Veteran never die

Chapter 395 Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese War Hall

Chapter 395 Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese War Hall

0399 Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese Museum

Seeing that some netizens regretted not bombing the Japanese Imperial Palace, Wang Liang stood up and said: "The Japanese Imperial Palace was bombed before. On April [-], [-], the Japanese Imperial Palace and part of the palace were burned, and the Meiji Shrine was burned."

Of course the Japanese imperial palace was bombed, how could such a place in Japan be let go?
"At that time, some areas free from bombing were also delineated, such as the Anglican Church, Tokyo University, and the Salvation Army. Oh, the Salvation Army is not an army, it is an international religious and charitable organization." Wang Liang said.

Many Tokyo citizens fled the city during the U.S. bombing.

The US plane also dropped warning leaflets to inform the target of the next bombing, which made the Japanese even more fearful.

In Tokyo alone, millions have fled to the countryside, and factory workers are showing less than half of what they used to.

The bombing of Tokyo and other cities crippled Japan's wartime economy.

"In the early hours of May 300, 29, a bombing formation composed of more than 56 B-[-] bombers visited Tokyo again. Each bomber carried six tons of incendiary bombs, flew at low altitude along the East Sumida River in Tokyo, and bombed two cities in turn. For half an hour, all the bombs were thrown in densely populated areas, and everything on the ground in an area of ​​[-] square kilometers was completely burned."

Wang Liang recalled: "I didn't fly the bomber at the time, but I witnessed this moment as the co-pilot on the bomber. I remember that the bombing mission was completed, and we all flew over the Pacific Ocean 250 kilometers away. You can see the flames going up into the sky."

What Wang Liang expounded was an objective fact.

But the words were full of excitement.

In fact, during the bombing, several fires burned for four days before being slowly extinguished.

Tens of thousands of dead people were not burned to death, but died of suffocation due to the exhaustion of oxygen, especially the Japanese living in low-lying areas.

Of course, in the eyes of Wang Liang at the time, all of this was karma.

Your army does whatever it wants in my country, burns, kills, rapes and loots, and does all kinds of evil.

Well, that will also let you feel the taste of family ruin.

Wang Liang thinks that the Americans have done a very good job on this point.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

If you fight, you will be beaten until you are afraid of labor and capital from the bottom of your heart.

When you hear the name of labor and management, you shudder.


People who were on fire and lacked oxygen rushed to jump into the river to survive. As a result, the Sumida River was full of corpses as black as charcoal.

People scrambled to hide in the sturdy Meijiza Theater, where suffocated bodies were stacked two meters high.

At that time, the Japanese home air force and air defense force had been destroyed, and the American aircraft seemed to be uninhabited.

In addition, there are only nine doctors and eleven nurses remaining among the government medical personnel staying in Tokyo, completely losing their rescue capabilities.

In 1945, the lives of Japanese people were worthless.

Just like the Chinese people who suffered when they broke through Nanjing.

Wang Liang said: "The nightmare is far from over. At the end of May of that year, 29 US B-[-] bombers took off again and dropped [-] tons of incendiary bombs on residential areas in northern and western Tokyo."

"The fire caused by fuel oil fell from the sky, and high-rise buildings were floating in the sea of ​​flames. Since then, Tokyo has become a dead city. There are no more good houses and healthy people to bomb. The city has completely lost the value of bombing. "

By the time the Emperor of Japan announced his unconditional surrender, the U.S. Air Force had successively dropped [-] tons of incendiary bombs on Japan.

Of course, this does not include the three atomic bombs dropped at the end of August.

In a sense, Japan was bombed.

"I don't know why, but whenever I talk about this, I feel an indescribable joy in my heart." Wang Liang shook his head with a smile.

What Wang Liang said was cool, and the netizens were naturally happy to hear it.

This is not some magical drama, it's all a real explosion, who knows who hurts.

Walking and walking, I came to the Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese War Hall again.

This is the main event.

The Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese Museum built in Sichuan Province.

With an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters, it condenses the history of the Sichuan Army's Anti-Japanese War.

Under the guidance of Fan Jianguo, upon entering the pavilion, Wang Liang and others saw a series of eye-catching numbers.

【3 000 000 Sichuan Army Out of Sichuan Anti-Japanese War】

[3 000 000 strong men go to the front line]

It is no exaggeration, this is to explain the historical facts that 300 million Sichuan troops went out to fight against Sichuan and 300 million strong men went to the front line.

Wang Liang spoke highly of it: "Although Sichuan Province was at the rear of the Anti-Japanese War at that time, it still provided such huge human resources to go to the front line to fight bloody battles and made special contributions to the eight-year Anti-Japanese War."

Although the eight-year war of resistance has been changed to the 13-year war of resistance in recent years, Wang Liang is still used to talking about the eight-year war of resistance.

Because in Wang Liang's understanding, the War of Resistance was a battle to resist foreign aggression.

It has to be admitted that the Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese War Museum has a unique design.

The appearance has a remarkable western Sichuan architectural style.

In terms of display methods, it also breaks through the design of traditional museums. By using various artistic methods such as restored scenes, sand table models, sculptures, paintings, reliefs, and multimedia projections, it gives people visual impact and patriotic inspiration.

Many netizens asked Wang Liang to describe in detail the history of the Xiachuan Army's war of resistance, but Wang Liang refused.

It's not that Wang Liang doesn't want to speak, it's that Wang Liang feels that he is not qualified to speak.

That's 300 million Sichuan Army soldiers, that's 300 million patriots, Wang Liang feels that he is not qualified.

Unable to stop the netizens from chattering, Wang Liang said: "Then I will introduce someone to you, someone I know and whom I admire very much."

"He is Master Wang Mingzhang." Wang Liang didn't hold back, and directly reported his name.

In [-], Wang Liang had been with Master Wang Mingzhang for a period of time, so his impression was particularly deep.

Wang Liang felt that Master Wang Mingzhang was enough to represent the entire Sichuan Army.

"The Taierzhuang War, which changed international views on the future of the Sino-Japanese War and the first defeat of the Japanese invasion of China, has begun. At that time, Lieutenant General Wang Mingzhang, commander of the 22st and 41nd Division of the 41st Army of the [-]nd Group Army of the Sichuan Army, was appointed as the frontline commander-in-chief. The two divisions of the [-]st Army have a total of more than [-] officers and soldiers guarding the city of Teng County”

At that time, Wang Liang was still in the National Revolutionary Army. After the training of the officer training group in Nanjing, he was sent to the Lu Province battlefield as the chief of the supervising team.

Supervising the battle team, as the name suggests, is to supervise the combat units of the army.

Supervise soldiers on the battlefield to prevent escape, and have the right to deal with deserted soldiers in case of desertion.

The military supervisors of the Nationalist Army wear supervisor armbands on their shoulders, forcing soldiers to advance on extremely unfavorable fronts. Soldiers who flee will be shot and killed by the supervisors from behind.

Chang Kaishen sent the supervisor team because he was worried about the Sichuan Army.

(End of this chapter)

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