marked it with his own divine imprint. The Sun Golden Sutra, which had just turned into a pure metal book, once again became a book of divine weapons.

At the same time, the eagle-headed human body with a sun disk and a snake coiled on the top of the head was shattered, leaving no imprint on Mu Xiu's spiritual sea.

He is his absolute master of the gods, and he has already swept away all the impressions of gods and Buddhas in his heart, leaving only himself.


Mu Xiu looked at his palm, thought for a while, and swung his finger forward with a knife——

A tangible and intangible dazzling golden light flashed past, and slashed forward at the speed of light, but it penetrated the wall of the room at once, and it was sent out without destroying anything, and disappeared without a trace.

"The Light of Judgment... doesn't have any lethality against ordinary people, but it specifically restrains the existence of darkness and evil?"

Through the indescribable messages that emerged from his soul, Mu Xiu quickly grasped the characteristics of the ray of light that he just emitted, and thoughtfully opened the Sun Golden Scripture in his hand again.

But soon he became a little discouraged, because he didn't really have the godhead of the sun god yet, and the skill he just mastered was already an extra gift after assimilating the divine brand of the Egyptian sun god.

"Or can you master another one?"

Thinking divergently, Mu Xiu took out another Golden Sun Book and Black Book of the Dead.

In the movie, the Black Book of the Dead can bring people back to life, so Imerton used it to bring Ansuna, the one he loved, back to life.The performance of the Sun Jinjing in the movie mainly made Imerton lose his mana.

Therefore, it can be simply inferred that the Black Book of the Dead is a spell book that awakens the dead, can be used to summon souls and cast spells, and the Golden Book of the Sun is used to appease the dead.

However, according to Mu Xiu's reading comprehension, he found that the resurrection spell is also recorded in the Golden Sun Scripture, and it is relatively better than the resurrection spell in the Black Scripture of the Dead, which is more similar to the spiritual magic, but the two methods are similar. Each has limitations.

Probably because in Egyptian myths and legends, the sun god Ra also entered the state of death after nightfall. He would drive a solar boat into the river Styx, fight against the darkness and evil of the underworld, and wait until the dawn of the next day , the rising of the sun symbolizes His rebirth.

The young man turned his attention to the Black Book of the Dead. He had smashed the divine imprint on a Sun Golden Book and replaced it with his forged one.

That is to say, extending from the basis of the divinity of the sky, there is no problem for him to obtain the godhood of the sun god.

However, is it possible to control even the underworld?After all, the sun god Ra is the most widely worshiped Egyptian god, and the god Ra is often combined with other gods to form a mixed relationship.

For example, when he was in the underworld, he combined with Osiris, the god of death, and became a god of death.

From the perspective of mythology, this is something that can be done, and the Egyptian sun god has already succeeded.As long as Mu Xiu finds the right method, theoretically, he can also control the authority of the underworld at the same time.

"Forget it, let's take it step by step..." With a long sigh, Mu Xiu took back the three precious books of artifacts, then got up and opened the door to go out.



Because of the participation of someone, the progress of Junfu City's urban construction has leapt forward, and now more than half of the urban area has been rebuilt.

There were no wooden huts or shacks at all. They were all tall stone buildings, and the roads were all flat and solid red brick roads. Any main road was wide enough to accommodate four horse-drawn carriages in parallel.

Even lampposts have appeared on both sides of the street, but they have not been powered on so far, so no one understands what they are used for.

After all, the problem of electricity has not been solved for the time being, and whether it is hydropower or wind power, there are some problems. Mu Xiu is even considering whether to directly leapfrog to the technology of solar energy utilization in this regard.

Anyway, if the technical concept is unacceptable, it can be explained with mysticism, and it is easier for people in this era to accept it.

He is the "lord of brilliance". After the sun god's godhead is obtained, it is also possible to directly create a divine technique to solve this problem.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiu, who was walking on the tower, subconsciously looked at the huge fireball in the sky. He suddenly felt impulsive and wanted to go up to have a look.

At this moment, the sound of rapid and light footsteps came from not far away——

"What are you doing here?" Before the Lord's people arrived, the voice came first.

"I want to fly up to the sky and stand side by side with the sun." Mu Xiu replied honestly. He turned his head to look at the girl in full dress, wondering if something good happened to her, otherwise why would he be so happy?
"Huh?" Imakawa Yoshimoto was obviously suspicious for a moment, but then immediately remembered why he came here, and dragged Mu Xiu's wrist involuntarily, turned around and left.

"Come with Miss Ben, it is said that the results of your research on the Sun Staircase have been released! Go and have a look with Miss Ben right away!"

"What is mine?" Mu Xiu denied reflexively, but then he realized what the other party said, and his expression froze in an instant, "Wait, it's too unscientific, so quickly Have there been any results?"

"Yes, I also find it incredible. Those guys only found the most critical approach ratio after just a few experiments..."

The voice of the black, long straight girl was full of joy and joy, but there was also a trace of doubt in it.

It's like a chef wants to develop a new dish, but he doesn't say that he can succeed by chopping and chopping the ingredients and mixing them together.It also takes a lot of time and effort to see the results and continue to improve on the basis.

Not to mention pharmaceutical engineering, although Mu Xiu successfully brainwashed hundreds of death row prisoners in this time and space, and implanted the acquired scientist personality and a large amount of modern knowledge and skills in related fields, and then sent them to tackle key problems and research Plants like the Sun Ladder...

But adding it all up, it's still less than a week, right?
Letting the girl's inconceivable force drag him forward, Mu Xiu vigorously shook his head.For such a situation, it can only be said that the world and the earth work together. This period of time is a period of time when the time, place and people are in harmony, and the whole world is exerting its strength.

It can be regarded as proving his guess.

Then, in the next step, just follow the general trend of the times, tie the sun ladder, a species that can promote the progress of the ability of all human beings, to your own teachings and beliefs, and then spread it to the whole world.

Next, there is no need to worry about it at all, the general consciousness of this plane will help you preach.

It's just that the premise is that the solar ladder must be completely mutated, and the possibility of causing a biochemical crisis must be removed, otherwise, what will usher in is not a big explosion of faith, but a devastating blow.



a few days later.

On the boundless sea, in the air hundreds of meters above the sea, Mu Xiu and the girl with long black straight hair beside him stood quietly on the golden ripples that seemed to be absent.

"It's here? Did you throw that plant down like this before?" The king glanced at the young man next to him.

"That's right, after it takes root under the sea, it will be able to take advantage of monsoons and ocean currents to send the "fruits" it breeds to all over the world! "

Mu Xiu nodded as a matter of course, "Otherwise, shouldn't we be allowed to deliver the goods to the door in person? To find out the position, we are partners of justice who specialize in fighting against "demons"! "

"Aren't you afraid of losing control?"

"Don't be afraid, because my divine imprint is in its genome, so we only need to preach—"

"But it's not that easy to spread the faith to all parts of the world. Although steamships are already on the agenda..." Yoshimoto Imakawa frowned.

It's just that Mu Xiu still doesn't care much: "It doesn't matter, it takes time for it to grow, don't you think that you can reap it the next day if you sow it?"

When the two were talking, they were in the deep sea beneath their feet.

The blurred shadow of a huge mutated plant moved slowly in the trench like a living thing, and its long tentacles were as flexible as the tentacles of molluscs, continuously going deeper and deeper underground.

(End of this chapter)

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