Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 619 The Northern Expedition has begun!

Chapter 619 The Northern Expedition has begun!

Kel'Thuzad had already reached the demigod level, and he transformed himself into a demigod dracolich.

With the body of a frost dragon, he can carry even greater energy.

Terrifying evil magic energy poured into his body, raising him to a higher level.

At level 27, he was promoted to a level 27 dracolich, and became even more powerful. Surging energy surged in his body, making him the most powerful of all Xiao En's followers.

Even if Zalta and Princess Theradras regain their bodies, they will not be stronger than him.

Old Mograine was a legendary death knight.

He absorbed a lot of evil magic energy and became a level 26 demigod death knight.

But Dathrohan and Lord Kurtaz were not so lucky.

Dathrohan had already reached the edge of legend, but this time he was bathed in the ocean of evil magic energy, allowing him to advance to level 25, which was a high-level legendary level.

And Lord Kurtaz is a little weaker, only advancing to level 24.

Meri, Kel'Thuzad, Old Mograine, Dathrohan, Lord Kurtaz, plus Kethlanatier who was sealed in Meri's body, only absorbed a small amount of energy, and More evil magic energy, not absorbed.

"Master, I brought a hundred thousand undead. At least one thousand of them have awakened and become intelligent beings with their own thoughts, no different from the Forsaken living in the Undercity."

Kel'Thuzad said suddenly.

With a wave of his hand, a hundred thousand undead appeared in the valley of the Deadwind Path, surrounding Karazhan densely.

A few months ago, Sean sent Kel'Thuzad to the Wilderness of Bones in the Terokkar Forest in the outer domain to collect all the undead who died in the Auchindoun explosion and establish a large army of undead.

Now, Kel'Thuzad's mission is complete.

This is an army of [-] undead, of which [-] are skeleton warriors or a very small number of skeleton mages, and [-] are ghouls or zombies, and less than [-] are undead knights and undead sneaks. or other occupations.

These undead are very weak, more than 1% are ordinary undead, and the biological level is even only level 1.There are less than 5 people over level 10, less than 15 people over level [-], less than [-] people over level [-], and less than ten people over level [-].

The fighting power is extremely poor.

Only [-] elite Stormwind soldiers are needed to wipe out [-] undead!

Yes, the gap is that big.

The most elite troops in Stormwind City, at least half of the soldiers are middle-level professionals, and there are many high-level professionals.As for those general-level characters, their professional level even reached level 15 or above.

Compared with the real elite troops, this undead army is really too weak.

However, the opportunity has come.

Under the urging of Aegwynn, the palpitatingly large evil magic energy permeated Karazhan, covering all the undead.

Hundreds of thousands of undead are bathed in the ocean of evil magic energy, slowly absorbing these energies.

The undead are undead creatures, and what supports their existence is the energy of death.

However, death energy and evil magic energy have always been inseparable.These undead absorbed the energy of evil magic and became stronger and stronger.

Those walking corpse-like undead have no wisdom, no method, and the speed of absorbing energy is very slow.

But those undead who have awakened wisdom can absorb energy very quickly.

In a very short period of time, their strength has grown rapidly.

Some undead whose biological level was only level 1 quickly raised their energy level to above level 6, and their physique became stronger, faster, and stronger.

And those undead, who were already very powerful, became even more powerful.The few undead whose biological level exceeds level 15 have absorbed a large enough amount of evil magic energy, and they have been promoted to a level close to legend.

There is one more important thing.

Stimulated by the evil magic energy, many undead who were like walking corpses have awakened their wisdom.

These undead who have opened their wisdom will become the officers of the undead army and the ace force under Kel'Thuzad.

When all the evil magic energy is exhausted, the hundred thousand undead have undergone earth-shaking changes.

All the undead were forcibly raised to level 6 or above, and more than 1 undead were raised to level 11 or above, reaching the category of high-level undead.

There are at least a hundred undead, and the biological level has reached level 16 or above.There are even a few undead, the biological level has reached level 20, and they are only one step away from being able to advance to legend!

One hundred thousand undead, what a huge army, enough to sweep any human kingdom.Even if all the troops in Stormwind City add up, they can't reach this scale!

Looking at the densely packed undead below, Xiao En showed a smile on his face.

Just as he expected, this undead army has become one of his strongest cards.And now, he will issue a new order.

"Kel'Thuzad, take this undead army to the Naxxramas Fortress, and then fly the Naxxramas Fortress to the Northrend continent! The Lich King has been entrenched there for too long, it's time for the Northern Expedition !"

Kel'Thuzad hesitated for a moment.

Even with one hundred thousand undead, he has no confidence to challenge the Lich King Arthas.

The entire Northrend continent is the territory of the Lich King.

The great Lich King, Prince Arthas, can use the power of the ruling crown to cover the entire Northrend continent with spiritual power.

He has an invincible order of death knights, dozens of cold and powerful liches, and thousands of necromancers.

More importantly, he is a mid-level demigod himself, not only possessing physical combat abilities comparable to low-level demigods, but also legendary-level combat skills, as well as spiritual power comparable to high-level demigods.

His professional level is at least above level 28, and may even reach level 29.

Even if Kel'Thuzad has transformed himself into a dracolich, after absorbing enough evil magic energy, and raised his creature level to level 27, he still cannot be the opponent of the Lich King Arthas.

He knows the fallen prince too well, and he knows the strength of the other party too well.

Because of understanding, so afraid.

Xiao En smiled faintly, and then turned his gaze to the north: "Don't worry. The Lich King is no different from Illidan, both are cowards who are afraid of Kil'jaeden. Even in some respects, Illidan is more courageous than the Lich King. Old Mograine and the others will be with you, you are not alone."

Smiling, Sean continued: "When you return to the Plaguelands, bring my words to High Lord Tirion Fordring. Tell him that one year's preparation is enough, and the Northern Expedition...can begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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