reckless detective

Chapter 367 A Hot Meal

Chapter 367 A Hot Meal (9)

"What? You? Met a thief?" Wu got up by mistake, took a few steps back and forth, then bent down to stare at Wang Huanzhi, "When did you sneak into the restaurant?"

"I went into the store the night before yesterday.

In fact, after getting off the train from Jingbei City, I found this street, found this restaurant, and saw my wife busy there.

There are so many of them, and I went in to ask for money and children, so if there was a conflict, I would definitely not be able to take advantage of it.So I just waited, and when it got dark and they closed after get off work, I climbed up on the roof and climbed in through the skylight.

In fact, I didn't really understand why I went in, maybe I just wanted to get some money.

The store is run by my elder sister's family, so if I go in to get money, it can't be considered stealing, right?

However, just as I got to the box, before I knew how to open the money drawer, someone opened the door and came in..."

"Open the mean, that person opened the door with a key?"


I quickly squatted was there," he pointed to the position behind the cashier, "at first I thought it was my brother-in-law, and I was still thinking about whether I should stand up and meet him. After all, taking the initiative Standing up and being picked out by him are two different things.

But I found... this man didn't even turn on the light, and he walked lightly, basically making no noise, something was wrong... My cat watched him in the dark, and found that he had entered the back kitchen with a pair of gloves on his hands The white gloves give people the feeling... It seems to be sneaky, and his body shape doesn't look like a brother-in-law.

When that person enters the back kitchen, I'm afraid he is also here to make money. If he also runs to the cash register later and meets him, it will be bad.

I ran through the front door as soon as it was open.

Oh, by the way, when I was about to leave the house, I heard a loud noise from the back kitchen... um... It seemed that... It seemed that the person slipped and fell?He even scolded my mother...

That's all I know, that person must be the murderer of Xiaoyu, you go and catch him. "

Wu wrongly said, "Is that person a man or a woman?"


"Are there any characteristics of being fat, thin, tall or short?"

"This... I just took a look, but I can't tell."

"That is to say, you can't recognize him even when he is standing in front of you?"

"I guess... [-]%... probably won't recognize it."

"What about the voice? Didn't you hear him swearing? Does the voice have any characteristics?"

"Hmm... Hey! I was so nervous at the time, I didn't bother to remember those things... You know, maybe the thief is carrying a knife, if he happens to stab me again, it's not worth it!"

"Well, we have a basic understanding of your relationship with this case. If you think of any details, please contact me at any time." Wu handed over a business card of his own by mistake.

"That..." Wang Huanzhi scratched his head and asked with a smile: "Officer, I want to ask something, that is... that... If you catch the murderer of my son, should he pay me money? "

"Theoretically, it should be criminal with civil compensation."

"Then... how much money can I lose?"

Wu Cuo's patience was exhausted, and his face darkened.

His attitude towards the families of the victims has always been exceptionally soft. Who else is more unfortunate than these people?

But this Wang Huanzhi, the indifference and selfishness exuding from him, really made Wu Cuo intolerable.

"We are going to continue working, please go to the staff dormitory at the back first." Wu Cuo suppressed the anger in his heart when he said this.

He was sure that if Wang Huanzhi dared to ask such a ghost question again, he would get mad on the spot.

Fortunately, Wang Huanzhi gave him a wink, and retreated embarrassingly.

As soon as he left the door, Yan Ruyu stepped forward and patted Wu Cuo on the back, "Old Wu, calm down... After so many years of handling cases, I haven't seen anything like this, so calm down."

"I know, there are all kinds of forests when the birds are big, but tigers don't eat their babies, what kind of bastards do they have to be to treat their children... hey!"

"Let's ask that Liu Yang next time. I'm curious. This case looks more like the boss's family affairs. Liu Yang is only here to work part-time, and he's only here not long ago. He should be the least likely to get involved. Why do you take the initiative to come out and lie? What good does it do him to walk in this muddy water?"

When Yan Ruyu changed the topic, Wu Cuo stopped being entangled. Instead, he assured Yan Ruyu: "Don't worry, even if he is my junior, I will do whatever I want, and I won't do anything special."

"I'm afraid it's difficult!" Yan Ruyu sighed with emotion and didn't refute much.

Liu Yang arrived. This time, he calmed down a lot. When he saw Wu Cuo, he said first, "Hello, senior brother."

Wu wrongly looked at Yan Ruyu, Yan Ruyu deliberately ignored him, and only gave him an expression of "self-inflicted, I can't live".

Wu Cuo coughed and said sternly: "Since you are also learning this trade, I'll get straight to the point with you.

You should be clear about how much of the information you just provided is true and how much of it is watery. Tell me, what’s going on? "

Liu Yang rubbed his hands uneasily, and after a moment of silence, he said, "What I've said is the truth, and I've remembered more details."

Wu Cuo just wanted to explode, but was stopped by Yan Ruyu, Yan Ruyu asked: "What do you remember?"

"Yesterday morning, when Xiaoyu's mother was sent to the hospital, Xiaoyu and I entered the back kitchen. After I entered, Xiaoyu was no longer there, but there was a figure passing by the skylight... I didn't dare to confirm it at the time, but I thought about it carefully. From now on, I think that figure is very similar to Wang Huanzhi... I have great confidence that that person is Wang Huanzhi!"

"Boom—" Wu slapped the table by mistake, and said angrily, "Don't play tricks here, kid!"

Pointing at Liu Yang's nose, he paused and said, "For the sake of my fellow apprentices, I'll give you another chance to explain things clearly by yourself."

Liu Yang also stood up angrily, pointing to the door leading to the backyard: "You would rather believe what that bastard said than me?"

That bastard naturally refers to the deceased's father, Wang Huanzhi.

Yan Ruyu interjected, "How do you know he's an asshole?"

"Who doesn't know in the store? The proprietress's younger sister is running around with both orphans and widows. Isn't it because of him that following such a's just...hell..."

"I don't care what you think of him, but there is one thing," Wu Cuo said: "I don't believe in anyone, I only believe in evidence.

Let me explain to you, the footprints on the roof are only one row going to the skylight, and there are no footprints going out from the skylight at all.

So, I don't believe you, and I have nothing to do with Wang Huanzhi.

Didn't the teacher teach you?Sooner or later a lie will reveal itself. "

Liu Yang bowed his head in silence, like a wilted eggplant.

"Well, I lied."

"Why lie?"

(End of this chapter)

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