agent stupid

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

"Internal injury!" "No" two voices answered at the same time.

Leng Jie looked at the guard who spoke for the first time, and saw that he was still expressionless, as if he wasn't the one who answered just now.He looked back at the pale emperor again.No need to think about who to believe.

Leng Jie is absolutely unambiguous in the treatment of trauma. Once she was shot in the leg while performing a mission abroad, and she took it out with a knife herself.But using internal force to treat internal injuries is a new thing for her.Although she has a six-year-old kung fu in her body, she has only learned it for a few days, let alone saving people, she has not figured out how to save herself!Otherwise, she wouldn't need Xuanyuan to save her.

Leng Jie looked at the guard again and asked, "Do you know how to heal internal injuries?"

The guard still had no expression on his face, he answered "yes" coldly and then didn't continue.

If it wasn't in ancient times, Leng Jie would have doubted whether this person was a crying man?

"Yes, you can treat him! He seems to be your master?" Leng Jie also said coldly.

Hearing Leng Jie's words, the guard was startled for a moment, then looked at her contemptuously and then turned his head away, pretending to be bothering her.

This person is actually more attractive than the emperor?What is his background?It looks like a shadow guard or something, right?Seeing that he didn't like her, Leng Jie looked back to the emperor for an answer with puzzled eyes.

"You need to open up the blood vessels to heal the injuries, so you have to apply medicine to the trauma first. Otherwise, once the acupoints are unblocked, the blood will not stop flowing." Xuanyuan explained.

Who is this kid?How could the cold and reticent emperor explain such a naive question to him when he was seriously injured?The guard looked at the emperor in surprise, and then at Leng Jie strangely.

"But the last time I saw that senior brother healed you, he also tapped your acupoints first?" Leng Jie clearly remembered that when he was in the tunnel, Qingfeng obviously tapped acupoints to stop bleeding first, and then sent his true energy.

brother?He is Young Master Qingfeng's younger brother?But the younger brother of the jade-faced genius doctor doesn't even know common sense?The cold-faced guard looked at Leng Jie again with amazed eyes.

"At that time, he just injected true energy into my dantian to protect my heart veins. The healing will come later."

Xuanyuan didn't think there was anything wrong with Wuming asking such a question, on the contrary, he thought it was normal for him to be like this.If his medical and martial arts skills were as good as Qingfeng's, he would doubt it!Because Wuming knows too many things that ordinary people don't know.And it is something that the emperor Xuanyuan sighs and admires very much.For example, "the way of being a king, the art of controlling people", "clearly repairing the plank road, secretly crossing the warehouse", "hiding the sword in a smile", "the reform plan of the memorial format" and so on.

After hearing Xuanyuan's explanation, Leng Jie couldn't help sighing: That's how it is!It seems that if I want to survive in ancient times, I need to learn a lot!

At this time, the voice of Eunuch Fu ordering the little eunuch to put water at the door came from outside.

Xuanyuan looked up at the guard and said, "Ying, you go and bring it in."

Only a crisp "yes" was heard, the voice was still echoing, and the figure had already arrived outside the door.Seeing such a weird movement for the second time, although Leng Jie was still amazed in her heart, she didn't express it like the first time.Instead, he looked at Xuanyuan Wendao: "Your Majesty, is he your shadow guard?"


"Why don't you see him every time you are in danger? Dereliction of duty?" Leng Jie has also performed tasks to protect the country's leaders, but she has never had a record of dereliction of duty.

"I left him to do other things."

"Here comes what you want"

Before Xuanyuan finished speaking, the shadow guard handed water to Leng Jie.Eunuch Fu also hurried in with a sewing kit and wine jug in hand.Leng Jie took the sewing kit and hip flask from Eunuch Fu, pointed to the water and said to the shadow guard: "You first use water to wipe off the blood stains on the emperor's body. I need to make preparations first."

Without waiting for the shadow guard to respond, she turned around and asked, "Does your majesty have a sharp dagger here? Let me use it to clean up the dirt in the wound. Now that your shadow guard is guarding you, you don't have to worry about safety issues." .”

He still remembers the thing about borrowing the sword just now?Xuanyuan looked at Wuming dumbfounded, and said to the shadow guard: "Ying, lend your 'Blood Song' to Wuming."

What?To use his treasure to clean up carrion?His "Blood Song" is the magic blade that everyone yearns for!None of the Jiang Hu people who have seen it so far have survived.But, now, this nameless boy who doesn't know how to live or die, not only instigates himself to do things, but also uses his treasure to clean up the carrion!

The shadow guard was extremely angry, but the emperor's order was hard to disobey.He stared fiercely at the culprit who was threading a needle and fetching a glass of wine.Then, with great reluctance, he took out the treasure from his waist and handed it over.

Leng Jie just needed a small dagger, she didn't know that the weapon of the shadow guard in front of her happened to be a dagger.But from his hostile eyes, Leng Jie could see his love for daggers.Just like she loves her gun.Comparing her heart to her heart, Leng Jie did not go to pick up 'Xue Yin', but said to the emperor: "Is there nothing else? A knife is also fine."

"You ignorant brat, you actually look down on my 'Blood Yin'!" He stared blankly at the hand holding the baby hanging in the air.The shadow guard finally took the opportunity to explode.

"I saw that you were reluctant, so I proposed to use something else. Since you are willing, then I will not be polite." Speaking of which, Leng Jie was about to pick up the dagger in his hand.

The shadow guard who reacted immediately stopped and quickly put the baby back on his waist.Then drop a sentence: "I went to help you find one"

In a flash, the figure disappeared again.

Seeing that Eunuch Fu is already wiping the emperor's body.Leng Jie soaked the drawn needle and thread in wine, and found the white cloth for bandaging and Jinchuang medicine from the medicine box next to the bed for later use.At this time, the shadow guard reappeared with a shiny dagger in his hand.Leng Jie took it and soaked it in the sprinkler as well.

Because he didn't use his 'Blood Sing' shadow guard's favor towards Wuming doubled.Step back and watch quietly.

The preparation continued, Leng Jie anesthetized the emperor with silver needles first.Then skillfully use a dagger to remove the rot on the wound, then rinse the wound with wine, and then start to thread needles, apply medicine, and bandage the wound.All the movements are done neatly and in one go.

The three of them were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.I have seen acupuncture points pierced with silver needles, and disinfected with wine, but I have never seen human flesh being sewn as clothes.

Leng Jie understood their expressions. Half a month ago, when she saw that Qingfeng was just bandaging the emperor with medicine, but not sutured, she guessed that the medical skills of this era might not have reached this level.If there had been stitches, his wound would have healed by now.But at that time, she felt that saving him was the end of her benevolence, and there was no need to care about his pain for ten or twenty days.In fact, because of what happened to the silly queen, she subconsciously hoped that he would suffer more.Today he was injured because of saving her, and he didn't report it.Coupled with what I have learned about him these days, I found that he is actually not a bad emperor.At least his heart is towards the common people.That's why she came to help him deal with the wound.Although she could only heal the trauma, she did her best and repaid her love.

After wrapping it properly, Leng Jie took out the silver needle and tidied up the needle and thread.Wash your hands.One side exhorted:

"The wound can't get wet. As long as you don't do strenuous exercise, there is no problem in your daily life. The medicine is changed every day, and I will remove the stitches after seven days."

"You mean the emperor doesn't need to rest in bed?" Eunuch Fu asked in disbelief.

The other two were also puzzled.

It can't be blamed that they don't believe Wuming's words. Whoever asked Wuming's magic doctor brother asked the emperor to lie in bed for ten days to recuperate. Moreover, as long as the emperor exerted a little force, even the wound would open when he coughed.And why does he, a half-hearted doctor, speak so lightly?
Leng Jie saw through their thoughts and didn't care about their expressions.Anyway, what she has to do is done, and other things are beyond her control.She nodded lightly in reply.

"Is this art of threading needles on people taught by your master?" Although Xuanyuan was equally shocked, he understood the mystery of it.In this way, the wound is sewn together and the bandage is tightly wrapped, so it will not be easily torn apart.He was even more surprised by Wuming Xianshu's technique and the source of this therapy.At least he knew Qingfeng didn't know how to use this kind of therapy.

"No." He replied coldly.

They immediately came to their senses, looking forward to her answer with piercing eyes.

They won't feel at ease if they don't give a reasonable explanation based on their posture.Leng Jie felt that it was necessary for her to satisfy their curiosity, so she continued: "This method is created by myself, neither my master nor my brother knows it!" After a pause, seeing that they were skeptical, she continued: "One time I accidentally rescued an injured little rabbit. After I gave it medicine, it jumped a few times, and the wound opened again. I just saw someone else sew clothes that day. So, I also found a needle and thread to help the little rabbit sew Then apply the medicine. In this way, the little rabbit will recover soon. Later, I found this method to be effective, and used it to cure many animal friends. In this way, I have practiced this good acupuncture technique.

The three of them were dumb again, and the air seemed to condense suddenly.After a while, the Shadow Guard was the first to react, and asked in surprise: "You used the method of healing wild animals to heal the emperor?"

Seeing their convinced and surprised expressions, Leng Jie resisted the urge to laugh.He continued to tease: "Don't worry, I have cured a big boa constrictor with this method! Snakes are also called little dragons, right? And the emperor is the son of the real dragon, so that's the big dragon. The big dragon and the little dragon should be regarded as a family!"

After speaking, I dare not look at their faces, for fear that I will not be able to help but laugh.Turning around and walking, he said: "The internal injuries will be handed over to the shadow guard. The little one will leave."

My God!The person who dares to compare the real dragon emperor to a tiger in front of the emperor, I am afraid that there is no other person in the whole world!It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger!The shadow guard admired Wuming's courage in his heart.His favorability increased by two points.

The shadow guard looked at the emperor worriedly, but was surprised to find that the emperor didn't seem particularly angry except for a twisted face.And Eunuch Fu, who had always valued the emperor's prestige more than his own life, had no intention of pursuing it except for a moment of wrongdoing.Moreover, seeing Wuming leaving, he hurriedly chased him out.How is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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