Zhenguan Wenzong System

Chapter 249 Zhongshu Sheren Luo Jinzhi

Chapter 249 Zhongshu Sheren Luo Jinzhi

"The third round of missions: Destroy one hundred thousand elite Turkic soldiers."

Seeing this task, Luo Yan suddenly had the urge to scold her.One hundred thousand elite soldiers, why don't you let me die?The so-called elite soldiers are those who control the strings with one man and two horses. That is not Chinese cabbage.Think about how many marshals Da Tang lost when he brought 20 elite soldiers to the Weishui Bridge.Now I want to kill myself one hundred thousand.

However, such a task was born to him and he couldn't give up halfway.The last time Hongxiu Tianxiang made himself abstain from sexual intercourse for five years, this time, although he didn't explain the task punishment, but if he failed, he would probably never lift up for life.Luo Yan didn't have anything to do at this time other than scolding his mother secretly.

He just whimpered for a long time, but in the end he could only recognize the facts.There are no bullshit rules in this cheating system, but it makes life worse than death. This is the essence of cheating.There is no way to resist now, so I can only think about what to do in order to successfully complete the task.

But in any case, the most important thing is to be able to participate in the campaign against the Turks.In Luo Yan's memory, in August next year, Li Shimin will send the main force to the north to kick off the war.Then, in the next three months, the commanders of the marching roads will be appointed in batches, and the divisions will attack together.One hundred thousand elite soldiers is not a small number. If you can't participate in the war from the beginning, you will definitely not be able to make up this number.Thinking of this, Luo Yan smiled, it seems that Changan must go back.

Seeing Luo Yan frowning for a while, and smiling wryly for a while, Yu Shizong on the side couldn't help asking in amazement: "Dr. Luo is responsible for the achievements of Zhou Xue. But, why does it look like Dr. Luo is a little unhappy?"

Not wanting Yu Shizong to misunderstand, Luo Yan had no choice but to tell the truth: "Of course I am very happy to have achieved such a result in the scientific examination. However, in this way, I can't stay in Jinzhou anymore. As Yu Gong, Thinking about it, I also know some things about Chang'an at the beginning of the year. Now that I have finished what I should do, His Majesty will not allow me to stay here for a long time. After all, Jinzhou is the place where I have stayed the longest since I became an official. I am really used to it The life of talking about the scriptures and reading the holy words every day. This time, I can’t be so leisurely.”

After listening to Luo Yan's explanation, Yu Shizong immediately burst into laughter: "I heard that Dr. Luo was loose in Beijing, and I didn't believe it at first. But now that you said it like this, it really is the same thing. Your Majesty Calling you back this time must be entrusting you with a heavy responsibility, I never thought you would be unwilling."

Hearing what Yu Shizong said, Luo Yan laughed too.Unexpectedly, the reputation of being lazy is actually a little better than his literary name.Does this count as unintentional planting of willows and willows?

Not to mention the shock of Yu Shizong and the people of Jinzhou, the city of Chang'an was also in an uproar at this time.

The list of scientific examinations was issued three days ago.From the moment it was listed, Chang'an was destined to be lively for a while.The first-class and high-ranking scholars in various subjects have naturally become the hotly discussed figures, and correspondingly, the pursuit of these people has not stopped for a moment.

Although it is winter, there is still an endless stream of merchants coming to Chang'an from all over the world, and these people naturally become the best sources of news.Every day, the restaurant and inn in Lina have become a place where idlers gather, and they are everywhere, "Maybe there are distinguished guests from a certain state, tell us something about Jinshi Kejia and so on" "The next one is from a certain state, A certain person is a Jinshi in the current science, and we will be honored" and such conversations.

Hearing that one or two Jinshi from another state would be overjoyed, the merchants in Jinzhou suddenly looked arrogant. "Hey, that one or two, just talk about it in front of others. What is there to be proud of in front of me in Jinzhou?"

When it comes to Jinzhou, the first impression of others is: "But that Jinzhou with four people from the Mingjing Department and one person from the Jinshi Department?"

"That's right, it's Jinzhou. However, you still said that you missed something. This year, in the subject of mathematics, there are seven people who came from my Ph.D. school in Jinzhou. The yamen also writes Guozixue. But no matter how you say it, the fact that they have been studying in Jinzhou for seven months cannot change the fact."

As I said earlier, the nomination quota was requested from Li Shimin.Therefore, the seven people who Luo Yan taught mathematics wrote about their identities as Guozi students.However, this matter can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from the people of Jinzhou.

Many people watched the seven people being accepted by Luo Yan that day, and these people often appeared near the state school.After all, there was a lot of trouble in Luo Yan's recruitment of talents at the beginning, so after a long time, the people of Jinzhou naturally knew the names of these people and where their hometowns were.From the first to the seventh on the ranking list of the math test, Jinzhou people feel very familiar at a glance.Looking at the place of origin and so on, it was immediately confirmed that it was them.Especially the first one, Zhang Tong's name is also very famous in Jinzhou. He failed to provoke Luo Yan but was accepted as a disciple by Luo Yan. Who would forget such a name.

There were some dissatisfied people just now, and when they were about to argue, they dared not say anything after hearing what this person said.

Although arithmetic is not considered a high-level thing among literati, it is too professional after all, and in the future it will be at most the level of Taishiling as an official.But the mosquito is still meat when it laughs, so it can be regarded as a hit.There are seven out at once, so there are only ten places in total.

Seeing the surprised faces of the people around him, this person shook his head and said triumphantly: "Let's talk about Zhang Tong first. This is the one who kowtowed and served tea to worship Dr. Luo as his teacher. Back then..." He told about Zhang Tong's stay in Jinzhou Only then did the topic turn to the second place in the order of the list.As for those listening around this person, everyone seemed to have seen a ghost, and they couldn't even fully express their admiration for Luo Yan's ability.

The people in Chang'an actually know many good things about the level of education in Jinzhou.This is not difficult. After comparing the results of scientific examinations every year, everyone will have a rough conclusion.In the entire Tang Dynasty, Jinzhou is considered relatively good.But if you want to say that he is very strong, it doesn't count.Last year, there was one Jinshi, which is already the limit of Jinzhou.

But what about this year.

Obviously, this is Luo Yan's credit.Not only people think so, but those few scholars in Jinzhou have also said so in front of many people these days.Now with the addition of arithmetic, this Luo Yan is going to go against the sky.

If the folks just turned against the sky, then the palace would be turned upside down.

Compared with the folks who have to collect information slowly, many ministers in the DPRK and China started looking for Li Shimin as soon as the Ministry of Officials announced the results of the scientific examination.

Taishi Ling Wang Xiaotong was not polite to Li Shimin at all, he was the first one to come over and begged Li Shimin to keep all ten people from Jinke Mathematics in Taishi Bureau, at least give him the first one.He was the one who reviewed the mathematics papers, and this grade was also judged by him.Originally, I wondered how this year's students are so good, but they have done all the questions correctly, and there are still many novel methods.When the list came out, he saw the seven people under Luo Yan at a glance.

He couldn't invite Luo Yan, so he could only attack Luo Yan's students.

Just one Wang Xiaotong is fine.But what Li Shimin never expected was that this was the beginning of the nightmare.

As soon as Wang Xiaotong left, several important officials of the third rank and above came one after another.

There are Fang Du, Changsun Wuji, and even Wei Zheng.The purpose of their coming here is to ask Li Shimin to get Luo Yan back.

"Your Majesty, Luo Yan's ability surpasses the government schools in various places. In fairness, His Majesty should recall Luo Yan early. Otherwise, when the ratings are checked and evaluated in the future, officials from all over the place will inevitably mourn everywhere in terms of enlightenment."

"That's right. Luo Yan's ability in teaching and educating people can no longer make him inferior. If he can't do it, he can be transferred to Guozixue. Hongwen Hall is better."

"In my opinion, he should be directly promoted to a bachelor of the Hongwen Museum. It happens that he likes to read, and the Hongwen Museum has hundreds of thousands of volumes, which is a good place for him."

No, in a few words, the fox's tail was exposed.These co-authors are just to ask Li Shimin to pull Luo Yan back to continue teaching Hongwenguan.

Dumbfounded by his clever subordinates, Li Shimin said helplessly: "Unless Guozixue gives him a Ph. As an official, he doesn’t need to take the scientific examination at all. You asked him to come back and continue teaching, isn’t that embarrassing for me? Besides, his ability is not limited to teaching.”

This wave of civil servants is still reasonable. Li Shimin sent them back with just one sentence.

But the next group of people, Li Shimin, had a headache.

Cheng Zhijie, Yu Chigong, Qin Qiong, Li Daozong and Li Xiaogong.As soon as the five of them stood in front of Li Shimin, he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

Sure enough, Yu Chigong's loud voice was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, let Luo Yan go back to the Hongwen Museum. My Dalang needs him."

"My Saburo needs him." Cheng Zhijie followed in time.

"My two boys also need him." This is Li Daozong's.

Only Qin Qiong and Li Xiaogong remained silent.Li Shimin glanced at the two of them, and asked angrily: "Say what you have to say together."

Qin Qiong said expressionlessly: "My children also need a good teacher. I think Luo Yan is pretty good."

Li Xiaogong also did his part: "Yi Guogong and I want to go together. My child is just learning now and needs a good teacher. If it doesn't work, let Luo Yan take Yi Guogong's child and my child together. Anyway, alone It is also teaching, and two people are also teaching."

Li Shimin was almost choked to death by his brother Wang.

Looking at Qin Qiong again, he was still expressionless at the moment.Whoever says this guy is honest, I think he is the most treacherous.Others just asked Luo Yan to return to the Hongwen Hall, but this one actually asked the child to worship Luo Yan as a teacher.

"That's all right, all right, I have my own arrangements for Luo Yan's affairs, so don't think too much about it. Luo Yan will return to Beijing soon. As for the duties, I have already thought about it, so don't ask any more questions. "Waving his hand, let these few reluctantly leave the palace.

Three days later, an imperial decree was stamped by the Zhongshu Ministry and the Ministry of Officials: "Specially select Luo Yan, a doctor of Jinzhou, as a member of Zhongshushe and a bachelor of Hongwenguan."

 Thank you Shan Qingying, Xuefeixuewu, and Xiyuan Youruo for your rewards, hehe, I was finally able to catch up with the ten o'clock trip today, so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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