Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 305 Proposal

Chapter 305 Proposal

For as long as 4000 years, because the purpose was to find the head of state, the Silver Plume Army rarely stayed on some planets for too long.It's not that the Silver Plume Army has not given up their "faith". Many people went to habitable planets, chose to escape from the Silver Plume Army, and lived and multiplied there. If found, they will be sentenced to death.

When the mission of the Yinling Army is finally completed, Bai Zhongqi is also ready to resettle these Iridium compatriots who have wandered for too long.Therefore, with a swipe of his pen, Bai Zhongqi signed the "Silver Ling Army Star Alliance Resettlement Act". According to the bill, the Silver Ling Army can move freely on the Star Alliance land, and the Star Alliance will mainly arrange for them to live in Lieque Star.

The Yinling Army itself is a militarized form of population organization. In theory, everyone is a soldier.Every child of the Yinling Army will receive training from a unified military school when they are born. Even though they may not live as soldiers when they become adults, they still have the status of soldiers and can fight when necessary.

More than [-]% of the population of the Yinling Army is soldiers. They drive warships, handle weapons, and are in charge of military logistics, etc. Even the food production and various supporting services of the Yinling Army have a strong nature of farming.Everyone is a part of the army, and the army itself is like a big society.

Although entering the universe and becoming a wandering civilization, the organizational form of the Silver Plume Army is still the original form of the army on the Iridium star.The most basic unit is one Wu, two Wu is one Shi, ten Shi is a hundred, and ten Bai is a thousand.10 people are the division, and [-] people are the army.Millions of people are flags.The leader of the Yinling Army is Dudu, the leader of the banner is Dushen, the leader of the legion is Duzuo, and the leader of the division is Duzong.

After the resettlement bill was signed, it actually means that the Silver Plume Army has a living area resettled on the planet, and can migrate many of the living functions that were originally on the battleship, and focus more on the combat attributes of the battleship itself.

Every silver feather warship with beautiful curves and shining silver light will have a ram-like device on the bow, which also makes all the silver feather warships look like a unicorn.Bai Zhongqi also simply called these warships unicorn warships.The single horn standing on the bow is actually the main gun of the battleship, and also the most unique attack weapon of the Silver Plume Army.

Correspondingly, Bai Zhongqi also deployed the Unicorn fleet in the 61 Cygnus galaxy.Even though Bai Zhongqi can't control these warships like he controls other warships now, the Yinling Army obeys all his orders unconditionally.

It's not that he didn't have doubts or hesitation about such a fleet, but a similar mentality has no intention of working for him.What's more, the situation revealed by the scarlet gem is that this fleet is actually a mission reward in the game, so he doesn't have much burden on his mind.

The military scale of the Silver Ling Army is several times that of the current Star Alliance military scale. When this military organization that claims to obey the orders of the head of state appears at first glance, people on Earth and even Iridium people are a little confused.

For the Iridium people who came across from the R19 fleet, most of them have never heard of the name of the Silver Feather Army, and it is only from a prominent family like Xu Lanzhou that they know the story of the Silver Feather Army.So the Iridium people have no ill feeling toward the Silver Plume Army.Earthlings are more curious about the Silver Plume Army.

Governor Xiandeng of Yinling specifically selected some of the most elite fighters in the entire army, and stayed in the solar system as Bai Zhongqi's personal guards, following the orders of the head of state.

In order to show importance to the Silver Ling Army, Bai Zhongqi also specially opened up seats for the Silver Ling Army in the Star Alliance, and arranged for all four members of the Silver Ling Army to join the Cosmic Army.

As was the case 5000 years ago, the Silver Wings are not at the mercy of anyone but the Führer.

Because of traveling through different parallel universes many times, the time of the Silver Plume Army has been out of order, and it does not match the second universe.So when the Yinling Army returned to the head of state, the Yinling Army also changed the time customization and unified it into the earth's calendar.

With the addition of the Yinling Army, Bai Zhongqi's troops suddenly became more abundant.Even Xiao Yu, the new Commander of the Cosmic Army, felt that he was lucky. When Xu Lanzhou was in power, the Cosmic Army was in constant trouble. After he took office, he gained the honor of the head of state and joined the Silver Ling Army.Although the Silver Ling Army didn't glance at Xiao Yu with the back of their eyes, which made Commander Xiao very upset, but after all, this is also the strength of the Star Alliance, and the more than [-] warships of the Star Alliance can already be dispatched and utilized more.

Therefore, Xiao Yu wrote to Bai Zhongqi, proposing to send troops beyond the interstellar cloud, and begin to attack the Tezien civilization that might invade again in a wider range.

"Xiao Yu still has some real talents." After reading Xiao Yu's plan, Bai Zhongqi nodded again and again.

There is still a gap between Xiao Yu's overall command ability and even military talent compared to Xu Lanzhou.But Xiao Yu is more mature and prudent, doing things safely.In his new plan, he not only made a variety of scenario assumptions on how to deploy troops, and stated the pros and cons of each, but also made detailed planning and deployment of routes, return aid, and retreat plans.

In his vision, the Star Alliance mobilized 368 warships from the Space Force and 923 warships from the Silver Plume Army to form a large-scale fleet of more than a thousand warships.This fleet will attack Tezyn's transfer base on the way to the Danlu interstellar cloud, thus completely destroying Tezyn's thousand-light-year military supply line.

Xiao Yu also pointed out that at this stage, Iridium is still not in place in collecting external intelligence. He hopes to send a few fixed reconnaissance ships and envoy ships to carry out activities outside.

Bai Zhongqi quickly approved Xiao Yu's plan. Although the Yinling Army hadn't warmed up in the Star Alliance yet, and was about to embark on the journey again, the Bailing Army who participated in the operation were very excited. Fight for the head of state.

When Xiao Yu got back the plan approved by Bai Zhongqi, he saw that Bai Zhongqi had approved most of his ideas, but there was one very different thing.

Bai Zhongqi intends to personally lead the fleet to carry out this expedition.

Xiao Yu stared straight at Bai Zhongqi's note on the plan that he would lead the fleet himself, fell into deep thought, and did not respond for a long time.

"Our head of state still really likes the imperial conquest." Xiao Yu closed the plan.

The last strategic reconnaissance was led by Bai Zhongqi, this time for the expedition, Bai Zhongqi is ready to go into battle in person again.However, this time involves thousands of warships, and the Star Alliance needs to make multi-faceted preparations.However, compared to the Taizien people who were in distress during the expedition, the Star Alliance can go wherever they go to produce, and quickly produce various supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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