Veteran never die

Chapter 353 This prosperous world, as you wish

Chapter 353 This prosperous world, as you wish

0356 This prosperous world is as you wish

Zheng He saw through Ariel Kunel's conspiracy, and in order to avoid a frontal conflict, he simply patted his ass and left in advance.

Later, when the fleet returned, Zheng He still decided to visit Ceylon again.

Zheng He couldn't let go of the fact that the last visit was abandoned halfway. He didn't want to give up every country that could be friends.

Wang Liang said: "This time the king of Ceylon, Ariel Kunel, also learned to be smart. He learned to disguise, concealed his coveting of gold and silver treasures, pretended to be friendly, and invited Zheng He to his palace as a guest. Treat friends who came from afar from the Ming Dynasty well."

"As a matter of fact, the king's plan is to lure Zheng He into the palace, and then send heavy troops to besiege Zheng He's fleet. At that time, the leaderless fleet will definitely be broken easily."

But can Ariel Kunel's conspiracy succeed?

Zheng He arrived as promised and came to the palace.

King Ariel Kunel's army also began to attack Zheng He's fleet moored on the shore as planned.

It seems that everything is going according to Alejandro's wishes.

Wang Liang said with a smile: "You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

"After knowing that this king is not a good person, Zheng He has already made sufficient preparations. Zheng He selected two thousand capable soldiers to enter the palace with him. When the Ceylon army attacked the fleet, taking advantage of the emptiness of the palace guards, Two thousand elite soldiers entered the palace and captured the king and his family alive."

After the king was captured alive, the crisis was naturally resolved.

Later, Zheng He escorted Ariel Kunel back to the capital and handed it over to Emperor Yongle.

"Emperor Yong Le didn't kill Ariel Kunaier, but sent him back to China after some 'criticism and education'. But the king of Ceylon couldn't let him continue to be king, and Emperor Yong Le appointed a new king. "

Since then, the State of Ceylon has been respectful to China, and the two countries have maintained good relations since then.
The story of the Ming Dynasty is over, and the history of Ceylon is also over.

It's time to see how Comrade Daluan responded to the attacks at the Bandung Conference.

At the meeting on the second day when the Prime Minister of Ceylon uttered nonsense, everyone thought that he would continue to attack China, but they did not expect Kotlawala to change his tone yesterday, euphemistically saying that his speech yesterday did not intend to make the meeting leading to division.

Wang Liang asked proudly: "Why did Kotlawara undergo such a big change overnight? This confused many representatives of the participating countries at the time. Yesterday they were at war, but today they shook hands and made peace." ? This is too exaggerated."

Only Wang Liang knew that after the smoky meeting yesterday afternoon, Comrade Daluan and Kotlawala walked out of the meeting room side by side after a long time.

The two of them communicated all the time, communicated all the time.

During the communication process, Wang Liang was present.

Comrade Daluan and Kotlawara reached an understanding through conversations. Although Comrade Daluan did not agree with the explanation of Kotlawara's new colonialism, he appreciated Kotlawara's positive spirit.

In this way, Comrade Da Luan resolved Kotlawara's hostility towards China.

Wang Liang recalled: "Then neutral countries and pro-Western countries quarreled over the issue of neutrality and alliances. During this process, I remember that Comrade Daluan hardly said a word. He was observing and waiting for the best solution. The time has come."

When Nehru, the leader of a neutral country, was furious at being attacked by pro-Western countries, Comrade Daluan stood up without losing the opportunity, dexterously avoided arguments, and reiterated the dominant idea of ​​seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Comrade Daluan put forward his own proposal, which later became the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which won the unanimous approval of the participating countries.

"I remember, at the end of the speech, there was thunderous applause from the audience."

After the meeting, Comrade Da Luan seemed to have become a big star. Foreign dignitaries and journalists kept asking him for autographs as souvenirs. This is the pride of the Chinese people.

At that time, Wang Liang knew very well that the respect was not due to China's comprehensive national strength, but the admiration of all countries for Comrade Daluan's personal charm.

After a long time, Wang Liang said something like this: "At the founding ceremony, there were not enough planes. You said to fly twice, but now there is no need to fly twice, as much as you want. This prosperous age, as you wish, The mountains and rivers are still there, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe. The ten miles of Chang'an Street that I gave you back then is now ten miles prosperous."

Comment area.

"Hearing this suddenly brought tears to my eyes. This prosperous world is as you wish."

"Poke the tears, as you wish! The motherland is strong!"

"Tears were forced out... We are all fine, grandpa, you can rest assured."

"I hope the rising sun will always shine on my land, and I will never forget that the blood of the martyrs is all over the ground."

"I remember when I was reciting it in elementary school, I cried while reciting it. Since then, I have liked it more and more. It is my favorite."

"Don't forget the past, grasp the present, and guard the future!"

"China is getting stronger step by step, you have to keep watching!"

"I have no regrets in this life to enter Huaxia, and I wish to be a flower planter in the next life. I hope that I can see you as king in the world in my lifetime."

"Study for the rise of China! At this moment, you and I are full of excitement. China has risen and is marching towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Students, read for the prosperity of China! The people will win!"

The comments one after another made the memories flood into Wang Liang's mind quickly, and in an instant, Wang Liang burst into tears.

"42 years, 42 years."

"On that day 42 years ago, the sky was gray, cloudy and cold."

"The sidewalks on both sides of Chang'an Avenue were crowded with men, women and children."

"The road is so long and there are so many people, you can't see the end to the east and the end to the west."

"People are all wearing black veils on their arms, white flowers on their chests, and their eyes are looking at the direction where XX's hearse is coming."

"A silver-haired old woman leaned on a cane and leaned against a locust tree, waiting anxiously and patiently."

"A young couple, the husband is holding the little daughter, and the wife is leading the six or seven-year-old son. They squeezed off the sidewalk and leaned over to look around."

"A group of tear-stained students wearing red scarves, leaning on each other's shoulders, looking on tiptoes, watching..."

Night slowly began to fall.

After several leading cars passed by, XX's hearse slowly drove up.

Black and yellow banners are hung around the hearse, decorated with white flowers, solemn and solemn.

Everyone's mood is heavy, and their eyes follow the hearse.

It seems that someone is silently directing
(End of this chapter)

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