Chapter 380

0384 Frontal battlefield hall

Coming out of the mainstay hall, under the guidance of Fan Jianguo, Wang Liang, Ma Xiaogang and Sun Weimin came to the frontal battlefield hall next to it.

Wang Liang knew the implication of setting the front battlefield hall and the mainstay hall together, which is to express the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to resist Japan.

This is a plain white square building.

Fan Jianguo said quite proudly: "Uncle, I'm not bragging. This is the only museum in our country that fully reflects the Kuomintang's frontal battlefield of the War of Resistance."

"You are not bragging." Wang Liang expressed his pertinence.

Seeing that Wang Liang's eyes fell on a bronze statue of an anti-Japanese warrior standing in the pool on the right side of the entrance of the exhibition hall, Fan Jianguo introduced: "Oh, this is a statue of a Nationalist Army soldier created to highlight the theme. "

Wang Liangliang nodded and said approvingly, "Well, not bad. The shape is handsome, dignified, and very real, in line with the typical image of the national army in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War."

I remember that there was no such statue when I came here last time. After nearly ten years, it has been renovated and upgraded.

The front battlefield building has two floors, the plane of the first floor is rectangular, and the plane of the second floor is in line with the plot, and cantilevered along the north side appropriately, forming an isosceles trapezoid.

In view of the unique nature of the museum, which is simple, solid, and heavy in shape, in addition to ensuring the necessary lighting and ventilation requirements, the window area is minimized to achieve a solemn and simple appearance, and to maximize the indoor exhibition wall area.

After entering the museum, the first thing that catches your eyes is the photos and lists of Kuomintang generals who died during the Anti-Japanese War on both sides of the passage.

250 six people!

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, 250 and six generals of the National Revolutionary Army died.

Sacrifice the earliest generals Tong Linge and Zhao Dengyu.

Looking at the photo, Wang Liang murmured: "The first general Tong Linge who died for China's war of resistance, Zhao Dengyu, the general of the sword."

Zhao Dengyu, he used to be Wang Liang's teacher!
Moving on: "General Hao Mengling, the first army commander who died for China's Anti-Japanese War, had many repeated military careers, and was rewarded several times. He went north to Taiyuan to go to the battlefield. Xinkou is a true hero in bloody battles, and his loyal soul is always shining everywhere!"


The counter-offensive army rushed to the Japanese positions in different ways, and even defeated the enemy on several hills.

At five o'clock in the morning, it was already dawn.

Hao Mengling was afraid that our army's position would be threatened by the enemy's artillery fire after dawn and could not be consolidated. It would be better to pursue the victory and quickly wipe out the remnants of the enemy.

The two generals Hao and Liu were almost in front of the skirmish line, only 200 meters away from the enemy. When passing through a narrow road, Hao Mengling was hit by the enemy's machine gun bullets and died heroically.

"General Rao Guohua, who committed suicide in Guangde, was from the Sichuan Army."

"General Wang Mingzhang, who vowed to drive the Japanese invaders out of China, and the Straw Shoes Army were not afraid to go to the front line. They moved from Shanxi to Shandong, surrounded on all sides, and died in Teng County in the final battle. Sichuan Army!"

"Admiral Zhang Zizhong, the most senior general who died for China's Anti-Japanese War. He threw his pen into the army and served the country with inspiration. He rose up to resist the Japanese and killed the enemy bravely. The pumpkin shop was stained with blood, and the heroic soul shook the world."

"Admiral Tang Huaiyuan who died in Zhongtiao Mountain, a famous general of the Yunnan Army."

"Admiral Li Jiayu, who was ordered in danger, died for his country in Henan, Sichuan Army!"

Wang Liang is really familiar with each general after another.


Even Wang Liang talked and laughed happily with several of them, and fought side by side.

They are the veritable generals of the National Revolutionary Army.

Going forward, when he saw the name of the eighth general who died, Wang Liang burst into tears.

That was General Chen Anbao.

A name that no one is familiar with.

"His head hasn't come back yet." Wang Liang choked up several times.

Yes, like the reconnaissance staff officer Fu Pingshan who died in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, General Chen Anbao's head failed to go home.

Chen Anbao, commander of the 29th Army of the National Revolutionary Army and commander of the 79th Division.

After the defeat of the Nanchang Defense War, the troops began to break through, and the soldiers fought hand-to-hand with the Japanese army. The battle was unprecedentedly tragic.

When the reserve team was exhausted, the army commander Chen Anbao only led the guard company to the front to supervise the battle under artillery fire.

On the Tiancheng on the way, unfortunately, he was hit by an enemy bullet, injured his heart, and died heroically for his country.


In order to retaliate, the Japanese devils brutally beheaded General Chen Anbao and hung him on the Nanchang City Tower for three days.

In order to show off their achievements, the Japanese devils then transported the head of General Chen Anbao back to Tokyo.

Why did Wang Liang choke up.

Just because the general doesn't have his head yet.

Always say to let go of the hate.


Let me ask, how can future generations experience that heart-wrenching blood feud?

There are more lieutenant generals.

Except for some with strong propaganda, the rest have been mercilessly submerged by the long river of history.

Huang Meixing (1897-1937, Commander of the 80th Brigade of the No.264 Eighth Division of the National Revolutionary Army, the first senior Kuomintang general who died for the country in the Songhu Battle.)
Cai Bingyan (from 1902 to 1937, Major General of the 18st Brigade of the 67th Division of the No.35 Army of the Kuomintang Army, personally led a battalion of troops to repeatedly charge and kill the Japanese army in Lujiazhai during the Battle of Luodian. He was shot several times in the fierce battle and died heroically. [-] years old at the time.)
Jiang Yuzhen (1894-1937, commander of the [-]th Brigade of the KMT Jinsui Army.)
Wang Liang said: "Brigade Commander Jiang Yuzhen, after Yuekou was captured by the enemy on September 1937, 9, Pingxingguan was withdrawn. He was ordered to defend Yuanping to the death for seven days."

On October 10, the Japanese army went south from Dai County to surround Yuanping, and the two sides fought fiercely outside the city.

In the case of extreme disparity in troop strength, Jiang Yuzhen's brigade suffered heavy casualties.

After seven days of fighting, Shangfeng ordered another three days of defense.

Jiang Yuzhen said: "With me, Jiang Yuzhen, there will be Yuan Ping. I, Jiang Yuzhen, will live and die with Yuan Ping!"

In the end, Jiang Yuzhen's 196th brigade was almost empty.

The sound of gunfire gradually faded away, and Jiang Yuzhen led several brothers to retreat to the last courtyard, but the devils refused to let go, and clung on tightly.

Under Jiang Yuzhen's command, finally killed those devils who were chasing after him.

Jiang Yuzhen's subordinates persuaded: "Brigade Commander, hurry up and withdraw. The task of guarding for seven days and then three days has been completed. Our 196th Brigade can't leave no seeds."

Jiang Yuzhen resolutely refused to withdraw. He said, "Let's go, the battle has come to this point, and I, the brigade commander, cannot withdraw. The 196th Brigade will never forget Yuan Ping, and Yuan Ping will never forget the 196th Brigade."

Seeing that the devils were going to surround the courtyard, the anxious spy platoon leader motioned for the brothers to set up Jiang Yuzhen and drilled out of Yuanping City along the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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