reckless detective

Chapter 335 Bounty Hunter

Chapter 335 Bounty Hunter (11)

Liu Xiaobei wiped away his tears and took a deep breath. He cried so hard just now that every time he inhaled, he was choking.

Minghui handed him a tissue, he blew his nose hard, and continued: "My dad said he slipped his tongue, I just found out...

In fact, I didn't want to go to the exam after the high school entrance examination, because of this I had a big fight with my dad.

I said what's the use of going to school, anyway, I'm going to take over my own company, so it's better to join the company earlier, I'm also free, and I can help my family a little bit. "

Liu Xiaobei sniffed, but a tube of snot still flowed out. He grabbed a piece of paper and wiped it casually, "My dad broke up with me for a long time, and finally got anxious, and said...'The company is no longer ours. it's over.'

After he finished speaking, he himself realized that he had made a mistake...Let me not worry about it and go to school well.

I didn't realize it at the time, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, and I always felt uneasy... Let's put it this way, the reason why I don't study hard, play all day, and live a better life than others is because... family is rich.

Where did the money come from?Isn't that what the company earned?

If something goes wrong with the company..."

"If something goes wrong with the company, if your family is in ruins, you will be the one who suffers the most. You were born with a golden spoon in your mouth, have you never lived a hard day?"

"Yes, I...don't even dare to think about it."

"But what can you do? What right do you have to intervene in the company's affairs?"

"You underestimate me too..."

Yan Ruyu and Wu looked at each other wrongly. For children of this age, the aggressive method is still very effective.

Liu Xiaobei continued: "I just paid a little attention to my dad, he has a habit of not going home that night when he's drinking too much, and finding a nearby hotel to open a room for him.

I followed him once, and found that he didn't go to the hotel after the dinner, but was sent to an apartment by the driver, that apartment...his assistant lived in it...I... met her, she had been here before Our family, sending materials or something... I forgot, the name... I can't remember either. "

"Okay, so how did you find out that the company fell into other hands?"

Wu Cuo glanced at Jin Ziduo while asking, Jin Ziduo frowned and shook his head slightly.

He did check the relevant financial statements of Liu Zhengping's company, but he is not a financial professional, so he couldn't see the clues for a while. Moreover, even if there is a change in a company of this size, if you want to hide it, the accounts are difficult to see.

Therefore, gold is still in a state of confusion.

"I've overheard them talking," Liu Xiaobei said, "It's completely different from what I imagined, my dad seems to... listen to her for everything, ask her for instructions.

I also heard her talk about getting my dad to divorce. She said that as long as my dad divorces and stays with her, it means that the company still belongs to my dad. All my efforts were in vain..."

"Then just get a divorce. It's easy to get together and break up. Even if your father feels guilty, he can use money to make up for it—even if the company is emptied, he should have the financial strength, right? Why kill people?"

"That's why I want to see him! I want to ask clearly! I'm afraid it's him, but I might be him." Liu Xiaobei lowered his head and said in a crying voice: "I remember puppy love when I was in junior high school, other things, Like skipping classes and playing games, my dad doesn’t care at all. Only this, my dad and I had a good chat once, and he talked about his mother and him, how to start a business when we were young, and never give up.

To be honest, I still felt quite educated at the time... maybe my dad seldom took care of me, and once in a while, I thought it was novel, and the effect was particularly good.

Since then, I have certainly followed their example in this girlfriend can attest.

I always knew that my dad had an extramarital affair, and I always believed that he was... very nice to my mom, even if he made some mistakes in the middle, in the future... if he grows old together, there must be nothing wrong with other people. It must be my father and my mother!So I suspect him, but I really can't figure it out..."

It seemed that there was nothing to be learned from the child, Wu Cuo comforted him a few words, and together with Yan Ruyu, sent Liu Xiaobei to the orphanage first.

Along the way, although Liu Xiaobei tried his best to endure, he still kept sucking his nose.

Yan Ruyu was driving, and Wu Cuo sat in the back seat with him, Wu Cuo said: "Cry if you want to cry."

Liu Xiaobei cried and said, "What should I do?... What should I do next...?"

After all, he is just a child.

Wu Cuo couldn't give him an answer, even though he himself had such an experience, he still couldn't give him an answer.

Liu Xiaobei will face the next road alone. Any different choice may lead to a different ending.

Apart from "study hard" that Liu Xiaobei didn't want to hear the last time, Wu Cuo really didn't know what advice he could give him.

Fortunately, the three of them soon arrived at the temporary point of the orphanage.

The dean went out to work, and Bai Ye received the three of them.

"Who is this?" Bai Ye pointed to Liu Xiaobei and asked.

"Liu Xiaobei, like you, came here to do volunteer work, but he has to live here temporarily."

"Nice meeting, welcome." Bai Ye stretched out his hand to Liu Xiaobei.

Liu Xiaobei lowered his head, apparently not wanting others to see that he had cried.But his red eyes and nose were too obvious.

Looking at his appearance, Bai Ye knew it in his heart.

That's right, whoever came to live in the orphanage has never experienced parting.

He silently patted Liu Xiaobei on the shoulder, "It will pass, we will be a family in the future, I will take you to your residence, maybe... the conditions are not very good."

Just as he turned around to lead Liu Xiaobei away, he stopped again and muttered to himself, "Huh? Liu Xiaobei? Why does it sound familiar to me... Is your family... quite rich?"

Wu Cuo wanted to step forward to stop Bai Ye, but Yan Ruyu stopped him and asked, "What? Do you really know each other?"

Asked by him, Liu Xiaobei also looked at Bai Ye, and finally shook his head, "I...don't know you."

Bai Ye thought about it: "Where did I hear your name... Hey... Maybe I remembered it wrong..."

"Okay," Yan Ruyu scratched her head, feeling that she was too nervous, and said to Bai Ye, "Let's take Xiao Bei to familiarize himself with the environment."

He also reported Wu Cuo's mobile phone number to Liu Xiaobei, and said, "If there is anything you are not used to, or if you need help, just call him."

The two didn't have time to stay and drove to the city hall.

On the way back, Wu Cuo said to Yan Ruyu: "I think we can start from three aspects, first, the female assistant Guo Qing, she must have a problem, it goes without saying.

Second, Liu Zhengping mentioned a tutor. I can get to know the situation with him. After all, he is a full-time teacher who lives in Liu's house.

Third, the mahjong friends of the deceased Yang Xiu, they have been in touch for a long time, and they may gossip, so...

In addition, there is another point that I am most worried about. Will the murderer continue to commit crimes? "

(End of this chapter)

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