reckless detective

Chapter 379 Unparalleled Spectrum

Chapter 379 Unparalleled Spectrum (2)

In the early spring night, the night is as cool as water.

It's much more comfortable to be able to drink in the house at night like this, even if it's a thatched hut and millet wine, than to go out and fight with people in the cold wind.

The moment the door was opened, when the cold wind rushed into her neck, Yan Ruyu began to regret it.

Wu Cuo, however, was like a big rooster going to a duel, with his head held high, and he got into the wind all at once.

"They don't seem to intend to fight." Yan Ruyu said.

To make his point credible, he added: "Why else have you been hiding?"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen black shadows came out from behind more than a dozen big trees, each of which was carrying a weapon, including knives, swords, hooks, and hammers, and some even carried longbows. .

"It seems that today's fight must be fought." Wu Cuo's helpless tone was clearly intended to anger Yan Ruyu.

"Two young masters, Fifth Lord Xiong is here to invite you." The leader of the black figure spoke, and there was no trace of emotion in his voice. It was not like a human being, but more like the clanging of weapons.

As Xiong Wuye's subordinate, you can only be a weapon.

Xiong Wuye, the third-ranked master on the Wushuang spectrum not only has outstanding martial arts, but also created the Ten Thousand Bears Gang. There are more than [-] members of the gang, but Xiong Wuye is the only one who follows, even if Xiong Wuye tells them to take their chests to the sword No one would dare to hesitate even if he hit the tip.

Not only did they not dare to hesitate, but they were also afraid that they would fall behind, because if they hit the point of the knife and died, their family members would get a generous compensation, enough to spend the rest of their lives in peace, and if they fell behind others, not only would they die a painful death. Ten times, the family will be affected.

Yan Ruyu was not Xiong Wuye's opponent. Even with Wu Cuo, the odds of winning were still slim, but he still refused without hesitation.

"Unfortunately, we don't have time." Yan Ruyu turned around and was about to go back to the house.

"So, where is Mr. Wu?" Hei Ying asked Wu Cuo.

"I would like to join in the fun, but..." He pointed at Yan Ruyu, "He already said he's not free."

More than a dozen black shadows move at the same time, some are as imposing as a rainbow, and their moves are open and closed, some hide their sharpness, and their moves are weird and changeable, and some still stay in place, waiting for the moment when the enemy reveals its flaws, and give a deadly attack. one strike.

To train such an assassination team with tacit cooperation, I don't know how much time and money will be spent.

The moment he drew his sword, Wu Cuo even began to feel sorry for Xiong Wuye.

It's a pity that all these time and money will be wasted.

Wu wrongly parried the frontal attack, and Yan Ruyu's feet were fast, bang bang bang bang, and in the blink of an eye, the weapons of the six people were blown away—the six assassins who stayed in place and waited for the fatal blow.They had no choice but to take out the second short weapon they carried with them and join the melee.

They were not opponents. After thirteen moves, the two had reached a conclusion in their minds.However, these people all put on a desperate posture, and they did not hesitate to use their bodies as a cover for their companions, and really hit Yan Ruyu's sword point with their chests.

"Stop! I don't want to kill people!" Yan Ruyu shouted.

Out of Jian Zhenfei alone, Wu Cuo also said: "Go back and tell Xiong Wuye that we don't want to hurt his people, and we don't want to make enemies with him."

Sombra answered the two of them with actions.

They charged even more desperately.

Where are these people assassins?On the contrary, it is more like a death squad.

Wu Cuo's sword was stained with blood first.

The smell of blood permeated the cold air, adding a touch of warmth to the cold night.

Then, the second person fell, the third, the fourth...

When all the dozen or so shadows fell down, Yan Ruyu squatted aside until tears flowed down her cheeks.

His sword was clean, and his clothes were not stained with blood. He didn't even kill a single person, and it was Wu Cuo who did the killing.

Wu Cuo was already very careful, there was still a drop of blood on the white robe, the blood on the sword trickled down, flowed from the sword body to the tip of the sword, and dripped on the ground again.

It is said that the best sword in the world kills without blood.

"You've never killed anyone?" Wu Cuo asked.

Yan Ruyu just vomited without answering, but Wu Cuo already knew the answer.

He took a careful look at his hand that was not using the sword under the moonlight, and after confirming that there was no blood on it, he patted Yan Ruyu's back with this hand.

"Who says I haven't killed anyone?!" Yan Ruyu muttered unconvinced.In his opinion, if you don't carry dozens of lives on your back, you are not worthy of walking in the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, even though he has never killed anyone, not even a chicken, he still has to pretend to be a murderer without batting an eyelid.

"If you don't want to kill someone, you won't kill him." Wu Cuo's voice was very low, as if he was afraid that Yan Ruyu would lose face by being overheard by a third person.

What Yan Ruyu was thinking, he always knew.

Yan Ruyu deliberately changed the subject: "The fight is over, can we continue drinking?"

Outside the house is a cold night filled with the smell of blood, and inside the house are friends who are drinking and talking.

The owner of the inn is really good at brewing wine. The millet wine actually produces the stamina of aging. When the wine is drunk into the stomach, the stomach first relaxes. Soon, the heart is also warm, and this warmth is transported to the limbs along with the heartbeat. In the end, a fire ignited in his head, crackling and roasting.

No one would feel better if their heads were baked by the fire. Yan Ruyu fell unconscious on the table first, Wu Cuo was more energetic, drank a few glasses by himself, muttered for a while, and then lay down.

Wu Cuo slept very lightly. On the way here, even if he stayed in the best inn every night, he would still be disturbed by the noise.

The night before, there was an adulterous woman who talked to the bearer all night while her husband was asleep. Unfortunately, the two of them hid under Wu Cuo's window, and he had no choice but to make do with it all night.

The next night, he changed to a remote inn, and he felt that there were always ants crawling on the ground, and the sound of footsteps disturbed his clear dreams.

The third night was even more tormenting. Just in time for the beginning of spring, the willow tree outside the house was twitching branches unhurriedly, and Wu Cuo didn't close his eyes all night.

But he slept so deeply that night that he was carried away to another place without waking up.

Is it because of drinking?
However, even if he had a night of drinking with Yan Ruyu, he never got drunk like this.

Could it be that someone drugged the wine while they were fighting?
Does it mean that the mission of those assassins is to be killed?Because only in this way can the person who prescribes the drug be unaware.

After Wu Cuo opened his eyes, he began to think about these issues.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a big bed, which was as big as a room, covered with at least a dozen layers of silk quilts, as soft as lying in a cloud.

The bed is covered with curtains, layered upon layer, showing the wealth of the owner.

The room is huge, with a high roof, and even the washbasin on the huanghuali basin rack in the corner is a good product that can only be fired in JDZ official kiln.

Even the Wu family, the richest in the south of the Yangtze River, would not casually put such things in the room for people to use.

Wu wrongly knew this because he was the second son of the Wu family.

How can there be porcelain from official kilns here?Could it be to the palace?

 You can probably see some shadow of the main line from this story... because, I have a premonition that the content of the main line is suspected of discrediting the Yamen, and it may be harmonized, and I am very unwilling...

  I know that in this way, some readers may leave me because of the sudden change of discomfort... However, I can't control my death heart at all... The doctor said that my disease is hopeless...

(End of this chapter)

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