Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 222 "Business Group" Departs

Chapter 222 "Business Group" Departs

After a proper examination and treatment, Chi Jia was summoned by Bai Zhongqi and came to the bridge of the Holy Falcon.This is not the first time he has entered the bridge of the Holy Falcon. Although the combat system is similar to that of the Richelieu, the more complex combat functions and stronger combat power make Chi Jia's heart sway.As a pure soldier, Chi Jia hoped that one day he would be able to command such a warship.

Seeing Bai Zhongqi, Chi Jia was still a little bit ashamed and uneasy. After saluting, he said shamelessly: "Your Majesty, I am willing to take full responsibility for the loss of the Richelieu and ask my superiors to punish me."

Bai Zhongqi understood that Chi Jia was a typical C-country soldier, he waved his hand and said, "These are useless words, it wasn't your decision to go to that galaxy, and it wasn't your mistake that caused that star to hit your battleship. So don't say anything useless. I called you over because I still have a task to explain to you. "

Chi Jia took Bai Zhongqi's confession as an opportunity to make amends, and immediately said: "I promise to complete the task."

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said: "The task is not complicated. You see, after we escaped from the dead, we came to this galaxy that seems to be very busy. The reason why this galaxy is busy is because there is a commercial planet here."

Following Bai Zhongqi's explanation, the projector at his hand showed the image taken by the Holy Falcon, and an asteroid that has been modified so that it does not look like a natural celestial body is in front of him. After all, Chi Jia just rolled around in the universe The rookie, very amazed by it.

"On a general commercial planet, there will be a large number of transactions, including information transactions. This place is not very far from the home star of the Taizin civilization, and this commercial planet can exist, which means that the interstellar consortium that controls this commercial planet is bound to I have the strength to counter Tezzin, and have a lot of information about Tezyn. I plan to go to this commercial planet to get valuable information, or other things.

I will take the battleship AI Zero with you, and I will also select some of your crew members who have no major physical problems, but the Holy Falcon cannot be presided over by someone, so I hope you can stay on the ship and lead the rest of the ship. Members, prop up this battleship. We don't know what's wrong with this galaxy and what kind of risks it will encounter, but I authorize you to attack any existence that threatens this battleship. "

Chi Jia didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to command the Holy Falcon so soon. Although he was only the acting captain of this warship, this honor made him very excited.

A soldier like him would never say that he was afraid that he would not be able to do the job well. Chi Jia saluted firmly and said, "I promise to complete the task!"

Bai Zhongqi has no doubts about this, he still has a supreme order, which can be used as the second layer of insurance for the Holy Falcon's own defense.

After the confession was completed, Bai Zhongqi selected [-] Chi Jia's crew members, including navigator Jun Jiushao, medical officer Yin Qiao, flight pilot Tashvi, and some bionics to accompany him, most of them were administrative personnel and others. guard.Han Jiaxue is also in this small team. She has studied the relationship between cosmic civilizations and is proficient in interstellar trade, so she can help Bai Zhongqi.

The battleship AI Zero stood by Bai Zhongqi's side every step of the way, even closer than his real girlfriend Han Jiaxue. Her reason was that she had to better protect the iridium star when she went to a place where she didn't know the situation. Your Majesty the Führer.

Even though it was her first space voyage and her first encounter with a real extraterrestrial civilization, Han Jiaxue showed no timidity in front of Bai Zhongqi and expressed what she had learned.

"The overall construction of this commercial planet is a very typical arrangement of commercial planets. A cordon is set up on the border 50 kilometers away from it, and any ships of a military nature cannot enter this range."

Bai Zhongqi nodded, knowing it well. 50 kilometers is already beyond the range of the main weapons of most interstellar civilization warships, and the biggest role of setting up such a warning line is actually to judge the intention of the other party.Civilizations that really want to come to do business will not drive their warships to this distance.

Now Bai Zhongqi has stopped the Holy Falcon at a place 20 kilometers away from the warning line, and from here he will take his temporary "business group" to the commercial planet.

The big guy, the Holy Falcon, also brought a fighter wing, cargo spaceship, engineering spaceship and other auxiliary vehicles, and even Bai Zhongqi's blue wave boat was also there.Bai Zhongqi took the blue wave boat by himself, and ordered Tashwei, the flight pilot, to drive a cargo spaceship, and they both went there.

"Inside the cordon is the customs of this commercial planet. All the spacecraft entering the port will enter the customs here. I just don't know how open this commercial planet is. If it is a relatively free commercial planet, we only need to fill in a name and give it to ourselves. You can just fill in the name of the civilization you belong to." Han Jiaxue obviously learned a lot, and he knows these contents like the back of his hand.

Listening to Han Jiaxue's words, Jun Jiushao asked a question: "However, how does our Star Alliance communicate with this commercial planet? The languages ​​of the two sides are different."

This question was quickly answered. When the Bibo boat flew to the customs entrance and waited in line to enter, a small aircraft was released by the commercial planet customs. This aircraft is not so much an aircraft as it is a connector. Adjusted port connection capabilities.

Bai Zhongqi also opened an external access port of the Bibo ship. Basically, any interstellar vehicle will have such a thing. It can form a closed loop and not communicate with the main engine of the spacecraft.In other words, if the information sent by the other party may contain a virus, it will not affect the host and cause any unforeseen disaster.

Of course, if a commercial planet opens its doors to do business, it is impossible to engage in such tricks and smash its own signboard.

Ling Weiwei's eyes dimmed, as if a stream of information swept across her eyes, "The other party sent a lot of data, including a language, which should be the official language used by this commercial planet."

"The other party's language has been analyzed, and other access information has been identified, and the business and trade manual sent by the other party has been found."

Bai Zhongqi is very interested in this. Obviously, any newly arrived civilization may have difficulties in communicating with the other party, but the other party very intimately used the method of visual demonstration to pass his own words to the new customer, and also attached Some very useful "shopping guides".

Even if the business reaches the Milky Way, some characteristics of the merchant will not change. In order to obtain more profits, it is necessary to serve customers better.

(End of this chapter)

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