reckless detective

Chapter 336 Bounty Hunter

Chapter 336 Bounty Hunter (12)

Speaking of this, Yan Ruyu closed her eyes and opened her eyes, frowning.

"As you infer, if the two cases were committed by a murderer, judging from the known clues, Yang Xiu's marital conflicts escalated into love killings, and her husband Liu Zhengping—perhaps even with his lover Guo Qing— —Killed Yang Xiu, the whole incident has nothing to do with Yu Sina, it shouldn't be, unless... the merger was wrong at the beginning, there is no connection between the two cases, it's just a coincidence, there are similarities ... so unreasonable ... this ... can you believe it?"

Wu Cuo shook his head, "There are too many coincidences. First of all, the cause of death is strangulation, and even the direction of strangulation is the same on the left side of the neck;

Secondly, the location of the murder is uncertain, but the bodies were in the car, and both cars were deliberately parked near the community by the murderer, as if hoping that the bodies would be found;

In the end, the perpetrators in both cases deliberately avoided road surveillance, and we were unable to trace the vehicle’s driving route. The perpetrator should be an old driver, and he had carefully planned the route in advance..."

Yan Ruyu waved his hand and interrupted Wu Cuo, "When it comes to the old driver, Zhao Sandao fits the bill. After all, his profession is to drive, and he is more or less related to the two cases.

Needless to say, he was driving for Yu Sina's father. According to him, before Yang Xiu's death, they had had a relationship... The DNA test report from Lao Xu's side also came out, and they were extracted from Yang Xiu's body. The DNA samples obtained were consistent.

This Zhao Sandao is really as simple as it seems on the surface? "

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Wu Cuo said, "Liu Zhengping has already pleaded guilty, and he was frightened crazy. This is what we saw with our own eyes. Who else could the murderer be?"

Yan Ruyu stopped talking, lit a cigarette, and continued to close her eyes and think.

"If not, let's split up. You ask Guo Qing, and I'll talk to Yang Xiu's poker friends. Minghui and Xiaobai are in charge of asking the tutor."

"I've been interrogating people since yesterday. Zhao Sandao, Liu Zhengping, and Liu Xiaobei came here one by one...Guo Qing, I'm not going to interrogate people. Come on, I'll go talk to Obasan who is playing mahjong."

Wu Cuo curled his lips, "You like to join the crowd of aunts dancing in the square. This is a sign of your lack of maternal love."

Yan Ruyu rolled her eyes, "You are the only one who doesn't lack."


Yang Xiu doesn't have a fixed place to play mahjong, sometimes at a friend's house, sometimes at her own home, and sometimes invites her poker buddies to the chess and card room to go wild.

Yan Ruyu first contacted the friend who played mahjong with her most often through the mobile phone number provided by Jin Ziduo.

When talking on the phone, the other party was rubbing numb, and the crackling sound was endless.

Yan Ruyu didn't want to make an appointment with her in the chess and card room, but the other party promised to help introduce a few more acquaintances, and everyone brainstormed and maybe they could recall something.

The place where rich wives play cards is far from being as smoky as Yan Ruyu imagined.This is an entertainment room located in a high-end club, and the suites are named very carefully, such as "Da Si Xi", "Nine Lotus Lanterns", and "Quan Shuang Ke".

At this moment, the suite the other party is in is called "Seven Stars Are Not Reliable".

Yan Ruyu knocked on the door, and a woman with a toothpick in her hand opened the door.

"Officer Yan?" the woman said hello generously.

Yan Ruyu smelled a scent of perfume, which was very long-lasting and faint, obviously not cheap.

The woman was well maintained, and if she was wearing a school uniform, no one would suspect that she was a student.Only by looking closely into her eyes can one know that this is a woman with some experience.

"Yan Yanqiu?" Yan Ruyu asked, "Is it you who talked to me on the phone?"

"It's me. Coincidentally, our surname is Yan." The woman stepped aside, let Yan Ruyu in, and shouted into the room: "The police officer I told you about is here."

Another fat woman came out from the lounge of the suite, looking benevolent, she immediately took Yan Ruyu's arm.

"We've all heard about Yang Xiu," the woman said.

Yan Ruyu drew out her arm, kept a distance of about two punches from the fat woman, followed behind her side, and said politely: "I'm sorry to bother you, I'm just asking about it as a matter of routine."

After entering the lounge, Yan Ruyu saw that the oldest woman was sitting in the lounge.

Although her hair is gray, it is not disheveled at all. There are fine lines around her eyes, but her skin is very ruddy. She is a slim woman in a black velvet dress.

She sat there like a protagonist in an oil painting.

Seeing Yan Ruyu, she got up and poured him a cup of tea, and said, "Police Officer Yan has worked hard."

Yan Ruyu sat down on the side of the table where she put the teacup.

It was a mahjong table with no mahjong tiles on it, but two dice lying alone.

As soon as Yan Ruyu sat down, the three women also took their seats.

The older woman spoke first: "Yang Xiu and I have been friends for 35 years."

After she finished saying this sentence, she was not in a hurry to say the following, and just sat there quietly, turning into a painting again.

35 years.

She doesn't need to say anything more, these years are like a glass of old wine, a bowl of strong tea, enough for people to linger on.

However, Yan Ruyu didn't come to drink tea, nor did he come to drink.

He had no choice but to interrupt the older woman's silence and asked, "Then who do you think wants to kill Yang Xiu?"

The question is very straightforward, because Yan Ruyu doesn't want to listen to those long memories that have nothing to do with the case - in his impression, women are always nagging.

"There are three people."

Unexpectedly, the older woman's answer was also very straightforward, which really impressed Yan Ruyu.

"The first one is me. The second one," the older woman raised her chin towards the fat woman, "her."

Yan Yanqiu, who opened the door for Yan Ruyu, was the last to sit down, and said, "The one who wants to kill her the most is probably me."

Yan Ruyu has to admit that this is the most surprising moment since he became a criminal police officer.

However, the surprise quickly passed away... Women always bluff.

"Oh?" Yan Ruyu's answer was only one word.

The older woman continued: "I have been friends with her for 35 years. We have compared each other for 35 years, competed for 35 years, and supported each other for 35 years. Unexpectedly, when I died, I was killed by her."

"Yang Xiu? How did it hurt you?"

"Money, all my savings." The older woman said.

"It's all our savings." The fat woman lit a women's cigarette. She was afraid of inhaling others, so she got up and opened the window, and stood at the window, puffing.

The older woman continued: "Yang Xiu has been a little bored these years, but no matter what, she is also a woman who has experienced entrepreneurship, and the strength in her bones is not so easy to wear off.

Did Liu Zhengping really think she was stupid?Having an extramarital affair, and wanting to monopolize the company, is it true that Yang Xiu can't see it? "

(End of this chapter)

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