Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 304 The Technology Tree of the Yinling Army

Chapter 304 The Technology Tree of the Yinling Army

Bai Zhongqi, dressed in white head of state costume, stood on the podium, and the camera robot suspended in mid-air transmitted the holographic image of his whole body to all the battleships of the Yinling Army.On these battleships, more than 500 million soldiers and families of the Yinling Army all looked at him with tears in their eyes and excited expressions.

"I haven't forgotten you." This was Bai Zhongqi's opening remarks.It was just this opening sentence that made more than 200 million Yinling soldiers boil at this moment. They burst into tears and were so excited that they couldn't be more excited. Many people even performed the unique kneeling salute of the Yinling army.

For 4000 years, the Silver Ling Army has never had such a happy scene.

However, what Bai Zhongqi said was a lie. A few hours ago, he didn't even know what the Silver Ling Army was.

But now, Bai Zhongqi could deeply feel the eagerness and admiration of these white-robed Iridium people.If ordinary Iridium people's feelings for the head of state are respect and obedience, then the feelings of the Silver Plume Army for the head of state are fanatical and absolute.There is no other vocabulary or concept that has had a greater impact on the wandering civilization of the Yinling Army.The Yinling Army's devotion and dedication to the word head of state even surpassed the realm of some religious fanatics.

This kind of fanaticism has not weakened with the passage of time. The successive governors of the Yinling Army have continuously strengthened and instilled the loyalty of the Yinling Army to the head of state, as well as the fatalism of the Yinling Army-only when the head of state is found, the Yinling Army can survive. Only by realizing the real value of life can we have the real meaning of existence.It was this fatalism that united the Silver Plume Army in the perilous and miserable displacement, enabling them to continuously overcome difficulties one by one, and it continues to this day.

In fact, just look at the population of the Yinling Army. It seems that the Yinling Army has more than 2000 majestic warships, but their population is only about 500 million. In the past 4000 years, the population growth rate of the Yinling Army has been extremely slow, and the reason is also related to their continuous losses.

"As the head of Iridium, I am flattered by your actions. 5000 years ago, I fought side by side with your ancestors, sharing the glory and taste of victory. Due to unavoidable circumstances, I was separated from Iridium for 5000 years. , you are constantly looking for a world with me (white face press: bite me), such persistence and persistence are the excellent qualities of our Iridium people. In the third world that you traveled to, we finally met, This is an exciting thing. Because I believe that, together with me, you will achieve more great feats and bring more splendid things to this galaxy, and the civilization we have created will also contribute to the universe. It is well-known in the world!"

Bai Zhongqi usually doesn't like to be particularly lengthy in his speeches, and can finish it in a few minutes, but this time, Bai Zhongqi talked for half an hour, from praising the Silver Plume Army, to "reminiscing" the year of Iridium, and then looking forward to the future In the future, and ask the Yinling Army to lend a helping hand and things like that.

Doing so is actually satisfying the long-awaited wish of the Yinling Army. They have been looking for the head of state for 4000 years, but Bai Zhongqi has no reason to talk to them for a few minutes.On the contrary, Bai Zhongqi wanted to further import his own image into Yin Lingjun's heart, and merge with the image of the head of state they had already deified.

The reason was that he really wanted to control the Silver Ling Army.

Nian Deng has already presented the situation of the Yinling Army to Bai Zhongqi. As a wandering civilization, the family background of the Yinling Army cannot be as rich as that of a conventional civilization, but what they have is already attractive enough.

After the population of more than 500 million cosmic civilizations integrates into the earth civilization, it is bound to be able to provide assistance for the further transformation and development of the earth civilization.

Zero has roughly calculated the civilization level of the Silver Plume Army, excluding the civilization scale, administrative stars, and population, but from a technical point of view, the civilization level of the Silver Plume Army is level 25, which has initially become an advanced civilization.

More importantly, the Silver Plume Army is taking a development path of civilization and technology that is completely different from the Iridium United Empire. Many of their technologies are of reference value, and can even make up for some of the shortcomings of Iridium technology.

Mo Laitong, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, also gave a general explanation to Bai Zhongqi after his speech.

"... Generally speaking, the technological route of the Iridium United Empire is artificial intelligence and robotization, because our civilization is controlled by your supreme command, so there is no need to worry about problems such as artificial intelligence mutiny and robot rampage, we probably also In addition to the artificial intelligence and robot civilization that has reached this level of pure robot civilization.

Many technologies of the Yinling Army civilization come from other civilizations. What they do is to integrate these things together. The Yinling Army civilization also has a route, and this route is the "smart material civilization".This can be seen from their warships. The overall character of these warships is exceptionally good, even better than the warships we designed and built.The reason is that they use a smart material unique to civilization, an editable material at the sub-nanometer level.They use smart materials to realize many functions that we use mechanically. In fact, we have also dabbled in this kind of technology, such as our widely used optical brain smart devices for civilian use.The Silver Plume civilization went even further, creating all sorts of powerful and valuable things out of this material.

Of course, I think the most interesting thing is that this is a programmable deformable material that can change the physical appearance and certain characteristics to achieve different effects.The most prominent performance is the individual power armor adopted by the Yinling Army. This kind of armor is as thin as a fiber textile, which realizes the functions of energy supply, defense, and attack, which is very powerful. "

In fact, Bai Zhongqi also seemed to understand half of what he heard, surrounded by clouds and mist.In fact, in general, the strengths of the Iridium people are reflected in the atomic-level manufacturing. The material is decomposed and shaped at one time, and the manufacturing power is explosive; while the Silver Plume Army realizes a simple material, which looks as simple as a piece of material. An iron plate, but it may integrate a series of functions such as energy storage, computing, communication, and even energy weapons. Not only that, this iron plate may also be able to deform.

Mo Laitong sighed regretfully at this time: "I have roughly looked at the principle of this sub-nanometer smart material, and it is very delicate microscopic manipulation, which shows that we still have a long way to go in understanding the physical laws of the universe. This kind of material cannot be completed by atomic construction, and still needs to be manufactured in the traditional way of silver feather army."

Bai Zhongqi nodded. Mo Laitong still has a lot of thoughts. If he can really combine atomic construction with smart materials, I am afraid that the power of Iridium will not be simply multiplied.But even if there is no way to integrate the two now, the strength that can be produced by their respective cooperation is still very impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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