reckless detective

Chapter 378 Unparalleled Spectrum

Chapter 378 Unparalleled Spectrum (1) (High-energy warning! Please be careful! This is not a drill!)
"When a person commits a crime, there is a certain area of ​​psychological safety. The criminal himself is not aware of it, but it can be manifested through the behavior dominated by the subconscious mind.

For example, the place where the body is dumped is often chosen within the psychological safety zone of the murderer..."

"Everyone has taken theory classes, but what does this have to do with fingerprints?"

"I think safe areas should not be limited to geographical location, but a general term.

For example, if the murderer wears gloves, then touching things with his hands becomes a safe zone in his heart.

Besides, it took a lot of work to remove the hot clothes from the body in such a large pot.

This process may allow Liu Yang to turn his subconscious mind into a habit, so that when he goes to get a plastic bag, he will naturally start it directly, ignoring that the gloves are actually scalded..."

"Maybe... It seems that you are not very sure about this clue."

"After all, he is a student of the police academy, has received professional training, and he is also a student who claims to be better than you.

Now it seems that it is still too tender. "

Wu Cuo shook his head, "I think it's because his mentality has collapsed. Judging from his condition, there should not be a few days left, and he is anxious to find a chance to make a move, so..."

Yan Ruyu raised the beer bottle and touched Wu Cuo, "The case has been closed, let's stop talking, let's eat."

Wu Cuo just picked up a skewer of barbecued meat, and Yan Ruyu said again: "Hey, I said, you eat meat just after solving the case of boiling corpses? Your taste is too strong."

Wu Cuo ignored him, and put a bunch of meat into his mouth, "Don't try to trick me, if I can't even adapt to this thing, all these years will be in vain."

While talking, Wu Cuo leaned closer to Yan Ruyu on purpose, chewing, "Hey, do you want to have some too? You are already weak and eat vegetables every day, so why not? You should eat more meat." Supplement..."

Yan Ruyu glanced at the half-chewed meat in Wu Cuo's mouth, suddenly felt nauseous, bent down suddenly, grabbed the trash can under the table, and vomited.


Wu Cuo was taken aback, knowing that he had overdone it this time, so he quickly reached out to pat Yan Ruyu on the back, but Yan Ruyu couldn't speak, and just stared at him.

"I was wrong." Wu Cuo's attitude was correct.

When she spit out, Yan Ruyu only felt something bad in her mouth. She grabbed the beer bottle on the table, rinsed her mouth, and drank beer again. She drank three bottles before she stopped vomiting.

It's nothing to drink, but Yan Ruyu's drinking capacity is quite average, and he only drank after vomited his stomach, so he got drunk very quickly.

Fortunately, this guy has good wine, and when Wu wrongly carried him to bed, he was already asleep.

This time I fell into a deep sleep and had a very long dream.

In the dream, he was no longer a policeman, and Wu was not wrong.

They have become the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, happy to enmity, if they want to seek revenge, they will kill him with a sword, instead of being so forbearing and seeking perfection as they are now...



Yan Ruyu wants to accept disciples.

This news has been circulating in the rivers and lakes for some time.

Any master who can be ranked in Wushuangpu will inevitably attract the attention of people in the world when recruiting disciples. What's more, Yan Ruyu is still ranked fourth in Wushuangpu.

The fourth place means that there are only three people in this world who can kill him head-on.

Yan Ruyu didn't want to accept this disciple at first, but Xiaobai persuaded him: "If you don't accept him, I'm afraid you will never meet a more satisfied disciple than him in the future."

Is it strange that a young man who has just turned 19 wants to take another young man who has just turned 18 as his disciple?But Yan Ruyu agreed.

He agreed, because Xiaobai was his good friend, and he trusted Xiaobai's ability.

Xiaobai is the most knowledgeable person in the world, otherwise, how could he come up with the unparalleled spectrum?And how can the masters in the world be convinced of Wushuangpu?

He ranks you fifth in the unparalleled spectrum, and you will definitely not be able to beat the person who ranks fourth.

How did Yan Ruyu know?Because not long ago, the person who ranked fifth had just been defeated by his sword.

Before this battle started, no one believed that Yan Ruyu could defeat Wu Cuo, who was known as "the number one swordsman in the south of the Yangtze River", not even himself.

When he first came out of the arena, he was just a nobody.

Xiaobai said: "I have seen Wu Cuo's sword, it is very fast, but it is still a bit slower than yours."

Xiaobai said again: "You just go."

When Xiaobai wanted to say something more, Yan Ruyu had already gone to the appointment with a sword in hand.

Go to Wu Cuo's bet, bet on winning or losing a battle, bet on the ranking on the Wushuang spectrum, and bet on the lives of the two of them.

In the last move, the gap was only a hair's breadth away, the outcome was determined, and Yan Ruyu was faster by a split second.

Wu wrongly said: "You kill me."

Yan Ruyu said: "Why did I kill you?"

"Because I lost."

"Since you lost, it's already miserable enough, and I shouldn't kill you."

Wu Cuo stared and said nothing, Yan Ruyu smiled and said, "I can buy you a drink."

So, Wu Cuo also smiled, "You friend, I'm committed."

Now that Yan Ruyu wanted to take in his disciples, Wu Cuo naturally wanted to join in the fun, so the two simply went together.

Wu wrongly straddled a four-hoofed snow-treading horse only found in the Western Regions. The horse's blood was pure. Compared with it, the Central Plains horse was like a donkey.

She is dressed in white, and the white brocade is embroidered with elegant bamboo leaf patterns. The pattern is from the hand of Xiuniang, the top brand in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and it is Suzhou embroidery that is priceless.

Looking at this outfit, it seems that he is going to recruit disciples.

Yan Ruyu is wearing a light blue gown, which is new, and the horse is also very energetic, but it is not as good as Wu Cuo's fresh clothes and angry horse.

"Hey, let me tell you." Wu Cuo moved closer to Yan Ruyu, and said in a low voice, "You can't tell others about our martial arts competition."

Yan Ruyu only thought it was funny, raised her eyebrows and said, "Afraid of embarrassment?"

"I'm already behind you. What's the shame? I'm afraid that you will become too famous and make enemies with others."

While speaking, Wu Cuo was looking at a stream in the mountains.

In early spring, the river opens, and there are small fish just as thick as a thumb in the stream. The waterfowl that have been hungry for the whole winter are greedy for food. Almost every time they enter the water, they can catch one, accurately and fiercely.

Wu Cuo frowned, Yan Ruyu saw it.

This person has a stubborn mouth, but his heart is softer than cotton. I don't know how such a person can practice such powerful swordsmanship.

Yan Ruyu folded her arms and said with a smile: "You bought me three jars of Huadiao old wine, and I won't tell others, how about it?"

When it came to wine, Wu Cuo hated his teeth, "You were the one who bought me a drink last time, so why should I pay for it in the end?"

Yan Ruyu shrugged: "Did I ask you to drink?"

Wu wrongly nodded, "That's right."

Yan Ruyu asked again: "Then have you had a drink yet?"

Wu Cuo had no choice but to answer: "I've had it."

Yan Ruyu asked, "Did I ever say that I would pay?"

Wu Cuo was stunned for a moment, and had to answer honestly: "I really didn't say that."

Afterwards, he showed a smile that debunked the deceit again, "Okay, I'll treat you to three jars of Huadiao old wine, and I'll just treat the guests, and don't care about paying the bill."



Teenagers don't know how to feel sad.

This is especially true for the two teenagers walking in the spring forest.

They have been walking in the mountains for 3 days, and their destination is Baili Mountain Villa on the top of the mountain.

Anyone who owns a villa must be either rich or expensive.

As for the owner of the Baili Mountain Villa, saying that he is rich can be regarded as an insult.He became famous in the first battle because he strangled Tongyoumen, who had been a disaster for ten years, by himself. In that battle, 360 people died in his hands. Since then, Tongyoumen has completely disappeared in the world.

He built his own villa, married a wife and had children. Some people said that he lived a peaceful life and had abandoned martial arts. Others said that his villa was often attacked by enemies, and that he did not kill people every day.

When an enemy was found, he killed him, and after killing someone, he found a new enemy. In such a vicious circle, his martial arts became even more unfathomable.

No one knows which version is true, since after that battle almost no one saw him again.

The disciple Yan Ruyu wants to accept is the son of the owner Baili Shibu.

All the same.

Two months ago, no one had heard the name.

Ever since the news spread that Yan Ruyu wanted to accept him as his disciple, the name became very popular overnight.

It is said that Baili Yiru is so powerful that he can pick up his father's sword with one hand at the age of 5;
It is said that Baili Yiru is extremely talented, has a photographic memory, and speaks well;

It is said that Baili Yiru was injured by the enemy who attacked the villa, and he became disabled and had only one arm;
It is said that...

The rumors made Yan Ruyu look very bright, and all the signs showed that his disciple was by no means an ordinary person, which made him somewhat proud.

It is the time when a teenager becomes famous.

When Yan Ruyu saw Baili Yiru for the first time, he really didn't feel much, and was even a little disappointed.

It was just an average person, very... healthy.

His appearance was lackluster, and he had a pair of ordinary eyes where they should be. They were more energetic than those of Wang Ermazi at the entrance of the village, but not as sharp as Wu Cuo's eyes.

Where the nose should be long, there is a nose that is neither high nor short, and where the mouth should be, there is a mouth that is neither big nor small.

If such a person is placed in the crowd, he will definitely become the background of the crowd.

Yan Ruyu's first impression was: he can be a good assassin.Because the most important thing for an assassin is to hide, the success of an assassination does not depend on the moment of the shot, but on the long period of hiding before the shot.

However, Yan Ruyu couldn't teach him how to be an excellent assassin, because he wasn't even himself.

Yan Ruyu had no choice but to go through a few tricks with Bailiyiru.

It is a repertoire of the apprenticeship ceremony between the master and the disciple. Only when the disciple is convinced in defeat can he calm down and practice martial arts with the master.When the master is defeated by the disciple one day, the disciple can leave the teacher.

With a father like Baili Shibu, Baili Yiru's foundation is naturally very solid, and his strength can be considered vigorous, but he lacks the most important aura of a swordsman.

An ordinary person wants to become a master, as long as he keeps practicing, whether he can make further progress after becoming a master, and become a one-in-a-million master depends on the aura in this person's heart.

This thing is the most mysterious, it can only be understood, but cannot be explained in words.

After the third trick, Yan Ruyu thought about it carefully, but still couldn't think of what she could teach him.

"Stop, stop." Yan Ruyu retreated, retreated to a corner of the ring, and stood there thoughtfully.

Although Baili Yiru was about the same age as Yan Ruyu, he was a little afraid of him. As soon as he yelled to stop, he immediately retreated to the corner of the ring and stood there respectfully.

"I...I can't accept you as a disciple." Yan Ruyu said to Bailiyi.

Baili looked at him in surprise, "Why?"

"You don't have to learn sword anymore. Whether you are a blacksmith or a carpenter, it is better to choose a line of work that you like than to learn sword."

Yan Ruyu tried her best to keep her tone of goodwill, but the arena has already exploded.

In order to prepare for this teacher apprenticeship ceremony, Baili Shibu, who has always been hidden in the world, invited dozens of well-known big shots in the world, including masters on the Wushuang spectrum, the chief escort of the escort agency, the head of a gang, and even two A visitor from outside the customs covered in pimples.

At this moment, these people no longer cared about their identity and image, and kept whispering to the people around them.

In Bailiyiru's ears, those commenting voices must be laughing at him. He saw his father's face turn red, red and white again, and the red and white color made him dizzy.

The legs supporting Baili's whole body began to tremble, and the hand holding the sword also trembled. Since his father told him to "keep the hand holding the sword steady" when he was 5 years old, this was the first time his hand felt trembling.

"I am learning swords with all my heart, why do you humiliate me like this?" He shouted these words, and when he shouted "humiliating", he broke his voice, it was really extremely resentful.

Yan Ruyu sighed and didn't answer him.

When he was young and arrogant, it was more uncomfortable to lose face than to be slashed with a sword. If such a thing happened to Yan Ruyu, he would probably lose his composure even more than Baili Yiru.

Could it be that a few words can make him relieve his anger?
Since it's useless, it's better not to say it.

Yan Ruyu rushed to Baili Shibu under the ring and bowed deeply, jumped off the ring, led his horse, got on the horse and left.

For Baili Shibu, he is ashamed. What makes a father sadder than denying a child in public?He even started to get angry with Xiaobai. If Xiaobai hadn't persuaded him to accept this disciple, why would he come here and do such a shameful thing?

He started to be angry with himself again, why did he believe Xiao Bai's words so much?
He rode angrily on the horse, and Wu Cuo's horse followed him sensibly, just one horse behind him.

"Anyone want a drink?" Wu Cuo asked.

No one cares about him.

"The 30-year-old Huadiao wine has three large jars."

Still no one cares about him.

"I pay."

This time, Yan Ruyu agreed very readily, and he turned around and laughed "ha".

With this smile, Wu Cuo knew that he agreed.

The moment before the sun set, the two finally found an inn halfway up the mountain. When there were no guests, this was the innkeeper's home. When guests came, they cleaned out an empty room and stayed there.

Of course, there will be no 30-year-old Huadiao wine in such a place. There is only 10 yuan a pot of home-brewed millet wine here.

Although the two of them yelled to drink Hua Diao, now they only drank 10 Wen a jar of millet wine, but they were also enjoying themselves.

"The son of a hundred miles and ten steps is not bad." Wu Cuo commented, "Practice hard and you can become a master."

"It's not bad, and he's already considered a master." Yan Ruyu said.

"Are you afraid that he will embarrass you?" Wu Cuo asked.

"I'm afraid he will die." Yan Ruyu put down his chopsticks, raised his wine glass and said, "There are very few people in the Jianghu who can die well. Most of the masters die under the hands of other masters. I just don't want Baili Ru to spend his good time on his father's life." In terms of vision, I lost my life in vain."

Wu Cuo also put down his chopsticks, picked up his wine glass and touched Yan Ruyu, "You can accept this disciple first, and then explain to him in detail after the people are gone. Why do you embarrass him under the eyes of everyone? He is so fast in the arena. Crying, it's so pitiful."

Yan Ruyu drank the wine in the glass, "Since I don't accept him, why should I let him bear the burden of Yan Ruyu's disciple? I don't know how many people want to kill Yan Ruyu's disciple to fulfill their own reputation."

"So you have to reject him in public?"


"You think you have a clear conscience?"


Wu Cuo also drank the wine in his glass, and poured it for the two of them again, "Since you have a clear conscience, why do you have to be sullen all the way?"

"I don't know either." As soon as this was mentioned, Yan Ruyu began to puff up again, "Sometimes she clearly has a clear conscience, but she also gets angry for no reason, and there is nothing she can do about it."

Wu wrongly smiled, "I have a way to calm you down."

"any solution?"

"Satisfied with wine and food, fight with someone."

"Is this your way?"

"That's how I do it."

"That doesn't sound too bad, but who am I supposed to fight?"

Wu glanced out of the window by mistake, "Those friends have been here for a while, don't you want to go out for a meeting?
 In view of the fact that this story spans too much, I have to explain it if I am too lazy... Yes, "The Grass" has temporarily entered a pure martial arts story. There is no specific reason, probably because there has been a bottleneck in the plot of solving the case recently, and I want to change my mind .

  It won't be too long, but the story is guaranteed to be exciting, and there is also a lot of suspense in it... Uh, after all, this is a mystery novel, right...

  There has been a huge change in the writing style... recently the ancient dragon has been possessed...

(End of this chapter)

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