Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 620 Building Gold Coast City

Chapter 620 Building Gold Coast City

Yes, the Northern Expedition can begin.

In one year, the plague of natural disasters in the Plaguelands has almost dissipated, the sky has returned to clear, and the trees have returned to life. The people of Lordaeron, who are somewhat nostalgic, have returned to Stratholme, Andorhal and other cities. rebuild their homes.

I believe it will not be long before it will be restored to its original state.

In one year, the Knights of the Silver Hand were rebuilt, and a large number of new recruits received rigorous training. Hundreds of veteran paladins, from every corner of Azeroth, came to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel Old Fording reported for duty.

A new force is thriving.

The Knights of the Silver Hand grew stronger than ever, with the number of official members exceeding [-], and the number of reserve paladins even exceeding [-]!
Every full-fledged member of the Knights of the Silver Hand is a high-level or higher paladin.

Three thousand high-level paladins, what a force!

When this force unites with Sean's undead army, even the Icecrown Fortress, which is covered with snow all year round, will collapse.

For a year, Azeroth has not experienced a major war. Stormwind City, Ironforge, and even Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar have all had a chance to recuperate.

This year, the weather was good, the crops were abundant, the harvested grain filled the granary, the huge tax revenue filled the vacancy in military supplies, and the logistics work was done in place.

The dwarves of Ironforge worked hard for a year, building a lot of weapons and equipment.

Gnomish craftsmen produced hundreds of flying machines, and several large ships capable of holding thousands of people.

Everything is ready.

There is only one thing that remains to be resolved.

That is the Dark Temple.

Yes, the Serpent Temple has been breached, and the ecosystem of Zangarmarsh is slowly recovering;
Storm Fortress has left Outland, and it will take at least two or three months before it can reach Azeroth;
Gruul's lair was taken away by Sean himself, and Magtheridon, the former king of Outland, also died;

The demons on Kil'jaeden's throne were nearly slain, and the fel orcs of Hellfire Citadel were shattered.

Almost all enemies in Outland have been wiped out, leaving only the Dark Temple.

The Black Temple occupied by Demon Hunter Illidan.

The blessing of the green dragon queen Ysera allowed Aegwynn to live another seven days.

Sean stayed with Aegwynn for a whole day before being driven away by Aegwynn.

For the remaining six days, Med'an will always be with her, and accompany her through the last days of her long life.

Merry Winterwind was gone too.

Aegwynn can no longer guard the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and a strong man is needed to guard it.Meri, who has been promoted to a level 26 demigod/necromancer, is naturally the best candidate.

Sean accompanied him to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and sent him off.

Afterwards, Xiao En sent the five original ancestral beasts to five different areas.

Scorching Canyon, Burning Steppes, Badlands, Blasted Lands.

There is also the Deadwind Trail.

These original ancestral thorn beasts will use their innate abilities to slowly bring these desolate and desolate areas back to life.Before long, there will be dense trees, luxuriant branches, tigers and wolves lined up, birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Maybe three years, maybe five years, one day.

Sean wants to use this method to heal the wounds on Azeroth and help it recover from its injuries and regain its vitality.

Sean went to Westfall again, went to Gold Coast Town, and met old Sardin.

In the past two years, Papa Sardin has taken care of the entire Golden Coast Town, and there are more and more things to do, and more and more smiles on his face.

The mayor of Gold Coast Town is Sean.

As Sean's fame grew, more and more residents came to settle in Gold Coast Town.The original plan was no longer enough, so Papa Sardin had to find Rick and ask him to lead the members of the Stonemasons Union to speed up the expansion.

Rick directly designed a city.

Not a town, but a city.

A giant city no smaller than Stormwind City.

This requires a lot of manpower and material resources, but it doesn't matter, Gold Coast Town has plenty of labor, and they all need this job to make ends meet, and Sean has plenty of money.

Enough to buy materials and pay remuneration.

Old Sardin seems to have become the de facto decision maker of Gold Coast Town, with great power in his hands.This once honest and enthusiastic farmer has transformed himself into one of the most powerful people in Stormwind City, and he enjoys this feeling very much.

Well, everything is good, the only bad thing is that the domestic sow "Princess" has become fat again.

She weighed more than [-] kilograms, and she seemed to be a sow king!

She walked sideways in Gold Coast Town, and even the entire West Wilderness, and no one dared to mess with her.

In addition to being Sean's mount, she also became so strong because of her own strength.

This seemingly ordinary domestic sow is endowed with extraordinary talents, eats a lot, grows fast, and is strong and fast. Now her creature level has exceeded level 11, and she has entered the ranks of high-level creatures!

Seeing Sean again, she rushed over directly, wanting to have a close contact with Sean, and then... was carried away by Chromy with one hand.

The poor domestic sow looked at Chromie with fear in her eyes, as if looking at a giant dragon.

Chromie is not just a giant dragon!
After leaving Gold Coast, Sean went to Twilight Forest and Dawn Forest again.

The ancient elf tree grew very fast, and now it has completely swallowed the original giant tree and grown into an ancient tree.

The entire dawn forest is full of vitality, the trees are overgrown and the grass is lush, and the moon night grass is even more patchy. The werewolves chew the moon night grass every day.As long as they don't leave this forest, they will never lose their minds.

Maybe if this continues, it won't be long, even if they leave the Dawn Forest, they don't have to worry about turning into giant wolves and losing their minds.

Because the wildness in their bodies can already be perfectly controlled!
Sean nodded.

The ancient tree is still growing, and Xiao En left the most powerful original ancestral thorn beast here.

Sean's purpose is simple.

He wanted the original ancestor Jing Beast to use his innate power to give birth to the ancient tree until it became an eternal tree, even taller and stronger.

Maybe after a few years, this ancient tree will grow into a new world tree, with a dense canopy covering the entire Twilight Forest.

Take out the crystal bottle, drop a drop of liquid everywhere, and drop it on the ancient tree.

This is the essence of arcane energy condensed by Aegwynn, and it is also mixed with a small amount of essence of eternal water.

Back then, three bottles of eternal water could give birth to a world tree from a single seed.

Now this drop of liquid can also promote the growth of the ancient tree.

After doing all this, Sean came to Moonglade.

Here, he met the green dragon queen Ysera, Eranikus, the guardian Remulos, and Lord Tyrande.

(End of this chapter)

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