Galaxy Domination Guide

Chapter 221 Commercial Planet

Chapter 221 Commercial Planet
When the Sacred Falcon escaped from the warp bubble, it was already about seven light-years away from the supernova just now. In order to avoid the influence of this rare cosmic astronomical disaster as much as possible, Bai Zhongqi ordered the Sacred Falcon to fly a further distance.

With the help of the bionics on board, the crew of the original Richelieu have already entered the medical cabin for examination.Bai Zhongqi also sat on the couch in the captain's cabin and rested for a while. Han Jiaxue brought him food. The kitchen utensils on the Sacred Falcon were also complete. Han Jiaxue made all kinds of special desserts and served them with a pot of fragrant black tea , Bai Zhongqi felt that it was already a rare enjoyment.

As the head of the Iridium Star and the helm of the Star Alliance, Bai Zhongqi seems to be extremely noble, but his personal enjoyment may not be as good as most rich people on earth.On earth, he may live in a palace with a large area, but the food and clothing are not luxurious.Of course, Iridium has turned many luxury and high-end items into ordinary goods.

"If I hadn't decided to target this galaxy, our crew members might not have to die." Bai Zhongqi sighed slightly.

Han Jiaxue supported his shoulders, and comforted him softly: "Don't think so, you don't want such a thing to happen, it's all an accident, and you can't do much."

Bai Zhongqi looked at the starry sky outside the porthole of the captain's cabin and said, "Only at this time can I truly realize that I am actually just a mortal."

Han Jiaxue took his hand, sat next to him, and smelled, "Isn't it good to be a mortal? Why are so many people's responsibilities placed on your shoulders?"

Bai Zhongqi smiled wryly: "Maybe I'm an arrogant bastard."

When the Holy Falcon escaped from the warp bubble, Zero's voice had already been transmitted to Bai Zhongqi's brain through the bone-headed signal.

"Your Majesty, it seems that we have come to a busy galaxy. We have received a large number of signals within 1 AU. There are more than 1.6 spaceships in our vicinity. [-] AU, one of them has been highly modified. dwarf planet, there are frequent spacecraft coming in and out near this dwarf planet."

Bai Zhongqi was slightly surprised, and said, "A commercial planet?"

"Most likely."

Merchant planets are an uncommon but very useful existence in the Milky Way.In terms of jurisprudence, commercial planets generally do not belong to any official interstellar civilization, or are independent of some relatively powerful star civilizations. Behind this planet is a profitable company with strong channels and resource acquisition capabilities. consortium.

This kind of commercial planet is often not a very huge planet, mostly asteroids or dwarf planets, and some are even directly artificial planets. This is related to the technical level of the consortium or commercial organization to which the planet belongs.Like the free trade ports on Earth, most of these commercial planets do not charge import and export tariffs, and provide various services related to commerce and finance, so that many nearby civilizations conduct trade here, striving to create a free, unlimited, Flexible business trading platform.

When Bai Zhongqi was playing games, he actually saw a few commercial planets. The huge business opportunities contained in each commercial planet are enviable, but no interstellar civilization will take them for themselves.The reason why the commercial planet can become a place for different civilizations to conduct free trade is because it does not belong to any civilization, a set of effective mechanisms is well implemented, and the reputation and strength of the consortium it belongs to are also quite guaranteed.

Bai Zhongqi once went to war angrily because the consortium behind a commercial planet calculated a trade business controlled by the Iridium United Empire and caused certain losses.Although it is facing a private business consortium, it is not easy for Iridium to win this war.Possessing strong connections and resources, the Consortium not only hired a large fleet of mercenaries, convincing Iridium's enemies to join the fray, but was also resolute in its resistance.

Merchants seem to be a group that is easily shaken, but the owners of these giant consortiums and business planets that do business in the Milky Way understand a truth, that is, only when they are strong, respected and convinced by others, can they preside over the conflicts between different civilizations. trading.If any civilization wants to come up and take a little oil and water away, then this commercial consortium and commercial planet are fat sheep at the mercy of others, and there is no room for development at all.

After Bai Zhongqi successfully captured this commercial planet, it no longer became a place for trade among civilizations. Not only could it not generate a lot of tax revenue, but it also consumed a lot of energy and funds to maintain governance, which caused Bai Zhongqi a particularly headache.

In the real world, Bai Zhongqi encountered a possible business planet again, which was both accidental and very lucky.

"Almost everything on a commercial planet can be bought and sold, some strange alien species, a high-end technology capable of bringing about change, even the head of a powerful interstellar civilization, or a terrifying fleet. In this, naturally Including effective intelligence. This place is not too far from the home of the Taizin civilization. If you pay a certain price, you can definitely get very useful information, whether it is for our next strategic reconnaissance or information after the war. , will be of great value." Bai Zhongqi quickly made his own judgment.

Ling looked at Bai Zhongqi, and couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, I thought you would return to Earth to rest immediately after encountering the disaster of the supernova explosion."

Bai Zhongqi shook his head: "It took us [-] days to get here, and it will take another [-] days to return to Earth. If we get nothing and lose a warship, the blow to the morale of the Star Alliance itself will be immeasurable. Yes. Therefore, we must get something useful during this period of time, so that our efforts will be rewarded."

Zero was silent for a moment, and then said: "As your assistant, I think it is necessary for me to remind you that if you are persistent because of sunk costs and want to get back your money, this kind of gambler mentality may make you lose more. "

Bai Zhongqi smiled slightly: "I know, but without trying, we don't know. The Holy Falcon is still relatively intact. If we encounter any enemy, even if we are not strong enough, we still have the option to evacuate. And, now we have a good chance , a commercial planet is right in front of our eyes.”

Zero no longer tried to persuade her, her mission was not to hinder Bai Zhongqi from making decisions, but to thoroughly implement every one of his decisions.Now that Bai Zhongqi has made up her mind, she won't be able to tell whether it's right or wrong, or whether it's effective or not, and will only accompany her to the end.

 I'm really tired today, let's update a chapter first, today's Chapter 2 will be added tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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