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Chapter 425 The Sun Golden Sutra

Chapter 425 The Sun Golden Sutra
In addition to the "young" and "warrior" cornerstones of the divine way that are already at the core, Mu Xiu really needs to continue to condense other divine powers.

As a newborn modern god, he still possesses too few powers, so he urgently needs to expand his own domain and condense his own divine power in related conceptual domains.

It's just that this time he doesn't intend to use strengthening methods to obtain the power of God called "power".

Of course it doesn't mean that because he is dissatisfied with the big light sphere, he decided not to use its function anymore, and from now on he must completely rely on his own efforts to fight, so as to draw a clear line... He hasn't been so dizzy yet degree.

Although it seems imperative to get rid of the control of the "Lord God", it is undeniable that he still needs to rely on the "Lord God" light sphere to accumulate strength.

Because without the help of that big ball of light, it would take too long for him to rely on his own efforts to truly control his destiny with his own will.

And the reason for this choice is actually two main reasons-

The first reason is that only by organizing skills into abilities that belong only to oneself, or esoteric principles condensed only by relying on one's own efforts, is that the power that truly belongs to one's own, and there will be no causal involvement.

As for the second reason, it is even simpler, simply because... the skill exchange is too expensive!

Under the premise of having a choice, Mu Xiu would naturally not be willing to do such a thing.After all, his current accumulation is enough, and it is not impossible to breed new authority from the soul.

The current Mu Xiu is only one short of the A-level branch plot, and can meet the requirements for exchanging for S-level enhancements.

One A-level branch line was the reward of the lunar war, and the other A-level branch line was a reward for greatly changing the world line of the "Fate/Zero" plane-if he hadn't reached the fourth-level intermediate level at that time level, this extra reward may be even more generous.

After all, you must know that the factors that affect the rewards of the reincarnation, in addition to interfering with the plot and causing the world line to deviate, the gap between the level of strength and what you do is also one of the important evaluation criteria, and the risks and benefits are equal.

If an ordinary person totally relied on his own power to overthrow the whole world and destroy nearly 60 billion human beings.Such a "great achievement" cannot be justified without two S-level branch plots.

But for an existence like Mu Xiu who has reached the state of demigod, although such a thing is not a basic operation, it is really not too difficult and dangerous. It is estimated that only this first achievement has such rewarded.

But these are not important, the important thing is that Mu Xiu is already close to the temptation of the gods and demons in the top exchange items, and he only needs to work harder to get enough reward points and side plots.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to use his reward points and side plots in other ways.

"Because there are always so many things I want to buy, but the money is always not enough to spend..."

After closing the book "Overview of the Essence of the Gods" in his hand, Mu Xiu rubbed his eyes and yawned.This kind of complicated and obscure theory of ascension to the gods really made him feel a little overwhelmed.

The three elements of gods are god fire, divinity, and godhead.Because divine fire is the foundation of gods, divinity is the key to affecting all things, and godhead is the direction, which not only guides the direction of the power of faith, but also points out the tendency of divine power.

However, the concept of godhead can also be said to be a priesthood, anyway, it is enough to understand it.

Mu Xiu has basically completed the cycle of all functions, and the only thing lacking is the true doctrine, the kingdom of God, and believers.In fact, even without those things, he is still a god in the orthodox sense, and he is still walking the path of the ancient god of force.

"The power of faith comes from the spiritual energy of the believer's is really a sweet poison that can erode even divinity..."

Exhaling a long breath, Mu Xiu stretched out a finger, and a faint light appeared on the fingertip.

This is the unrefined power of faith, which was contributed by Olga Marie. After all, she is the first believer of Mu Xiu. No matter how unwilling to accept the reality, there is no way to deny it. this fact.

In addition, people's emotions are very complicated. When her psychology is so restricted that she cannot have any negative emotions and thoughts towards Mu Xiu, then naturally only positive emotions can be generated.

And there is no need to get involved in concepts like Stockholm Syndrome for the time being.

As long as she occasionally thinks about the reason why she survived for a moment, and feels a little gratitude to Mu Xiu uncontrollably, this is the moment when the power of faith appears.

It is precisely because of this power of belief that Mu Xiu realized a certain key and decided to unify the beliefs of this world.

The power of faith can be converted into divine power very simply, so simple that as long as it is filtered through the divinity, what is transformed will be pure divine power.And it is probably because of this reason that it has the possibility to change the nature of divinity. It is not only a shortcut to fast and powerful divine power, but also a rule to bind gods.

——Even gods have insurmountable limits.

However, if you grasp the limit well, the power of faith is also a powerful external force that can be used.

For example, Mu Xiu does not intend to transform the power of faith into divine power and use it directly for himself. He has established a new religion and spread teachings, not to collect faith for himself.

Instead, it is intended to return the collected beliefs to believers in another form.

He wants most of the human beings in this world to believe in him, but the collected beliefs are not his goal, so they will be fed back to the believers in various forms such as divine magic gifts and divine graces.

In this way, since it is not used for itself, it can easily avoid the risk of the source of belief replacing the essence of divinity.

Because Mu Xiu didn't come here for faith. In the process, he used his own power system to cover this plane and control the realm of non-knowledge and the mysterious side. This is his real goal.

Otherwise, if he relied entirely on his own energy to support the entire divine art system of a huge religion, his whole body would have to be bound to this world.

Therefore, it is natural to establish the system and at the same time find a sufficient energy circulation system for its good maintenance and operation. Therefore, the vast and endless power of faith and the huge kingdom of gods naturally entered his choice. among.



"How should it be graded, and what evaluation criteria should be used to bestow divine arts and divine gifts?"

Talking to himself, he just threw away the book in his hand, but Mu Xiu took out another book that looked more precious.

"If it is fully automated, then a very complicated combination of rune sequences is required to allow the Kingdom of God to operate by itself according to a set of strict rules."

He has been staying in this room for the past few days, racking his brains to think about how to perfect his teachings, or how to brag to himself modestly and yet forcefully.

After all, shouldn't a god have all kinds of great powers and be able to perform various miracles?
For example, Brahma created the universe in a dream, Yahweh created the world in seven days, Pangu created the world, Nuwa created man...

Well, Mu Xiu, who still has some integrity, really doesn't have the guts to blow himself up to such an extent, so he directly vetoed the deeds that he couldn't do or did not clearly do, and he didn't intend to give himself a face. Gold.

In other words, it was simply asking for trouble.

However, it is not that simple to compile a brand new teaching from scratch, especially with Mu Xiu's identity, it is even more embarrassing.

He felt as if he was writing an autobiography for himself, but he did not simply describe his life experience.

Instead, I want to brag as much as I can, the kind of majestic, upright, positive energy, sailing the sea depends on the helmsman, and everything grows depends on me... Well, I really haven't written yet, just thinking about it is already embarrassing.

Therefore, until the end, Mu Xiu simply clarified the concept and definition of his own godhead, and added some religious modifiers, and he simply ignored everything else.

After all, as long as legends and myths spread, humans will spontaneously weave myths.

And as long as the world is maintained under the background of monotheistic beliefs, Mu Xiu doesn't have to worry about being vilified and belittled by mythology—those who dare to do so will not only fail to form a trend, but will also be beaten to death by the people around them or tied to the stake directly burned to death.

What's more, as long as it is not kidnapped by belief, then the concept of mythology will have no way to dominate in turn and affect Mu Xiu's form of existence.

"The Golden Sun Sutra..."

Holding the golden book with a strong historical atmosphere in his hand, a strange light flashed in Mu Xiu's eyes.

This is his previous trophy. After all, he killed so many reincarnators and got a lot of low-level space equipment.It's just that in team battles, reincarnators like to set identification codes for their storage utensils, and if they are forcibly cracked, they may be damaged.

It's just that Mu Xiu didn't care much at that time, because the reincarnated people who were lower than him could not have richer background than him, and in his opinion, the only thing that was really valuable was the space equipment itself.

It wasn't until he unlocked the identification code with the help of the "Lord God" and got two identical Sun Golden Scriptures and one Undead Black Scripture from it that he realized that his thinking was a bit wrong.

"The plot item Sun Golden Sutra, you can learn the spells of light restoration, learners need to have special energy to use. You can interpret the text to learn by yourself, or you can strengthen the learning through the "Lord God". Learning consumes the corresponding reward points, you need to hold this book Only the book can use the skills in the book. "

The cold prompting sound of the big light sphere slowly sounded in the consciousness——

"Any member of the reincarnation team that can be resurrected has been seen by the holder. Each member can only be resurrected once. When resurrecting, his state will be restored to the state before death. Resurrection needs to consume the reward points and side plots that the resurrection once owned and consumed. Count twice the amount..."

The world of "Legend of Gods and Ghosts" or "The Mummy" seems to be a world that reincarnations will inevitably experience repeatedly, because for reincarnations, the most important opportunity for resurrection lies in that plane.

That is the number of resurrections set by the main god space for each reincarnation team. Maybe there are other worlds that have this kind of treatment, but they will not deliberately arrange it.

It's just that for Mu Xiu, this thing is useless at all, and he has no teammates. If he dies, he dies. No one will take the scriptures to revive him.

For him, what is really valuable is the divine imprint on the Sun Golden Sutra, as well as spells of light restoration.

It is precisely because of such gains that Mu Xiu intends to get involved in the godhead of the sun god. His original plan was to progress gradually. "Thunder" and "storm" are enough for him to worry about.

——Not to mention adding the concept of "royal power" at the request of the king.

(End of this chapter)

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