reckless detective

Chapter 368 A Hot Meal

Chapter 368 A Hot Meal (10)

"I just think that people like Wang Huanzhi should pay the price."

"So you lied and framed him?!" Wu Cuo said angrily, "You are...selfish and perverting the law! What right do you have to rely on your own preferences..."

"Brother, don't tell me these high-sounding words," Liu Yang smiled wryly, lit a cigarette, and said, "What do you know? You don't understand what I've experienced."

"Don't pretend to be deep!" Yan Ruyu also can't understand this kid's mystification, "This is to solve a case, not a talent show, and it's even miserable, I'm not interested in your experience.

Don't ask for anything else, at least your attitude must be worthy of the school you have attended, otherwise, don't call him a brother.

Admit it if you make a mistake, and don’t make excuses where you need to take legal responsibility. "

Liu Yang was so stunned that he was speechless, and finally lowered his head and said, "I made it up. Because I hate Wang Huanzhi, I made up the facts to frame him."

"Then what was the real situation yesterday morning?"

"Yesterday morning... I didn't pay attention to that child at all. When everyone was busy, I was actually looking at my phone."

"So you don't know about the child entering the back kitchen at all?"

"Yes, I made that up too."

"Then where were you looking at your phone?"

"In the bathroom," Liu Yang pointed to the bathroom for guests, "I'm right here, and I usually hide here when I want to smoke a cigarette."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"I'm afraid not. I was the only one in the bathroom at the time."


After the questioning of Liu Yang ended, Yan Ruyu sighed: "What's wrong with the current school? Obviously, there are psychological problems. With guys who are not suitable for criminal police, you can still be top students? Your school is really... the best."

Wu Cuo's face was a little uneasy, and he kept trying to recover: "I'm fine... Uh, about this Liu Yang, I will find time to talk to the teacher."

"When will you get rid of your nosy behavior, and life will be easier." Yan Ruyu threw a piece of candy into her mouth, "It's not your job to teach and educate people. It's hard work for you to talk too much."

Just as Wu Cuo wanted to defend himself, Yan Ruyu waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't care, let's continue with the case. Next time, I want to chat with the shop owner, and the proprietress will do too. I have two questions that I want to clarify."

Yan Ruyu's first question is simple:
"Who has the key to the store?"

The boss snapped his fingers and said, "I have one, my wife has one, Chef Wu has one, and the cashier has a key.

The cashier had been in the store for three or four years, and we trusted her to keep a key with her, purely as an emergency. "

"The cashier also stays, right?"


"Then have there been any problems with the custody of these four keys?"

"My wife and I have the keys, and Master Wu's should also be there. As for the cashier's hasn't been used since it was given out. You have to ask her how it is kept."

second question:
"Which of the four key-holders opened the front door and returned to the shop late at night the night before yesterday?"

"My wife and I definitely haven't been here, we are sleeping at home.

As for others, it is not clear. "


The next person to be questioned is the cashier.

She is a girl in her early 20s, and the snow-white foundation failed to cover her dark skin, but gave people a feeling of "donkey dung frosted eggs".

She wears blue eye shadow that is not suitable for Asians, and the left and right sides are not well proportioned.

Facing the police, she looked very cramped. After sitting down, her feet kept rubbing against the ground.

"Don't be nervous, we just check with you, is the front door key in your hand still there?"

The cashier froze for a moment, and first asked in horror: "What happened to the key? Could it be...the key is related to the child's death?"

"Maybe." Yan Ruyu didn't give her a clear answer, but stared at her reaction and asked, "What? Is there something wrong with the key in your hand?"

When he asked such a question, the girl shrank all over, and it took two or three seconds to recover, and she was already crying when she opened her mouth.

"I lost the key."

Yan Ruyu handed her a cup of hot water, and asked in a routine questioning tone, "When did you lose it?"

Seeing that the other party didn't blame her, the girl summoned up her courage again, "It's been a long time since I lost must have been less than half a, more than that, I remember I lost it when the summer just started, It's been more than half a year."

so long?
Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo looked at each other, and they both saw the same doubts as themselves in each other's eyes.

Half a year ago, Xiao Yu's mother hadn't taken him to her sister's house, so it was impossible for someone to steal the key to harm Xiao Yu at that time.

The only explanation is that the lost key has nothing to do with the case.


When asked about the keys, Chef Wu simply took out a bunch of keys hanging from his belt.

"I have always kept my keys with me, but there has been no problem."

As he spoke, he also inserted a key into the lock hole of the front door and twisted it twice.

Yan Ruyu asked again: "The night before yesterday—the night before Xiao Yu's mother was burned, did you come to the store?"

"No, I've been sleeping at home."

"Who can prove it?"

"My wife and children can prove it, and... I don't sleep well at night, what am I doing in the store?"

"Okay, we'll check.

And one last question.As far as we know, the boss intends to open a new store, and it's still a mutton noodle soup store, but he didn't invite you to invest in the new store...

From this, we have reason to infer that the boss has obtained your formula in some way, that is to say... your formula is worthless, and they can kick you out at any time.

What do you think of this inference? "

Yan Ruyu's question was very open.

Usually in the interrogation, the criminal police's questions are specific and sharp, which can be answered clearly with "yes" or "no". Cheap.

But today is not an interrogation, but just a routine questioning.

Yan Ruyu asked this because the question he raised was just an inference, and he didn't want to talk too hard.

"Well, they did know the recipe, and they lied." Chef Wu hesitated for a while, and finally gave the answer.


"Actually, those couples and I don't have a good temper, and we are not convinced with each other. The reason we have been cooperating these years is because of money.

They discussed with me a few days ago and said they wanted to open a branch, and they proposed a plan.

I gave them the formula, and they transferred the store to me at a low price. From then on, I took my Yangguan Road and they crossed their single-plank bridge.

This is a good idea, but what I didn't expect was that I gave them the recipe, but they never mentioned the transfer of the store again.

I really took a deep breath in my heart, so when you guys asked me just now, I didn't dare to tell the truth, because... a dead person!The one who died was a child of the boss's relative's family. If you regard me as a murderer, where can I reason? ! "

"If you don't want to be suspected, think about it carefully. Apart from your wife and daughter, who can prove that you didn't come to the store the night before."

"Uh...the day before yesterday...that's right! Two neighbors got into a fight. I thought they were too noisy, so I yelled at them. They should have an impression!"


At the end of the questioning of Chef Wu, Wu Cuo rubbed his temples and said, "Who do you want to ask next?"

"Don't ask any more. After asking for a day, I'm exhausted and I'm off work."

"I'll go!" Wu Cuo said in shock: "This is not your style!"

"If you can figure out my style, is it still me?" Yan Ruyu didn't care, "Give me some time to think about it, I dare say, the murderer is about to show his feet."

(End of this chapter)

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