Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 250 The Falla Case Comes Up

Chapter 250 The Falla Case Comes Up

Luo Yan suddenly jumped from the seventh rank to the fifth rank.None of the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty dared to stand up against it, except for a few people who said something sour.

No one is blind.Not to mention Li Shimin's reliance on Luo Yan, not to mention the praise of Luo Yan by their immediate superiors, and not to mention the respect for Luo Yan in the scholarly community.Just talking about Luo Yan himself makes those who want to object embarrassed to speak up.

In the middle of the year, if Luo Yan hadn't pleaded with Li Shimin to exterminate the locusts on his own, I don't know what would happen to the Gyeonggi area.By comparing this matter, we can see that the locust plague broke out in early June because of the ten-day delay in Shangzhou. carry out.But the effect is still not as good as that of Lantian, which is separated by a wall. During the harvest season, the people of Lantian can guarantee their food rations, and Shangzhou still needs relief from the court.

As far as this family work is concerned, it is worthy of promotion.

Not to mention, during his term of office, he produced four Jinshi of the Mingjing Department, one Jinshi of the Jinshi Department, and even taught seven Jinshi of Mathematics.

With such a skill, who would dare to refuse?

It is rumored that Luo Yan just hit his luck, and this year's Jinzhou scholars are already very good.Who would have thought that one sentence would annoy a lot of people.Originally, no one wanted to say that they were inferior to others when they failed the scientific examination.Although I don't know the truth now, but having such a good teacher as Luo Yan is also a good excuse for those who failed the exam.When this person said this, he stabbed a hornet's nest, and the scholars who surrounded him scolded him a lot.

This person was finally rescued by others.But he would rather be beaten to death by others than to be rescued in that way.

The one who saved the life was Luo Yan's good friend Qu Tuquan. That day, the Hongwen Museum happened to be resting, and he went out to drink because he couldn't be free, so this happened to happen.After asking the reason, Qu Tuquan squeezed into the crowd and comforted the scholars who were still not in time to curse, and then smiled at the sarcastic person: "I think what Luo Yan once said is very suitable for you. , now I’ll give it to you: you can do it, don’t talk nonsense.”

This sentence was originally said by Luo Yan when Qu Tuquan was dissatisfied with the elder Sun Chong and went on a walk in the palace, and said sour words in front of Luo Yan.I don't want to use it on this person today.

After Qu Tuquan said this sentence, he felt that this pretentiousness was really refreshing, he laughed and left the crowd.

And the scholars who were still scolding that person immediately said to him: "You do what you want." Then they dispersed one after another.

This story spread throughout the capital in just one day.After that, there were no people who even said sour words.Because no one knows whether someone will say "you can do it" at that time.

When the imperial decree arrived in Jinzhou, four days had passed since the postman reported the results of the scientific examination.

This not short period of time has brought Luo Yan not only great prestige in Jinzhou, but also the incomparable love of the people of Jinzhou - the official is indeed respectable, but this person who can mass-produce the official, wouldn't it be even more important? worthy of respect.Everyone thought that Luo Yan could teach in Jinzhou for a few more years.However, the conversation between Luo Yan and Yu Shizong that day showed that people already knew that it was impossible to keep Luo Yan.

No, when the imperial decree arrived, a large group of people surrounded the gate of the state school.

It's not that he got the news in advance to see Luo Yan receive the imperial edict, not to mention these ordinary people, even Yu Shizong didn't have the ability to know the arrival time of the imperial edict in advance.After all, this is just a promotional purpose aimed at Luo Yan's personal development, and does not involve anything more, and the order can be accepted by setting up an incense case at that time.

The purpose of these people coming to the state to study is to make their sons worship Luo Yan's disciples.

Don't you see Zhang Tong, who won the first place in mathematics under Luo Yan's sect.Although the others did not formally worship under Luo Yan's sect, they still accepted Luo Yan's careful teaching.Then seven people occupied the top seven in mathematics.

Not to mention Ming Jing Ke.In the last month before the exam, Luo Yan finished speaking the Great Classics and the "Book of Filial Piety" and "The Analects of Confucius", and then four people became Jinshi.You must know that there was not a single Jinshi in the State Xueming Confucianism Department last year, and it was the same the year before last.If you still can't see Luo Yan's ability, then the people of Jinzhou are blind.

But no one can be smarter than the working people who have been farming the land for thousands of years. The people of Jinzhou are not only not blind, but also bright in their hearts.No, all the children and grandchildren who can study are crowded at the gate of the state school, waiting for Luo Yan's favor to add.

However, Luo Yan himself now has no plans to continue accepting disciples.With Zhang Tong alone, there are already successors in mathematics.He himself is still in the process of exploring Confucian classics, so it is naturally impossible for him to become arrogant so quickly.Being able to explain the scriptures to some people is already the limit of what he can do.He had already sent students to report several times at the gate of the state school that he would not accept students, but these people had illusions and did not want to leave.

The envoy of the declaration was also shocked when he arrived at the gate of the state school.But thinking about Luo Yan, there is nothing special about it.Let the left and right separate the surrounding crowd to free up a large area, and then let people go in and communicate, and ask Luo Yan to prepare an incense table to meet the imperial edict.

Fortunately, Luo Yan was familiar with this kind of thing, and in just a few moments, everything was prepared, and he accepted the imperial edict in front of everyone.

Among the people gathered in front of the state school, there are many who have been in the officialdom.Hearing that Luo Yan was promoted to be a member of Zhongshushe, he knew in his heart that Luo Yan would be on the way to success.He sighed, deeply regretting that his own children could not worship under Luo Yan's sect.

Zhongshusheren has been an official position since the pre-Qin period, and has always been a close subordinate of the emperor.In charge of drafting imperial edicts, attendants, promulgating edicts, labor inquiries, accepting the above memorials, and concurrently managing the affairs of the Ministry of Education.That’s not to mention, in the early Tang Dynasty, whenever the country’s military and political affairs were important, the members of Zhongshushe would discuss with each other and make edicts, and sign their names together, which was called Wuhua Judgment by the world.

Such a model not only refers to the opinions of everyone to the greatest extent, but also easily prevents someone from monopolizing power.But on the other hand, it can also be seen that Zhongshu Sheren has the right to participate in military and political affairs.Those who have always been able to serve as members of Zhongshushe, at least in the end, can also be mixed into third-rank officials.And it is not impossible for someone like Luo Yan who can accomplish a lot at such a young age, even in the highest positions.

Although they had regrets, everyone still sincerely congratulated Luo Yan on his promotion.

Luo Yan walked with the decree-delivering team.Although there was no advance notice, the Golden State gentry spontaneously came to see him off.As an official, Luo Yan did not do much in the education of Jinzhou, but his influence is definitely enough for them to be grateful.

After bidding farewell to Yu Shizong, Luo Yan embarked on the journey back to Chang'an.

At the beginning of December, Luo Yan and his party finally arrived in Chang'an.

After returning home to wash away the dust, Luo Yan hurried into the palace without caring about having a big meal to satisfy his hunger.From now on, he will become Li Shimin's close relative. He will enter the palace not only to thank him, but also to obey Li Shimin's arrangement, when he will take office, and what needs to be prepared in advance. He needs to know these things.

"I pay homage to Your Majesty. I haven't seen you for half a year. Your Majesty is not only in good health, but also more energetic. It is really a blessing from the Tang Dynasty." Luo Yan bowed and bowed, and the flattery came out of his mouth.

"All right, all right, if someone else said that, I might be happy. But it always feels a little fake when it comes out of your mouth." Although Li Shimin was very happy to see Luo Yan, when Li Shimin heard Luo Yan I felt a chill in my heart when I flattered him.Because he hastily stopped Luo Yan and asked him to stand up and talk by the way.With a smile in my heart, it seems that I don't have to be so fake in the future.Luo Yan really can't do this kind of flattery.Fortunately, I met a pragmatic master like Li Shimin. As long as I live up to my trust, I think it will be very pleasant to get along with him in the future.

After thanking Li Shimin, Luo Yan then asked for instructions: "The minister is taking up his new post, I wonder what your Majesty has to say?"

Li Shimin thought for a while: "There are six people in Zhongshushe according to the system. Now one of them asked to be appointed last month because of his age. I didn't find a suitable candidate for a while, so I delayed it. Now that you are here, I just make up for it." It's just that there are still many things to be dealt with in the process of becoming an official, so you can't take office immediately. How about this, you go to the Ministry of Officials to get all the affairs, and then go to Keming."

It was reasonable for him to wait for a few days, and Luo Yan naturally did not object.But why did you ask yourself to find Du Ruhui before taking office?
Now Du Ruhui is the Minister of the Ministry of War and a servant.The servant is in charge of the province, and the Zhongshu Sheren is under the supervision of the Zhongshu province. Li Shimin must have taken the wrong medicine recently.If you want to find it yourself, you should also find Fang Xuanling.

Facing Luo Yan's suspicious gaze, Li Shimin said: "The reason why I asked you to follow Keming is because I am asking Keming to try a matter recently. It's just that he has two jobs and has to deal with this case, so he's a bit busy at the moment." Come on. It happens that you are proficient in criminal law, since you have nothing to do, I will let you help."

"Isn't there still the Ministry of Punishment in charge of Duke Wei and the Dali Temple? What is so important that Du Shangshu has to try it himself?" Luo Yan felt that there must be something wrong here.Since it was confirmed that it was a case that Li Shimin valued, even though asking this way might displease Li Shimin, it was better for him to ask clearly in advance.

"It's not that monk Fa Ya, who not only confuses the public with false words, but also wants to murder us. This matter is related to the secrets of the palace, so I can only hand it over to the most trusted person." Li Shimin mentioned this, a little annoyed talking.Hearing Luo Yan's ears, it was like a thunderbolt, making him stand on the spot in a daze.

The Falla case, I didn't expect that Li Shimin would entrust him with such a nonsense when he first came up.Luo Yan really wants to say something to Li Shimin at this moment, Your Majesty, I don't want this trust anymore, you can find someone else.

At that time, between being wise and being implicated because of this, Luo Yan finally chose to be wise.

(End of this chapter)

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