Veteran never die

Chapter 292 1 Facing the military uniform, with a military spirit for life!

Chapter 292 Once in military uniform, he has a military spirit for life!

0294 Once in military uniform, there is a military spirit for life!

Wang Liang said: "The female military doctor sees the soldiers and prescribes medicine. The soldiers are full of gratitude and scramble to open the canned food for the female military doctor that they are reluctant to eat on weekdays."

Fights happen from time to time, and shells fall on the positions from time to time.

This is the case with female military doctors, risking their lives and shuttling between positions.

There was such a couplet circulating on the battlefield back then, the sound of gunfire and cannons, the sound of battle singing, and the sound of male soldiers and female soldiers, all the soldiers are cute.

Field hospitals are very special, where wounded soldiers return to the battlefield after a short recuperation, and give their lives to the motherland and the people again.

As the only female surgeon on the front line, she encouraged the wounded like a sister.

Before the recovered soldier left, he assured the female military doctor: "Sister, just watch, I will definitely look good when I go up!"

The comment area exploded again, and this place has already become a gathering place for veterans.

Wang Liang repeatedly mentioned the self-defense counterattack that was gradually forgotten by people, which excited many veterans who had participated in the counterattack.

Youth is gone, youth is forever.

The veterans echoed, speaking their hearts without reservation.

"I am also a veteran. I participated in the Tangshan Earthquake rescue operation and was injured. At that time, I also met a female military doctor like the one described by the old chief. She treated the wounded like relatives. I will never forget it. The People's Liberation Army [-] Hospital, because it’s been a long time, I only remember the number of the unit. It was a good time, treating people with sincerity, without any selfish distractions, and the feelings between comrades in arms are pure and sincere. It’s like a family, warm .”

"My highest respect to the veterans who participated in the self-defense counterattack!"

"I am a veteran in 1984. Whenever I read these stories, I can't help crying. Whenever I think of these comrades-in-arms, I can't let go of them for a long time. I never regret dedicating my best youth to the motherland. If the motherland needs me I will also carry a gun to defend the country. I believe that comrades who have served in the army like me will have this idea. Youth is gone, youth is forever! Loyal to the motherland and the people!"

"Defend the family and defend the country without fear of death, and live an ordinary life without complaint! If the country needs it in the next life, shed blood on the battlefield! Salute to the sons and daughters of the Chinese who fought back in Vietnam! Salute to the youthful years gone! Resolutely fight against all provocative enemies, veterans of the Vietnam War pass by."

"Speaking of it is full of tears, and I am also one of the survivors from the Vietnam War! We don't ask for anything in return from the society. We just hope that everyone can remember that there was such a group of people who gave their all for this country's nation!"

"They are the cutest people in that era! When I was still in junior high school, the recording of the report of the frontline heroes of Laoshan was played in the school. We were full of tears and our blood was boiling. I can't wait to go to the front line immediately. Thank you for giving me youth The idol of the years! Although the years have passed, the heroes are still there!"

"Compared to these veterans, those stars are nothing. These talents are the backbone of China, and they deserve our respect. Salute to the veterans, stand at attention... salute!"

"I am full of longing for that period of blood and fire. Youth is gone, youth is old, and they are still the most amiable and lovely people. The motherland should not be forgotten, and the people should not forget!"

"In 1982, I was also on the front line of Laoshan, squatting with cat ears pierced for several months, and rotten crotch and feet were common things. Many people may find it unbelievable to say it now, but it is the truth. Thanks to the people back then Those doctors and nurses, they are all soldiers, my comrades-in-arms, my brothers and sisters. Because of them, even if they die on the front line, they will have no regrets."

"Looking at it, I cried. They are the cutest people. They stood firm without complaint or regret. At that time, I was still in school. I only heard that the cat's ear piercing was unbearable, and the mosquito bite was severe. I salute you. There are the most beautiful female military doctors, you dedicated your youth to the country, I wish you happiness and peace. The motherland will never forget you!"

Youth is gone, youth is forever.

First class soldier Zhang Yue, young special forces members, perhaps they have not yet experienced the baptism of war, but at this moment, their thoughts have been sublimated.

Through Wang Liang's narration, they should be able to see the glorious image of the senior soldiers in the war years.

Selfless and fearless.

Then, Wang Liang expressed the aspirations of all the veterans: "We will always stand here, as long as the motherland needs us, we can stand in front of the motherland and the people at any time! Youth is easy to grow old, and the soul of the army is always there!"

Comment area.

"I joined the army in 1969. I used to belong to the 46th Division of the 138th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. I participated in Zhenbao Island's self-defense counterattack and self-defense counterattack rounds. The ten heroes of Zhenbao Island's counterattack, Martyr Yu Qingyang, are my comrades in arms."

"Enlisted in the army in 1993, the 138th division chemical defense company, and reported to the old chief. As long as the motherland needs it, give an order and move forward bravely."

"Reported by the squad leader of the Seventh Company Cooking Squad of the 47st Regiment of the 141st Division of the 421th Group Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's former Lanzhou Military Region!"

"The 16th Regiment of the 46th Division of the former 138th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army! Joined the army in 1979! Beat the monkeys and saluted the motherland and the people. If the motherland needs it, I am willing to give my life for the second time."

"I joined the army in 1966. I have been a soldier for seven full years. I was a soldier in the Communist era. It is an honor to stand guard for the defense of the motherland. It was an unforgettable time. Once in military uniform, I have the spirit of the army for life !"

"I have nothing, but I have a military discharge certificate. She can prove that I was young and I was a soldier! I have no regrets, nor can I be proud. The soul of the military camp is always lingering in my heart. May more than 7000 million comrades in arms be happy, Peace and happiness."

"I have been in the army for five years, and I have never regretted it. I still remember it vividly when I think about it now. I wish the brothers in active service and veterans good health, family happiness and all the best!"

"I gave up my assigned job and joined the army in response to the country's call in the early 80s. I started my military career for eight years. The soldiers in that era were the real conscripts. The monthly allowance was RMB 14 and the living expenses were [-] RMB. , The eight-year service fee is less than [-] yuan. After taking off the uniform and returning to my hometown, I really have nothing. I am not rich until now, but I have experienced the tempering of the melting pot of the army, and I have a righteous, Kind, strong and optimistic, I am full of patriotism. Eight years of military career is the most precious wealth in my life. A good job, but it is a special wealth that cannot be measured by money. When I am old and unable to walk, those eight years are still my capital of pride. I have no regrets in this life! Salute!"

(End of this chapter)

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