Veteran never die

Chapter 379 An Assortment of Collections

Chapter 379 An Assortment of Collections

0383 A wide variety of collections

Accompanied by Fan Jianguo and Ma Xiaogang, Wang Liang first went to the entrance of Renhezheng Street and visited the former residence of Liu Xiang, an anti-Japanese general.

Liu Xiang, the hometown of the anti-Japanese hero is here.

Witnessing the majestic mansion, tall buildings, green brick and powder wall corridor, black painted gate, bright and clean windows in the living room, tiled floor.

The cypress wood decoration on the walls is magnificent, giving people a sense of solemnity and solemnity.

There is a large garden in the courtyard, with small bridges and flowing water, sparse flowers and trees, and mottled osmanthus shadows, which are slow and lovely.

There is a bamboo garden behind the house to cover the sky and the sun.

This building was built in the 30s.

In 20, Liu Xiang led the Sichuan Army with [-] troops out of Sichuan to fight against Japan and commanded the defense of Nanjing. Unfortunately, Liu Xiang died of illness in the second year.

Wandering in front of the former residence of General Liu Xiang, Wang Liang's ears echoed from time to time the will left by General Liu before his death: "The War of Resistance will be unswerving to the end, that is, the enemy will not retreat to the Chinese border for a day, and the Sichuan army will swear to fight against the enemy every day." Do not return home!"

What a lofty ambition.

After visiting the former residence of General Liu Xiang, Fan Jianguo asked for instructions: "Uncle, shall we go to the exhibition hall?"

"Okay." Wang Liang nodded.

Fan Jianguo also quickly entered the role of tour guide: "Our Anti-Japanese War series has opened five exhibition halls and three squares. The five exhibition halls are the mainstay hall, the frontal battlefield hall, the flying tiger hall, the unyielding prisoners of war hall and the Sichuan Army War of Resistance. The three squares are Red Square, Group Sculpture Square of Chinese Heroes, and Handprint Square of Chinese Veterans.”

"En. I heard that you are busy building several exhibition halls recently?" Wang Liang asked.

Fan Jianguo replied: "The Hall of Unity and Traitors is under preparation and will be completed by the end of the year."

"Unity is strength, traitor is ugly, good!" Wang Liang repeated the two names and praised them.

These two pavilions can form the most striking contrast.

As the name suggests, the Hall of All Wills into a City reflects the situation of the Chinese clan, regardless of land, north or south, people regardless of age, and all walks of life, fighting together to defend the land and resist the war when the country is in crisis.

The meaning of the traitor's ugliness hall is even more obvious.

An army composed of millions of Chinese, but fighting against each other, acting as lackeys for the Japanese to attack their own compatriots, this is the puppet army.

They used to be the elites of the society and the pillars of the country, but later they became the scum of the nation and the shame of the country.

Their names are despised by the people of the country, their history is gray, and their lives are also gray.They have a unified name: traitors.

Wang Jingwei, Chen Gongbo, Zhou Fohai, Liang Hongzhi, Fu Xiaoan, Yin Rugeng, Li Shiqun and others.

It is necessary to record the actions of these scum, so as to alert future generations.

Fan Jianguo asked again: "Uncle, which museum should we visit first?"

According to Fan Jianguo's vigorous and resolute temper, there are not many people who can make him respect this much.

There are only a few veterans of the Anti-Japanese War who are still alive.

"Let's just go to the Mainstay Pavilion. The last time I came here was ten years ago, so there must have been a lot of changes." Wang Liang said.

Fan Jianguo nodded and introduced: "Yes, after upgrading, she is more systematic and complete."

"Displayed in the form of historical photos, materials, real objects, documents, tunnel warfare, landmine warfare, green gauze tent scene restoration or real scene landscape, etc., through three thematic units 'the backbone of the nation', 'the years behind the enemy' and 'base area construction', to display The eight-year anti-Japanese situation of the Chinese Communist Party, the army under its leadership, and the people behind enemy lines."

"It highlights the glorious history of the Communist Party of China representing the will of the entire Chinese people, leading and promoting the great War of Resistance Against Japan, fighting bloody battles at the forefront of the War of Resistance, and becoming the mainstay of the whole nation's united war of resistance."


Wang Liang knows that when it comes to this, many people will definitely disagree.

Many people on the Internet think this way. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China fought in the battlefield behind enemy lines, and did not make much effort.

It is useless to argue with them.

To convince them, you need evidence.

Entering the mainstay hall, the entrance is a pillar with a diameter of nearly two meters and a height of 18 meters.

The implication is the Eighteenth Group Army, which symbolizes that the Communist Party and the anti-Japanese armed forces led by it are the mainstay of the whole nation's war of resistance.

The collections in the exhibition hall are dazzling.

In such an instant, Wang Liang was really brought back to the past.

The badge of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army that I had worn for a while.

The March of the Volunteers made in commemoration of the [-]th anniversary of the September [-]th Incident.

The "Life" magazine published in the United States in [-] introduced the living conditions of some CCP leaders.

"Da Mei Pictorial" published in [-] with Zhu De as the cover character.

The camera used by Peng Shuai.

The file package used by Nie Shuai during the Anti-Japanese War.

Two important works by Wang Ming: Struggle for a Bolshevikization of the CCP and Struggle for an Independent, Free and Happy China.

The bicycles seized by the military and civilians behind the enemy lines in North China after annihilating the puppet army convoy in Wan County, Hebei.

Mid-top leather shoes with metal toe caps captured by the Eighth Route Army.

A cloth bag with the words "Military Transport in the Jinchaji Border Region" printed on it.

A piece of familiar old objects brought back Wang Liang's memories.

Go up to the second floor.

Wang Liang saw the Japanese Army's [-]-type mortar again, and it must have been decades since he saw this thing last time.

Putting on the gloves, Wang Liang touched it, feeling extremely familiar with love.

"Norihide Abe, the so-called famous flower of the Japanese invaders, was shot dead by our Eighth Route Army with an [-]mm mortar during the encirclement and annihilation battle in Huangtuling, Hebei Province on November [-], [-]," Wang Liang said to himself. Soliloquy.


That's all the veteran can think of now.

The pistols used by the Eighth Route Army are already rusty.

The study notes of the rectification movement during the Anti-Japanese War were densely written.

Aluminum lunch boxes and iron basins used by the Japanese invaders.

The retort sterilization box used by the Bethune medical team.

On August [-], [-], Japan announced its unconditional surrender. On that day, Ta Kung Pao published a report.

Wang Liang didn't know how much time, energy and money Fan Jianguo spent collecting these rare treasures.

Shock, full of shock.

Wang Liang couldn't help crying.

The words and objects here record my youth and passion!
Touching them again now, I think of a lot, as if I have gone through it again.

Looking at those long-awaited words and real objects, I once again experienced the hard years and experienced the war that was full of gunpowder.

The 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance

The 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance

The 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance

Flat type Guan Dajie

Hundred Regiments
Collection of various historical materials.

(End of this chapter)

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