Veteran never die

Chapter 345 There is no promising nation in this world who makes fun of their ancestors

Chapter 345 There is no promising nation in this world who makes fun of their ancestors

0347 There is no promising nation in this world who laughs at their ancestors

The story of Mr. Zhang Zhixin and his son undoubtedly ignited the tears of netizens.

Especially when Wang Liang talked about the day when the 160th division returned triumphantly, he described some actions of the mother.

Washing rice, killing chickens, washing vegetables, preparing wine.
Thinking about it, at the end, no one was in the mood to move chopsticks for that delicious meal.

And when Mr. Zhang Zhixin, who was bedridden, expressed his intention to return the watch to his son in person, many netizens shed tears.

Who can understand the pain of an old father who is over [-] years old when he loses his son.

Comment area.

"I grew up in the 160th Normal University, and now I miss those years that have passed. Until now, I still vaguely remember the young and handsome appearance of Zhang Li's brother. Zhang Zhang's mother is the dean of our kindergarten. Going to the front line, we children are still beating gongs and drums at the gate to see us off. We are all so happy that there is going to be a war, and we all hope that our father will be a hero. People have lost contact like a kite with a broken string, but the events of those years, the son of the former 160 division staff officer and the retired deputy commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, appear in my mind from time to time."

"All Chinese people salute the old heroes and martyrs who died!!!"

"Salute to the heroic teacher, the loyal and brave martyr Zhang Li! You are the backbone of the nation."

"Troll, I just want to ask what else do you want to say now?"

"Salute to the seniors, miss the army compound, miss the army auditorium, miss the cement tanks, miss the barracks, miss the army training ground, miss my chief, my comrades-in-arms, and my brothers."

"The people's heroes are immortal, and we pay tribute to the soldiers of the father and son. Your achievements will not be destroyed by one or two people with ulterior motives!"

"Salute to the veterans, the old revolutionaries. The loveliest people in China, with you, how can the Chinese army not be strong."

The majority of netizens don't know how to express their respect to these two heroic father and son who have never heard of their names, only the most sincere tears.

Troll had already scrambled and fled in embarrassment.
But will they be able to escape justice?
Two days later, the Beijing police inter-provincially arrested the two trolls.

Coincidentally, both of them are in Montgomery, and one of them is still a public official.

Both of them are people with legitimate jobs, the deputy general manager of the Red Hair Demon Winery and the staff of a certain institution in Liang County.

The two were very surprised by the public security officers who suddenly appeared in front of them.

When the police produced the arrest warrant and handcuffed them, the two once powerful trolls on the Internet suddenly went limp.

"I just said a few words on the Internet, so it wouldn't be illegal, right?" The troll didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter.

The police officer said: "If you occupy, destroy, or deface the memorial facilities, insult or slander the heroes, and constitute violations of public security management, the public security organs will give public security management penalties in accordance with the law. If it constitutes a crime, you will be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. Your insult and slander of heroes and heroes The bad influence has constituted a crime and will be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. Take it away!"

"Criminal responsibility?" When he heard that he was going to be held criminally responsible, the troll couldn't help crying.

Criminal responsibility refers to the legal responsibility that should be borne by a criminal act. The two criminal responsibilities of the main penalty and the additional penalty include investigating its legal responsibility according to the provisions of the criminal law.

It would be better if it was an additional penalty with only a fine.

If it is the main punishment divided into control, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment and death penalty, then you will go to jail!
In fact, the police officer did not scare the two trolls at all.

The key point is that the negative impact of what the two of them committed was too great. Millions of netizens were witnesses, and tens of thousands of people reported it.
In addition, Wang Liang also called the police
In Wang Liang's words, labor and capital will never make life easier for this kind of goods.

On the phone, Wang Liang said: "Treasure the living environment of Guotai Minan, and don't require every member of society to go to the army to guard the border and stand guard."

"For most people, a little more respect for the soldiers is to inject more positive energy into the national sense of security. Only when you respect the soldiers in your heart can you fall into specific behaviors."

"The country has strict legal guarantees for the political and social status of soldiers, and has also clarified the treatment enjoyed by soldiers in the form of regulations. The key is to implement them to the letter and avoid idling."

"On the one hand, we should effectively create a cultural atmosphere that respects soldiers, so that military achievements and military honors can provide the people with timeless spiritual motivation."

"On the other hand, we should take seriously the words and deeds of insulting soldiers, especially smearing heroes and smearing the army, and make the offenders pay the price. Only in this way can we lead the whole society to form a good atmosphere of patriotism and support for the army."

In addition, Wang Liang also specially wrote a long article.

[Soldiers are also human beings, with blood, flesh, feelings, and self-esteem.The higher the social recognition of soldiers, the more attractive the military profession will be, and the more it will inspire the soldiers' sense of honor. 】

[Napoleon once said when he was traveling across the European continent, "As long as I have enough medals, I can conquer the world."For soldiers, the most important medal is the respect of the people. 】

[From this point of view, respecting soldiers is not just respecting individual soldiers, but respecting the concept of national peace and security.If soldiers who serve the country are not universally respected and lack professional dignity, a country will inevitably have shortcomings in terms of security and environment. 】

[In fact, our army is the army of the people, and there is a natural bond of flesh and blood between soldiers and ordinary people, so we should do better in this regard. 】

[As living conditions get better and the living environment becomes more and more peaceful, many people live a life full of material things, but this does not mean that they can put their swords and guns in the warehouse and let their horses go to Nanshan. 】

[Warrior will die, forget the war and you will be in danger. A safe environment is not a gift from God.Realizing the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way depends even more on the tens of thousands of soldiers waiting for the battle. "The army wins the battle, and the people are the backer." This "backer" is not only reflected in the support of human and material resources, but also in the understanding and respect on the spiritual level]

[There is no promising nation in this world who ridicules their ancestors. 】

As soon as this article was published on the Internet, it was forwarded and supported by many big Vs.

Even those superstars with tens of millions of fan traffic also reposted comments to express their support for the soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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