Chapter 346

0348 In that war, the chief lost two sons
Later, the case was heard publicly, and the case aroused great concern from the society!
Of course, these are all for later.

Talk about what's going on right now.

After telling the story of Master Zhang Zhixin and Martyr Zhang Li, Wang Liang did not stop.

Because a dusty memory was opened, countless people always appeared in front of his eyes.

There are too many high-ranking officials who died on the front line of the self-defense counterattack. There must be dozens of people who Wang Liang knew.

Then, Wang Liang continued flipping through the photo album and found a family photo.

The black and white tone is enough to show the time it was taken, it has been a long time.

There are a total of eight people in this photo, seven adults and a little girl aged three or four.

Anyone who observes the photo carefully will know that this is not a family portrait of Wang Liang's family.

The camera was on that photo, and the netizens could see it clearly.

Just when netizens were about to ask, Wang Liang said: "This photo is a family portrait of the family of Liu Bin, the former head of the Baoshan Military Division."

Then, Wang Liang introduced everyone in the photo to the netizens.

"Front row: Chief Liu Bin is seated with glasses on the right side, his second son Liu Ming is the second from the right, and Chief Liu Bin's wife Wang Changqun is the third from the right."

"Second row: the first from the right is the chief's daughter Liu Feng, the second from the right is the elder son Liu Guang, the third from the right is the son-in-law Zhang Jigong, the fourth from the right is the daughter Liu Qin and the granddaughter."

In the photo, except for General Liu Bin who was wearing military uniform, the other three men in the family were also wearing Sixty-Five-style military uniforms.

It can be seen that this big family has a close relationship with the army.

Wang Liang introduced: "Chief Liu Bin was born in Yangcheng County, Jin Province in 1924. In 1943, at the age of 19, he joined the Eighth Route Army, became a soldier, and participated in the battle against Japanese pirates."

"During the War of Liberation, Liu Bin was promoted to company commander because of his outstanding commanding ability. Later, in the famous Jinzhong Battle and Taiyuan Battle, he led the entire company to fight bloody battles and marched forward bravely, winning the title of "Attack like a tiger, defend like a mountain" ' and 'Insert with a sharp knife, the first result' are two pennants. Make military exploits."

"That is, in those few battles, Chief Liu Bin was wounded and shot in the head, and the shrapnel has not been able to be removed."

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Bin transferred to Yunnan border defense operations.

He successively worked in Menglian, Menghai, Wenshan and other places on the front line of China-Myanmar, China-Laos, and China-Vietnam borders.

"When the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam started in 1979, Chief Liu Bin served as the chief of staff in the Wenshan District of Yunnan Province and was responsible for commanding the front line. His wife Wang Changqun joined the front service team, and the eldest son Liu Bin was already the deputy company commander in the army. Guang also participated in the battle with the army and went to the front line. The second daughter Liu Feng, who just graduated from the military medical university, also joined the fire rescue team."

"In the subsequent ten-year round of battles, Chief Liu Bin's second son, Liu Ming, also joined the battle, and then his second son-in-law, Chen Jiayong, also went to the front line."

"It can be said that during the war, the six members of Chief Liu's family were on the front line." Wang Liang said.

Didn't you say that during the self-defense counterattack, the senior cadres' children were transferred in advance?

Didn't you say they are greedy for life and afraid of death?
Now let me show you what they were doing during the war!
Let me talk about Liu Guang, the eldest son of Chief Liu Bin.

In 1978, Liu Guang joined the army and became a scout.

Then he was sent to the People's Liberation Army Nanshi Foreign Language Institute for further study.

A year later, the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam started.

Liu Guang resolutely gave up the opportunity to stay in school, and also refused to stay as a staff officer in the military region of Yun Province, insisting on returning to the old frontline army where he had served.

That also means that he will go to the battlefield, and his life will be in danger at all times.

This is the choice of this high-ranking son.

On December 1981, 12, Liu Guang, who was the deputy company commander at the time, gave up the opportunity to take a rotation break and led the reconnaissance unit to go out to perform patrol tasks.

Then, during the patrol process, the reconnaissance team discovered the landmines planted by the enemy on the main patrol route.

Immediately Liu Guang ordered the soldiers to lie down and hide.

"I have learned how to clear mines, I will do it!"

Relying on the demining knowledge he learned in the military academy, Liu Guang quickly cleared two landmines.

The engineer squad leader of the same team felt a little sorry when he saw the deputy company commander clearing the mines himself, so he wanted to step forward to help.

"Deputy company commander, let me help you."

The engineering squad leader had just walked a few steps forward when he finished speaking, but unfortunately ran into a landmine.

The exploding landmine directly blew the engineering squad leader away, and Liu Guang, who was only four or five meters away from the landmine, was not spared either.

Liu Guang was overturned by the huge air wave generated by the explosion, was thrown on another landmine, and died a heroic death.

"Speaking of it now, many people may find it ridiculous, or even absurd. But this is war. On the battlefield, anything can happen. The engineer squad leader also paid the price with his life because of his carelessness." Wang Liang said.

But no matter how they died, it is undeniable that they are martyrs and heroes.

Their blood dyed the five-star red flag and the land of the motherland red.

Not long after the chief's eldest son left, the second son also died on the battlefield.

On July 1984, 7, the Vietnamese army concentrated artillery fire on various positions of our army.

Liu Ming, who was the acting platoon leader at the time, let his comrades into the depths of the tunnel to avoid the artillery, and insisted on guarding the entrance of the tunnel to observe the enemy's situation.

A shell just landed at the mouth of the tunnel and exploded, and Liu Ming died a heroic death on the spot.

Liu Ming was under 22 years old when he died.

Wang Liang: "Chief Liu Bin's family has three family mottos. First, you are not allowed to be with other children who are less important than your parents, higher officials, food and clothing; second, do the housework you can do by yourself, and you are not allowed to call the guards; third, you are not allowed to Domineering, you must know how to respect others. It is because of this family training that he has cultivated two good sons and good soldiers."

Wang Liang missed Liu Guang's memorial service, but Wang Liang went to Liu Ming's memorial service.

Wang Liang remembered that Liu Bin, an old revolutionary who had experienced countless wars and storms, was knocked down.

He lay on the bed for three days. His wife, Wang Changqun, cried so hard that he even bit the back of his hand until it was black and blue in order to suppress his grief. The whole family hugged and cried together.

Even after losing his two sons, Chief Liu Bin later sent his second son-in-law to the battlefield.

"No one knows about these things. Who would know about this chief who lost two sons? It's been so long, who will remember?"

Wang Liang murmured: "Their family is not bad. These two children should have a great future. If they hadn't died in that war, they would have a very good future."

(End of this chapter)

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