
Chapter 81

Chapter 81

I must be a filial son to the old squad leader, and I have long wanted to take on this role. If it weren't for Zhao Haikun's inexplicable attitude, I would have wanted to say this a long time ago.

Because I know etiquette, I also know that only by dressing the old squad leader in mourning can I have the status to "dictate" the funeral, and be qualified to stop the deceit and nonsense of Duan Tianshi, and I can intervene in the affairs of the Zhao family.

Although the words are surprising, they are also thoughtful.

But what makes me gratified is that my words have won the support of many people, especially my comrade-in-arms Zhao Hong in the same year.

He really couldn't bear to watch this sheer farce!

Like Hongye, Zhao Hong came up behind me and spoke up to support me: "The old squad leader's business is our business, and comrades-in-arms are brothers with broken bones and tendons. My brother is guarding the spirit, and I will guard it too!"

With Zhao Hong backing me up, I suddenly felt that my confidence was much stronger, and the Zhao family couple had no way to object.

They don't recognize me as an apprentice, they must recognize me as a comrade in arms!
In this way, Xian Hongye, Zhao Hong and I united the front, and we fought coldly together, to see how this Duan Tianshi penetrated the iron wall of the three of us.

The difference from our Qiyu Xuanang is that Duan Tianshi is already in an extremely embarrassing situation at this time.

This situation is no longer up to him alone, and it is not something that can be changed by fooling the Zhao family and his wife with a few words.

Liar Duan got up from the ground, looked at me with resentment, and at the same time did not forget to threaten: "You dare to destroy the spell of the poor Taoist! Good! When the time comes, you will be killed by this ghost, Zhao Haipeng, don't say that I am not righteous! "

He didn't know what to say, and after he said a harsh word, he turned around and prepared to run away. When he left, he didn't forget to take his broken wooden box and the waistcoat with money in it.

The grandson finally gave up.

But just when Duan Liar turned around and was about to run away, something happened suddenly.

A bloody thing ran over quickly from the corner of the courtyard wall, ran straight towards him, and ran over silently.

Blood dripped all over the floor.

The speed of that thing is too fast, and the whole body is still bleeding, it really looks like a human head.It also made our eyes stare, and our nerves tensed up at once!

This bloody thing attracted shouts from the ladies present, and it made me even more confused.

Where did this "monster" that broke in suddenly come from?
While running fast, the thing didn't lean to one side, bumped into Duan Tianshi's thigh suddenly, and then stopped immediately, curled up into a ball, trembling constantly, still gurgling blood oozing out.

As soon as it stopped, I finally saw clearly that the bloody thing was nothing else!But it was the ten-year-old bald-tailed rooster whose head had been cut off by Tianshi Duan with a pair of scissors!

The headless chicken body has come to seek revenge from Duan Tianshi!
Because I am a chef in the red case, I know chickens very well. This thing has a meat name "Chimingweng". The origin of the name is closely related to a very unique physiological phenomenon of chickens.

To put it vividly, this phenomenon is that it can "chop the head without dying, and return to life with red blood".

The chicken is an animal that has much more vitality than ordinary high-level animals. It often cuts off its head with a single knife. Bleeding while running.

Foreigners even conducted an experiment. It is said that as long as the measures are taken properly, it is not a problem for this kind of headless chicken to survive for two or three hours. The longest one is said to have lived for eighteen months.

It may also be because of the tenacity of chickens. Since ancient times, this thing has been considered to be extremely yang, and the older it gets, the more yang it becomes.If a ten-year-old male rooster really lived, its yang energy would even turn into blood poison!It is rumored that it is a "yang poison" that is more powerful than arsenic. A drop of blood can poison a red-headed centipede!
Therefore, there has always been a folk saying that "a thousand-year-old bastard is as light as a hair, and a ten-year chicken blood is as poisonous as a knife!".

Therefore, a serious cook will never cook old chicken for customers, let alone a chicken that is ten years old, even a chicken that is more than two years old cannot be served on the table. However, if you eat it, it will be harmful but not beneficial.

So, when the big headless rooster swayed and bumped into Duan Tianshi, I quickly calmed down.

It's a normal phenomenon, nothing unusual.

But compared to our calmness, Duan Tianshi, who didn't know what was going on, was actually taken aback.

Duan Tianshi didn't have the professional quality to be a liar at all, he didn't even have the courage to look at the dead body with his eyes open in the coffin, let alone face this bloody chicken that has no head and can run all over the street.

Duan Tianshi glanced at the decapitated chicken covered in blood, immediately shook violently, and then yelled "Aw!".

Afterwards, he pointed at the chicken and said, "You ghost! How dare you let a dead chicken scare me...I, I'll go back and ask the patriarch to clean you up!"

Duan Tianshi's words are tantamount to admitting timidity in disguise. Feifan's tone of voice no longer had the strength he had earlier, but instead seemed to be running away. He was really frightened stupid by this chicken who suddenly cheated!

While speaking, Duan Tianshi didn't care about his face anymore, he retreated tremblingly towards the gate of Zhao's house, not walking fast, obviously his calf was frightened soft by the rooster that pretended to be a dead body, it seemed that he was afraid of stimulating that A meaning of chicken.

However, as the saying goes, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop", it seems that the more afraid Duan Tianshi is, the more troublesome things come to him.

Just when Duan Tianshi took two and a half steps back, the headless rooster standing on the ground, motionless... immediately rushed to Duan Tianshi's face and sprayed a stream of blood!

The chicken blood sprayed out from the chicken cavity for more than four feet, just hitting Duan Tianshi's anxious face that was about to turn around!
Duan Tianshi... Guan Gong turned red in the face.

This mouthful of blood completely brought the liar back to his original form, and became the last straw that crushed the mouse.

After being stimulated by the chicken blood, Duan Tianshi's heart collapsed.While running, he yelled "There is a ghost! A ghost!", stumbled, and ran out of Zhao's courtyard in a slow pace.

His madness also brought chaos and laughter to the scene.

Although I understand the principle of this, but my sister-in-law Yuxiu doesn't know about it, and I can see that Zhao Haikun doesn't know either. Although he is a cook in the Wu Zang Temple, he specializes in pastry." White case", it seems that he doesn't know!

The two of them were obviously stupefied by the sudden situation, as soon as Tianshi Duan ran away, the master of the Zhao family lost his sense of control.

Gui Yuxiu looked at the headless chicken that was still spurting blood fearfully, opened her throat and shouted at Tianshi, "Fianshi! You can't leave us alone..."

Compared to Gui Yuxiu, Zhao Haikun seemed calmer, but he still supported his wheelchair, and said to his wife: "Take me out quickly! Never let the Celestial Master run away! He has run away, what should we do?" ..."

...Amidst the long and short yells, Gui Yuxiu pushed Zhao Haikun's wheelchair and followed.Ah Si and Zhao Hong also rushed out of Zhao's gate with the mentality of watching the excitement.The most interesting thing is that the headless chicken that was standing still, probably because of the stimulation of the external sound waves, actually retreated and ran with the crowd.

The mourning hall of the old squad leader suddenly became quite empty.

Although I really wanted to take the opportunity to go out and interrupt the liar, but I only moved my leg, and finally put it back, instead of going out with everyone to watch the excitement.

I have more important things to do.

After the scene was quiet, I turned around and walked to the coffin of the old squad leader, looking at the squad leader who still opened his eyes slightly, and sighed deeply.

I stretched out a slightly trembling hand, slowly closed the monitor's eyes, and gently placed the black bowl of "the bowl covers the sky" on the old monitor's forehead.

I mumbled in my throat: "Squad leader! Let me guard you, so you can go at ease! The Zhao family's affairs are my affairs. No one is torturing you, Master."

After saying these words, I knelt down deeply and kowtowed.

At this time, a bare hand was gently placed on my shoulder.

I looked up and followed my hand, and found that it was the only Xian Hongye who didn't go out to watch the excitement.

I stood up and said, "Aren't you going out to have a look?"

Hongye said with a look of disgust: "It's all blood, what's so interesting... Let me talk to you about something serious."

Looking at her serious face, I couldn't help frowning, "What?"

She cut to the chase and said, "How do you feel about Duan Tianshi? Is he powerful?"

I raised my eyes and looked at her with a very strange look.

This question is really out of level.Duan Tianshi is a big liar, and he is timid and skinny. He is the worst liar I have ever seen in my life.

So, without even thinking about it, I replied: "Ah, you are a scoundrel who sells dog skin plasters! I have no skills."

"You're wrong!" Xian Hongye corrected me with a stern expression, "This old guy Duan Tianshi has a very high morality, he's been pretending to be crazy just now, and..."

When Hongye said this, her expression suddenly became terrified. She paused every word, for fear that I could not hear clearly and told me: "Just now, when I broke the 'doing' of the celestial master, I almost killed you!"

Xian Hongye's words are like a slap in the face!

I know that Hongye is a woman with strong observation skills. Her words must be well-founded and absolutely impossible to be sensational.

But it's still very difficult for me to believe that the funny bastard with his gestures and actions is so good that he almost killed me.

I can't even convince myself.

Besides, why did he kill me?I didn't have a feud with him. Although I broke his trick and kicked him twice, the two sides shouldn't have a bad relationship and want to take the other's life.

I know that with my own head alone, I can't figure out the reason. If I want to know all the key points, I have to ask Xian Hongye, who is good at observation and reasoning.

But just when I wanted to continue to ask Hongye about the joints, we suddenly heard a miserable howl from outside the gate of the Zhao family!

Immediately afterwards, a voice with a dry voice faintly screamed from the door: "Dead... dead..."

When Hongye and I heard the words, we were both smart at the same time!Running to the gate of the Zhao family, this topic about Duan Tianshi had to be temporarily stopped.

What a wave of ups and downs, and another wave!

(End of this chapter)

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