Veteran never die

Chapter 352 We are not living in a peaceful era, but in a peaceful country

Chapter 352 We are not living in a peaceful age, but in a peaceful country
0354 We are not living in a peaceful age, but in a peaceful country
"Soldiers should be bloody! We have too few films and news that promote bloody soldiers. If you look at how the United States advocates the bloody works of soldiers, you will know the gap between us. In fact, Chinese soldiers have faith and responsibility, and they are more powerful than any powerful country. There are many officers and soldiers with superb martial arts skills, and we must pay attention to building trust and prestige in the army, cheering up the soldiers, and raising a mighty and bright army that is loyal to the party and the people!"

"I used to be an amphibious scout, and in the tide of reform, I became an artilleryman. Fortunately, I can continue to guard the gate of the motherland. As a member of it, I am very proud."

There are also many weak girls who have never been familiar with the military camp. After seeing the disgraced and tortured scouts, they couldn't help but feel distressed: "Now is a peaceful age, so there is no need to train so hard, right? "

Wang Liang saw it, and couldn't help but said, "Can I do it without practicing?"

"Seven years ago, large-scale anti-government demonstrations broke out in Syria, and military conflicts broke out between government forces and opposition forces.

A large-scale civil war was triggered, and all forces in the world intervened in this civil war. Immediately afterwards, Syria fell into a continuous war that lasted for seven years. "

"Today's Syria is broken, and the people are displaced. Just a few days ago, the United States, Britain and France launched 110 missiles at Damascus, the capital of Syria."

Wang Liang said earnestly: "The ancient historical sites in this city have been turned into ruins, and the streets full of traffic have become riddled with holes and dilapidated. Thousands of Syrian refugees, the old and the young, embarked on the road of escape with uncertainties of life and death. "

"The child who tried to smuggle away to sleep forever by the sea, the sad father, the wall full of bullet holes, the terrified refugees"

"There is no so-called peaceful age, perhaps, war will come tomorrow."

Wang Liang just wants everyone to have a sense of crisis. War is not far away from us.

"The situation in today's Syria is exactly the same as that in China more than half a century ago. The country was disintegrated and the people were displaced under the control of the great powers."

"Look at the present, China is no longer what it used to be. No country in this world has the guts to launch a war of aggression against China."

"Now in China, when the naval escort fleet arrived in London, England, the British "Daily Mail" reported on the matter with a self-deprecating statement: "Fortunately, the purpose of their visit to our capital is a peaceful trip." Recalling a hundred years ago, the Eight Nations Allied Forces."

"We don't live in a peaceful age, we just live in a peaceful country."

Wang Liang finished speaking in one breath, this is reality, and it is also what he has been pressing in his heart.

Comment area.

"You're right. We don't live in a peaceful age, we just live in a peaceful country. There are still wars and conflicts in many places in the world. Thank you to the country and the army!"

"We are lucky, thanks to the motherland and the Chinese People's Liberation Army."

"Yes, this is not a peaceful era. We can see it when we look at Syria. We are very grateful for my country's strong government and strong people's army. It is because of these that our years can be peaceful. We May the country's army grow stronger and stronger."

"If you are called, you will be able to fight, and you will win the battle. I am a soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. I swear: obey the leadership of the Communist Party of China, serve the people wholeheartedly, obey orders, obey commands, and practice hard to kill the enemy. , always ready to fight, never betray the army, and defend the motherland to the death!"

"Behind this peace is guarded by tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers, salute! The dedication and sacrifice of Chinese soldiers."

"Thousands of years of history tell us that there is no peace in the world, but we live in a peaceful country. The cultural collision between the East and the West has never stopped, and the most intense collision is war! China has stood on the side of the world for thousands of years. However, they hesitated in modern times, allowing barbaric countries in Europe and the United States to ravage the world at the beginning of industrialization. Fortunately, countries under the leadership of the Communist Party of China have stood up! They have become stronger! It is not like you bully the weak without diplomacy anymore country."

Wang Liang is very pleased to see that netizens can have this kind of understanding.

Only those who have experienced the hardships of war like Wang Liang understand the importance and preciousness of peace best.

Nations that have been bullied and invaded for a long time yearn for peace the most, and peace is hard-won, so they must defend it to the death.

Not long ago, a photo deeply stimulated Wang Liang.

The person in the picture sits there quietly, silent but can make people feel helpless. He is Jafari, a Syrian diplomat to the United Nations.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on the issue of Syria's chemical weapons. At the meeting, Jaafari angrily accused the United States of launching a war of aggression with shameful lies.

While Jafari was speaking, the representatives of the United States and Britain chose to leave the meeting.

The reason why Wang Liang was stimulated was because Jafari reminded Wang Liang of China back then.

Wang Liang said: "In 1919, China's diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference failed, and Lu Zhengxiang, the head of foreign affairs of the Beiyang Government, refused to sign the peace treaty."

Wang Liang remembered that before the new China, he was brought to the negotiating table countless times to sign.

Wang Liang will never forget that past event: "On the night of September 1931, 9, the Japanese side suddenly announced that the tracks of the Liutiaohu section of the South Manchurian Railway were blown up by provocative Chinese troops, and the Chinese troops also launched an attack on the Japanese railway garrison. attacked."

The Japanese side claimed that they found the bodies of three Northeast Army soldiers who were killed at the "provocative site" of the Chinese army.Using this as an excuse, the Japanese Kwantung Army launched the "September [-]th Incident" and engulfed the entire northeast of China.

On January 1932, 1, the assistant military attache of the Japanese Legation in Shanghai instigated Japanese monk Keisho Amazaki and other five people to throw stones at the worker volunteers at the General Factory of China Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. on Ma Yushan Road to provoke.

During the chaos, two Japanese monks were beaten and seriously injured.

The Japanese army immediately used this as an excuse to create troubles and made unreasonable demands to the mayor of Shanghai for an apology, punishment, compensation, and disbandment of anti-Japanese groups.

(End of this chapter)

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