Veteran never die

Chapter 293 Feelings

Chapter 293 Feelings
0295 Feelings
This society is full of people of all kinds. Many of them have served in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and are veterans.

After taking off their military uniforms, they lived a low-key life.

Although there are all kinds of unsatisfactory life, they will never forget that good time, which is an experience they are proud of all their lives.

In the eyes of outsiders, that experience was worthless.

Someone said: "Emotions can't be eaten, and retiring from the army means unemployment. Instead of messing around in the army and making yourself out of touch with the times, it's better to get in touch with the society while you are young."

Neither humble nor overbearing, neither contend nor grab.

You've never been a soldier, and you'll never understand.

"In 1978, the veterans of the Science and Industry Committee greeted their comrades and saluted!"

"A veteran in 1985, he lived in the barracks for more than ten years without complaint or regret, and dedicated his youth and blood to the motherland."

"The retired veterans of the 54th base of the former Second Artillery Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the military has no regrets, and the military soul is eternal!"

"I enlisted in the army in 1969. I served in the army for seven years. Life at that time was hard. I still kept the 65-style military uniform from that year, and I often took it out to look at it. I remember that the food standard was 62 cents per person per day. The officers and soldiers are the same, no different from brothers. Our slogan is "First, don't be afraid of hardship, second, don't be afraid of death, dare to destroy all invading enemies." Now I am [-] and have retired from the government. I miss the part of the barracks very much. Life, no regrets in this life, and more in the next life! Comrades! Be proud and proud of the active and retired soldiers! I will always remember those glorious years."

"I served in the army from [-] to [-], a total of five years. I have never regretted being a soldier. In [-], I was transferred to the First Division of the Guangdong Frontier Defense to participate in the war against Vietnam. During the war I used my actual actions to prove my absolute loyalty to the party and the country. Now I recall those war scenes vividly. I wish the active servicemen and veterans good health, good health and happiness in their families! The motherland is getting stronger and stronger !!! If there is still war, I will call back!"

"In the army, it doesn't matter whether you are a construction unit, a production unit, or a construction unit. Any line of work is required for work. As long as you have been a soldier, it is an honor in your life. Soldiers from [-] passed by, salute to all veterans!"

"We have been in Xisha, in Haidao, in Lingdingyang, in Shantou, in Shanwei, in Dangantou, in Nan'ao Island, Shangchuan Island and Xiachuan Island. We drank the South China Sea and traveled all over the tides of the South China Sea. We spent seven years as soldiers in the South China Sea. *His relatives roll their names, ten thousand hectares of waves protect the sea, and they are loyal to the motherland wholeheartedly. How can you forget the bravery in your life when you are old?"

"I am a veteran of Unit 8341. I miss the old army and comrades very much. I am proud of having defended the Party Central Committee and the Communist Party. I wish our motherland prosperity and prosperity, and wish the old comrades good health and all the best."

"I have been in the army for seven years, and I have no regrets in my life. I learned to endure hardships and learn to be a man in the university of the army. Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, first think of me as a soldier. I don’t want to embarrass the soldiers. I am a qualified citizen. I will win glory for the former military flag and badge in this life. lifetime."

"My son has been in the army for eight years. After retiring from the army, he learned to do business and lost [-] yuan. Now he is learning cooking. I sigh. It is worthless to go to the local government for eight years. I asked him if he regrets being a soldier. He said no. How to behave, failure is temporary, never give up."

"I am a soldier in the era of ***. When *** died with us, I wore white flowers and black gauze. This is my capital."

In the comment area, veterans of different eras are speaking.

Some of them have served in the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, 8341, the Second Artillery, and the South China Sea. They have experienced battles and endured loneliness.

But none of them said: "I regretted my military life in those years. I regretted being a soldier because it brought me nothing. After retiring, I still have nothing."

Served in the military, no one said that.

They have no regrets in their military careers. This is the veteran of the Republic, the unknown veteran.

This is a huge group, more than 4000 million veterans.

If a war breaks out, if the motherland needs it, it can be quickly assembled and organized into a huge armed force to destroy all invading enemies.

Extreme courses such as mire fighting, diving in dirty ponds, 400-meter obstacles, 10-kilometer armed cross-country, and 30-kilometer rapid march are still being staged here, and young soldiers are burning their youth.

It's not yet out of the first month, and it's freezing cold, but they are sweating profusely.

Wang Liang looked at all this with relief. This time, the Armed Police Special Police Academy was not in vain, and Wang Liang felt that he was much younger.

Seeing these young soldiers, whoever they are, will feel extraordinarily comfortable.

Rejecting Zeng Shanlin's request to stay for dinner, Wang Liang and Sun Weimin got into the car and left the college's special warfare base.

Perhaps this is the last time in Wang Liang's life to come here, but it is destined to be a good memory.

Wang Liang influenced these young soldiers, and the young soldiers also let Wang Liang regain the feeling of youth.

As the car drove away from the camp of the special warfare base, Sun Weimin asked for instructions, "Grandpa, take you home?"

"No, go to National Defense University." Wang Liang said.

"Okay." Sun Weimin knew without thinking that grandpa was going to see his precious grandson Wang Shuo.

With the full support of his grandfather Wang Liang, Wang Weimin has agreed to let Wang Shuo become an athlete.

Wang Shuo is also very competitive. He was recruited into the army by the Bayi team before, and he also put on a military uniform and became a soldier.

During the Chinese New Year this year, I went home to have a reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve, and returned to the team to participate in training camps on the first day of junior high school, preparing for the upcoming Men’s Volleyball Super League.

As a rookie, the coach has no plans to let Wang Shuo start. When the time is right, he can play to find out how he feels and experience it.

Even being selected as a substitute, Wang Shuo's enthusiasm has not diminished at all, and he is still training in full swing, even more active than the starting players.

Because of his love, and because his grandfather and uncles often told him about the weight of the military uniform and the military badge, since he put it on, he had to work hard.

"This kid, I don't know that he called me, it made me miss him a lot." Wang Liang complained.

Even Wang Yuan, who was going to carry out the escort mission, called every other week to report, Wang Shuo, this kid, has not moved for almost two weeks, can Wang Liang not complain?

"Haha, Grandpa, Xiao Shuo must be too focused on training, that's fine. When you were young, you went to the grassroots troops to inspect, didn't you often forget to call home? You can achieve great things by focusing on young people." .” Sun Weimin boiled a bowl of chicken soup and served it.

"Only you can say it." Wang Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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