Veteran never die

Chapter 394 Bombing Japan

Chapter 394 Bombing Japan
0398 Bomb Japan
Whether it was Wang Liang, Sun Weimin, or Ma Xiaogang, they were absolutely sure that their trip was the right one.

Benefited a lot.

There are also many netizens.

The whole process is live-streamed.

For them, in addition to shock, or shock.

The comment section has completely exploded.

The programmers are frantically repairing it.
Suddenly, Wang Liang felt much more relaxed.

There is not much time left for him, Wang Liang has been racing against time.

But today Wang Liang found a qualified successor.

Fan Jianguo, this veteran, can take over this banner with a well-deserved right.


Definitely qualified.

Thinking of this, Wang Liang felt relieved.

Wang Liang recalled: "[-] was the most difficult year of China's war of resistance. The Japanese occupied Burma, thus cutting off the only material transportation channel for external aid to China's war of resistance."

US President Roosevelt ordered: "At any cost, a route to China must be opened."

Since there are no sea and land passages, only air routes can be opened up, which is the famous hump route.

The Hump route transport team was different from Chennault's Flying Tigers. To a certain extent, the Hump route transport team was more difficult and dangerous than the Flying Tigers attacking the Japanese air combat.

Wang Liang introduced: "Because the transport team of the hump route has to fly in the Himalayan valley, even in extremely bad weather, it cannot stop flying. It continuously transports the soldiers of the Chinese Expeditionary Force from China to India, and then transports gasoline back from India. , equipment and other strategic materials.”

"Let me tell you an intuitive statistic. During the three-year period, the Hump route has flown more than 8 sorties. The U.S. military lost more than 4000 aircraft, and nearly [-] pilots died.”

Wang Liang thinks that netizens may be more interested in the bombing of the Japanese mainland, and he personally participated in this bombing operation, so Wang Liang wants to share it with you.


This bombing operation is known as the bombing of Tokyo in history.

As early as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the U.S. military sent B-25 medium bombers to attack Japan's oil depots, factories and military facilities in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya and Kobe.

However, limited by the nature of the bombers, these bombings were only symbolic missions and did not cause a fatal blow to Japan.

When the U.S. Air Force successfully develops and equips the B-29 bomber, it will be able to carry out a substantive strategic bombing of Japan.

"The speed of the B-29 bomber reaches 5306000 meters per hour, the flying altitude exceeds 430 meters, and the cruising range is 262 kilometers. The strike distance reaches 29 kilometers, and it can carry [-] kilograms of bombs. At that time, the Axis powers Except for the Me-[-] and Juhua (not in service), none of the fighter jets can reach the flight altitude of [-] meters, and even if they reach the flight altitude, they cannot catch up with the speed of the B-[-].”

"Fortunately my application to participate in this operation was approved."

From March 1945th to 3th, 9, the U.S. military sent 10 four B-330 bombers from the Mariana Islands to bomb Tokyo, Japan, for two hours with napalm bombs. Each plane carried six to eight tons of incendiary bombs. The burning area can reach 29 square meters.

On March 1945, 3, at 10:24, two navigation planes arrived over Tokyo and dropped flare bombs in the Shitamachi area of ​​the intended target area, and then dropped incendiary bombs to indicate targets for subsequent planes.

Then a large number of bombers entered and threw incendiary bombs at intervals of one aircraft, and the fire spread rapidly.

Whenever talking about this, Wang Liang is always in a good mood: "There was a fire whirlwind in Tokyo that night. The fire whirlwind is the strong convective wind caused by the scorching air waves caused by the fire and the cold air."

330 Four B-29s dropped a total of more than two thousand tons of incendiary bombs.

For the entire bombing process, Wang Liang does not want to repeat too much.

"The high temperature generated by this amount of incendiary bombs is enough to burn all combustible materials including human bodies in the urban area. 41 square kilometers were burned, mainly the area east of the Imperial Palace, and about a quarter of Tokyo was destroyed. Razed to the ground."

"20.00% of them are industrial areas, 60.00% are commercial areas, and the rest are residential areas. The 22 industrial targets on the bombing list were all destroyed, more than 26 buildings were burned, and millions of people were left homeless 7000 people were burned alive, and nearly 790 people were burned or choked."

Wang Liang remembered this set of data very clearly.

Damn, finally got retribution.

There is no need for sympathy, blood debts must be paid with blood.

When Wang Liang's B-29 bomber flew over Tokyo, when he pressed the button to throw the incendiary bomb, he felt extremely elated.

"The U.S. military also suffered considerable losses in this bombing. Nine B-29s were shot down, and five were seriously injured and made an emergency landing on the sea. The 42 injured bombers and the rest returned to the base safely." Wang Liang said.

The bombing was the most destructive non-nuclear air strike in human history.

The destructive power can be compared with the later atomic bomb explosion.

After the fire, it took the Japanese government 25 days to completely remove the charred bodies.

"This is far from over. Less than 29 hours after bombing Tokyo, our B-[-] bombers attacked Nagoya at night."

Wang Liang said with a smile: "After 24 hours of rest, the B-29 bomber formation attacked Osaka, Japan's second largest city, using [-] tons of incendiary bombs."

"Three days later, Kobe was bombed again."

"In April, May, and June, the U.S. military launched large-scale air raids on major, medium and small cities in Japan."

The comment area where the bug was just fixed exploded again, one comment after another.

"A tribute to the U.S. Air Force that bombed Japan during World War II."

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it? To defeat the enemy, you must subdue them. Don't be merciful at all, and don't have the kindness of a woman. Look at the current attitude of Japan towards the United States. It's over!"

"So until now Japan has only served the United States and Russia"

"That's great to hear."

"Well fried!"


"I can imagine the expression of the little devils who are still invading China when they hear that their homes have been bombed and their relatives have been burned to charcoal. They always have to pay back when they come out to mess around. How do you treat the Chinese people? Bomb you a little bit There is nothing wrong with it! There is nothing wrong with it."

"The island nation should have been bombed and sunk at that time."

"No matter how you blow it up, it won't relieve your hatred."

"Why not blow up the Japanese Imperial Palace? It's a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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